How to receive soul deep love as a sensitive, high-achieving woman
Love is a part of who you are, my dear.
Just like light that makes the sun and water that makes the ocean, love is an inseparable part of who you are.
Yet, as a society, we’ve been brainwashed to believe that love is somewhere “far away”…
From Hollywood movies to social media, we’ve been led to believe that love can only come when you meet “the one” or get married.
When the truth is, love is always available, abundant, and accessible to you. You can never run out of love nor can be separate from love. You are unconditionally loved and are eternally loved.
Now before you think, “well I don’t need to hear these feel-good words; just tell me how to find my soulmate,” I want to gently suggest that this intense search for “the one” may actually be blocking you from finding true love, my dear.
And I don’t just mean love from a partner, but love from life itself (call it God/Universe).
And you’ll know if that is true if this resonates:
You’ve put a lot of work into healing or improving yourself, but feel like you’re never quite “fixed” enough
You’ve been trying to manifest a soul-deep relationship yet, the positive affirmations and beliefs about love don’t last
You’ve searched for love advice and strategies all across the internet, consulted psychics, and invested in coaching programs, yet love still feels out of reach
You have manifested relationships, but they turn out to be flings, holiday romance, or on-and-offs. What you really want is lasting, peaceful, life-long love.
You are actually getting tired of worrying, striving, and overthinking to find love because you know that there’s more to life and what you came here to experience…
If so, know that you actually don’t have to carry so much of this burden, my dear…
There is a way of life where you can receive love with no effort nor doubt from your part. There is a way of life where you feel loved, intimately and permanently as you are.
Which as a consequence, naturally leads to changes in your external conditions like calling in a divine union marriage and such.
And from having lived this experience myself– from feeling unwanted and “dumped” in my relationships to now experiencing love in every direction of my life (i.e. marriage, friends, and beyond), I thought I would share here with you how.
Release the striver
When it comes to love, it’s common for many high-achieving women to think that love has to be “earned” in order to receive it.
This looks like thinking that if you put in x amount of work (either toward your own healing or to do the work for others), then you should get the relationship you want in y time.
Or thinking that if you act like so and so and try to be “magnetic,” then you should manifest the commitment you desire.
Or thinking that if you just wait long enough, they will change and turn around.
But it is this transactional, this-equals-that type of mentality is what makes love harder than it should be, my dear.
Because when you’re living under a transactional approach to love, you’re living under the belief that you don’t deserve love without any “doing.”
Instead, you have to earn it, or fix it, or be the one who makes it happen. You’re living under the belief that the masculine is not capable of initiating or moving the needle.
And so, all that does is confirm the belief that you can’t receive love as you are now. Because there is so much you have to “earn” and “work for” which can almost seem impossible.
This looks like experiencing relationships where men are not taking responsibility to move the relationship further or are blaming you for what you did. It looks like attracting relationships where you have to be the figure-outer, the initiator, the problem-solver. Or even “begging” them to be with you.
And overtime this pattern only ends up exhausting you with the belief that “love is a struggle.”
When the truth is, this doesn’t have to be the case.
The only reason why love feels “hard” is because of the false belief that love cannot be there unless you “earn” it or “do” something about it.
Maybe you have had a childhood where love from your parents wasn't easily accessible, unless you please them, earn their love through achievements, or follow exactly what they wanted. Or maybe you got the belief from society that if you don’t try hard enough you would not receive what you want.
Yet, this only ends up creating the pattern of not being able to receive whole, perfect love.
And to release this false belief, it’s important to pull back the little “doer” who feels like she needs to do something in order to receive. Because this little “doer” cannot receive love as she is. She thinks she can only find love when she does enough…
And when you pull her back, you will see that under the need to “do” things are the unmet needs of your little girl wanting to be seen and loved. In fact, these unmet needs are what have been blocking you from readily accessing love.
And to do that, a question you can ask is: if you don’t “try” to find love, what shows up?
Perhaps you may experience fears about the future, like “what if I never find my person” or “what if I end up alone.”
Or maybe you experience feelings of shame like being “worthless” or “unvaluable” because you don’t have the #relationshipgoals that people post on social media.
Or maybe you feel anger or resentment toward men who couldn’t love you.
Yet, with whatever feelings that come up, it’s important to let them pass through you and your body, without judging them nor identifying them as “bad.”
Because the one who’s feeling triggered and hurt is the little girl when you were five, NOT the true You.
A personalized voice note sent to you on how your soul most wants to experience unconditional love, peace, and joy
In other words, these emotions are only “stories” that the little girl in you believed, but not the actual picture of life.
And it’s important to let these emotions be released so you can be free and therefore stop re-creating these old “stories” of you not receiving the love you want.
And when you let these trapped emotions be released, you will see how these “old stories” die right in your body.
Like when you say “I love you” to the little girl who didn’t believe she could have love or doubt that she could have love, these false stories naturally get released.
And on the other side of seeing and releasing these trapped emotions, you will feel clearer, more peaceful, and more free.
Which is how you lay the groundwork for receiving love through my next point which is:
Move from lack to complete
When you sit in more with simply receiving (instead of “doing” and striving for love), the other pattern you may notice is the feeling of internal deprivation that comes up.
This looks like a feeling of emptiness, like something is still “missing,” “lacking,” or “not enough” in your life.
And that until you call in the relationship or marriage you desire, you still can’t be happy or be at peace...
And many women try to run away from this void, thinking that people/ circumstances outside of you can fulfill that. And ironically, it only ends up creating more of this “void”…
In fact, this is what a lot of manifestation teachings out there do not talk about, which is that if you are trying to manifest from a place of “lack” (i.e. the “void), you will still not receive the fullness of what you want.
This can look like still not finding “the one” despite putting in so much you put into affirmations and healing work.
Or even after getting into a relationship, encountering commitment problems or other issues that bother you.
And that is because you manifest NOT what you do but what you are, my dear. That means as long as you still believe that you are “lacking,” life will bring up situations that reflect that you lack what you desire.
It’s like trying to find fish in the desert. As long as you are living in the desert (i.e. a state of being that is in “lack” where love is far away), it will be hard to find fish (i.e. the loving relationship or the unconditional love you want).
The cycle of manifesting love from a place of “needing” and therefore not having
So the key to receiving love all comes down to shifting how you feel about yourself (even without a partner). That means, finding peace where you are. Being in love with who you are. Feeling complete as you are. Like in the diagram below…
The state of fullness where you arrive to love in the present moment
However, to that, your mind may respond “I’m tired of loving myself. I just want to find someone who can love me.” If so, know that this part of you that is tired of loving you is the one that needs love my dear.
So in essence, to feel whole and complete is to love each and every part about the Self. And that means loving not just the pretty, put-together, married self but also the ugly, the bad, the single woman version of yourself.
And you will see that the only reason why you felt “lack” or “incomplete” in the first place was because so many parts of you were abandoned, rejected and unaccepted.
More specifically they were unloved by the masculine while leads onto my final point that is…
Connect to the masculine within
When you are looking for love, what you are actually looking for is a sense of inner harmony, particularly between the masculine and feminine.
That is, a sense of peace, balance, and unity between the masculine (i.e. the “provider”/ “giver”), and the feminine (i.e. the “attractor”/“receiver”).
All of us have these two energies inside of us.
But for many women who experience dissatisfaction when it comes to love life, what I’ve noticed is that the masculine energy is either wounded, lacking, or missing inside.
This can look like:
Feeling unsafe around your partner. Feeling like you are walking on eggshells as you have to “watch out” on what he says, thinks, or does in response to you, with the fear that he may not like you or leave you.
Feeling like you are “too much” and that he just can’t handle all of you. And because you feel the need to be seen by him even for your too-muchness, it can lead to behaviors that show clinginess and neediness.
Not believe that you can find someone good enough for you. Feeling like all the “good men” are taken and there’s none left for you. And so you may settle for less than your true desires.
Feeling like your partner has a higher authority like they are “superior” than you. You may feel like they are the ones who get the say and you are only there to please or take care of him.
Not being able to trust. Whether that is, to trust that the right partner will come into your life or trusting your partner on his actions/behavior. Or attracting men that are unreliable.
If you find yourself in any of these scenarios, know that they are only happening because of the lack of healthy masculine my dear.
That is, the presence of the masculine who can love you, hold you, and be there for all that you are.
And you do this by sourcing this healthy masculine first from within. That means in the moments when your inner feminine needs the moments (i.e. moments when you feel safe, unloved, or unaccepted), being there for her.
At the same time, it also means learning to receive love from the divine masculine inside.
And by being *both* the masculine and feminine, you will see how well resourced you are inside yourself. You will experience each moment with the completeness of a holy marriage inside of you.
Your relationships will radically change for good because now you are no longer trying to “take” or “grasp” from men. But instead you are overflowing with the bliss of divine union inside of you.
The beauty of embodying all of these concepts is that yes, you attract the relationships (that are even better) than what you asked for, but ALSO, you don’t have to “try” to manifest love anymore.
Like for me, I never have to question why I don’t have the love that I desire or question its presence anymore.
Because you can experience love at all times– like for me it’s not just by my husband, or friends, but also by all things and beings in this Universe (even from a tree by the side of a road!).
All of that is possible to you too my dear, because love is the truth of who you are. Love is the highest power and the deepest fabric of the Universe. Love is what supplies all of you and all of life. For love is God and God is love.
And when you realize this truth of life, you will desire nothing but to surrender to the flow and ecstasy of love….
If you desire personalized support in receiving unconditional love as you deepen relationships and bring out your inner joy, you can work with me here. Together, we create your most peaceful, fulfilling, soul-expansive life yet.
Psychic healing session for releasing blocks and gaining clarity for a peaceful, fulfilling life. (Reg: $222)