How speed-focused marketing strategies can disrupt the integrity of the feminine
In the social media day and age that glorifies rapid hyper-speed business growth and overnight results, it’s easy to feel left behind as a sensitive, feminine being.
Everywhere you look around on social media, you may see people achieving praise-worthy results at a faster, more aggressive pace than you. Common headlines you may see on social media include those like:
“How I quantum-leaped from 0 to $$k months”
“Sky-rocket your success NOW”
“When you do this, you will get x FAST” etc.
While it can be inspiring and activating to see neck-breaking testimonies like these, it can also be overwhelming, and even disheartening, if you are putting effort in your business yet are not seeing similar results at a rate as fast as them.
You may think to yourself that, perhaps it’s because you don’t have “the hidden secrets/ the missing strategy” or because you don’t try hard enough. Or you may be made to believe yourself that perhaps you are just not in “the right energy.”
But what you also have to know is that most marketing copies are designed to make you feel that way (i.e. further behind)– so that they hook your attention and make you swipe your credit card as fast as possible. In other words, a lot of marketing tactics work through glorification of rapid-speed, frenetic speed which induces a state of “lack” (aka fomo) in buyers.
While these attention-grabbing, provocative titles and headlines can trigger people to buy fast, what I’ve learned is that for women who are sensitive, emotionally-attuned, and heart-centered, purchasing something out of fomo will not feel right. Using marketing strategies that overpromote speed and quick-results may not feel right either. A part of you may feel clenched up, restrained, and on edge during the process.
This is because when the speed of getting/achieving something is overemphasized in our marketing, it is easy to override the natural essence of our soul to come through our art/our creations. In other words, enticing people to our product through rapid speed, can distort a woman’s organic way of attraction that is rooted in authenticity, naturalness, and gentleness.
I’ve been taught + been led to use such “speed-chasing” marketing strategies in the past myself. And what I’ve learned is that despite the initial allure that these strategies have, they can have undesired repercussions, not only in our businesses, but also in the integrity of our souls.
Setting unrealistic expectations
One of the biggest lessons that I’ve learned as an entrepreneur is that it is important for our products to be as good, if not even better than what the marketing claims to be.
However, with fear-inducing, fomo-arousing marketing strategies that glorify speedy results, it’s easy to mislead customers by overpromising and underdelivering. With traditional marketing strategies that promote speed, we are taught to emphasize so much on making the wrapper look good that we lose sight of what’s inside the wrapper– i.e. giving maximum attention toward marketing while giving little attention toward the product fulfillment in the backend of our businesses.
At the same time, overhyping “rapid-speed results” within our marketing can also set unrealistic expectations within our customers. And thus, although these marketing strategies may drive up sales in the short term, it may not translate to long relationships between the clients and customers.
For this reason, as feminine beings, you may find yourself feeling salesly, icky, and slimy when you are told to market using pushy, clickbaity strategies that highlight “rapid growth”. This is because to the feminine heart, we desire marketing to not just be a means for converting people, but also to be a clear, vivid reflection of your work that is in integrity to you and your process. This is especially important as our hearts desire not just to get quick monetary results but also to be deeply valued and cherished for our work.
Image-based rather than wisdom-based marketing
A similar phenomenon that occurs when we use marketing strategies that overemphasize on getting rapid-results is that people may buy from you for the wrong reasons.
As an example, when you use “speed-chasing” marketing strategies, you may find yourself attracting people who only desire to get results fast but not really put effort into it. You may also find yourself attracting people who just want the results you have (such as, the image you put out on social media, how fast you achieved your results) but don’t actually understand and value the unique approach of your work.
This is different from wisdom-based marketing where clients come to you because they actually have experienced your expertise (i.e. your wisdom) through your content itself.
Because for the latter, people understand and value your unique wisdom and approach, because they have tasted your wisdom through your free content. Thus buyers make more informed decision rather than just blindly purchasing from someone just because they use big persuasion tactics. I find that such clients who resonate through your wisdom-based content are also more likely to be a right fit to you and are more likely to get better results as well.
Diluting your voice
With marketing strategies that solely emphasize/promise speed and results, it’s also easy to begin sounding like every other marketer who is in your niche. This is because such strategies are so taught and employed everywhere because they work (at least initially). However, because of their overuse, they also easily lose their effectiveness.
For example, in the business coaching realm, you may find every other coach telling you that your business will blow up using their method. But really what makes one special? What makes one method’s sing to our heart over others? It becomes harder to cut through the noise to land in the hearts of our ideal customer when we are speaking in ways similar to everyone else.
Distorting your natural gift
When the emphasis is on getting outcome+speedy results fast, it’s also easy to force yourself to speak in ways that would “sell out the fastest” and thereby, distort the actual service/value that our hearts actually desire to provide.
This was something I experienced early on in my coaching career when a business coach told me to overemphasize on the highest outcome that my audience desires: which for my niche of entrepreneurs would look like making more money.
However, because I was too focused on how I can bring about this outcome, I began sounding like a traditional business coach which is not who I am at all! When the truth is, I support entrepreneurs to thrive in their business through following their joyful creative hearts letting that come through in business. In essence, overemphasizing on outcomes in marketing made me distort my gift in ways I thought people want, rather than what is most impactful and meaningful for my clients.
Lack of patience
We think in similar ways to how we market. As a feminine entrepreneur, this means when we are using forceful marketing strategies that overpromote hyper-speed returns/outcomes, we also feed into the narrative that speed is the most important thing over substance. This can look like being impatient in our lives, chasing for immediate gratification within our business, and essentially only seeking short-term results over sustainable long-term visions.
As a woman, this pattern of striving within our businesses works antithesis to our true nature– that moves cyclically and rather gradually. This is important because what our hearts/souls actually yearn for us is not just the achievement of making things happen fast, but rather to do things right in a way that feels right. And we can’t do it when we are trying to chase speed, promote speed, just so we can keep up with everyone else.
All of this is not to say that all outcomes are to be avoided within our marketing/ within how we operate our lives, but rather the obsessive emphasis on them which is discordant to our true soul nature nature. Because unlike the hyper-speed results that are chased by our minds (which is found in social media+ common marketing strategies), the true essence of our feminine souls is slow and sensual. And we can only relish the sweetness of the fruit of our souls, in our business+lives, when we learn to embrace and own this gradual, organic ripening process.
As feminine beings in business, this looks like creating content/art in our most organic, substance-infused ways and letting it attract the right people without the impatient jolts and disturbance that we think we need to do to get what we want. With this being said, I end this post with a visualization of our feminine nature:
Our souls, just like the great lakes and oceans, may seem like slowness and stillness on the surface, yet underneath lies the abyssal wonders of life full of beauty, mystery, and enchantment.