How to transform inner emptiness into fulfillment
We all know that empty feeling when you’ve been watching a good TV show and then suddenly it comes to an end.
Or that empty feeling when you are trying to fill up time because otherwise you would feel boredom.
Or that empty feeling when you’ve been chasing a goal for so long, and when you finally get it, the mind is like… “okay, but then what’s next?”
No matter how amusing, glamorous, or crowded our lives are, it’s inevitable that we all have to face that empty feeling one way or another.
You may not see or hear about that much when we are just looking at other people’s lives from the surface on social media. But the uncomfortable truth is, this inner emptiness is a common experience that we all feel underneath. This is true especially if you consider yourself as someone who is sensitive, spiritually aware, or perceptive.
But to most people, we try to cover it up– whether it’d be with overshopping, overscrolling, overconsuming, or overthinking about the future. To others, we cover it up through trying to be busy so we don’t feel that empty feeling. Yet, regardless of how much we try to occupy our attention with external things, this empty feeling will eventually come around as things “settle down.”
And the thing is, the more we try to run away from this empty feeling, the more it will silently prevail in the back of our psyche. Which can then turn to look like:
- feeling as though we don’t have enough/ are enough
- feeling like we’re missing out on something fun/cool that others are having
- a sense of restlessness and dissatisfaction with our lives
- a sense of existential crisis, like not knowing what your purpose/direction is
My love, if you find yourself ever in that state, know that it’s actually because this emptiness feeling is wanting to be seen, met, and felt by you. The emptiness wants to be held with love, compassion, and reverence by you. As it is how you open the doorway to lasting joy and fulfillment.
I know you may be wondering “What the frick is she talking about?” haha. Well in this article I’m going to be sharing with you how you can transform this inner emptiness into ever-flowing depth, beauty, wonder, and so much more.... Through this process, my life personally has changed for good and it’s a way on how I bring meaning, satisfaction, and fulfillment in the lives of my clients too.
Drop into the space
Whenever we feel empty inside, one of the primary reasons I see this to be the case is because we are trying to avoid empty spaces in our lives.
Whether that is,
The space between one good feeling to the next good feeling
Or the space between one thought to another
Or the space between one breath to the next
It’s just like how it goes in this saying by Carl Jung– “Whatever we resist persists.” That means the same goes to our inner emotions: whenever we are trying to avoid a certain feeling, that feeling prevails more.
And the more we are trying to chase after the “highs” of lives, whether that is, the high of our achievements, or the highs from addictions, the more we become afraid of what’s in-between. We become afraid of what’s not high, meaning what is low, sad, boring, or mellow. And this avoidance, or rather the lack of acceptance for ALL of life is what produces this empty feeling that is hollow.
So the first step to transmuting this inner emptiness is to ask ourselves: What are you trying to cling onto? By doing so, what are we trying to avoid? This will give you clues on what needs to be let go of (i.e. the thing you’re clinging to), so you can connect more fully to the in-between empty spaces– where the key to your transformation lies.
To me this inner realization looked like confronting the fact that I had been clinging onto the “highs” of seeing the rise in Pinterest performance. I saw that I was using my phone as a way to escape my inner discomfort and boredom from waiting for business “results.” And only when I let go of the phone, and the obsessive grip on my analytics, could I drop into the space that frees me up…
Your Soul is the empty space you’ve been avoiding. And she wants you to come Home to her.
I know the empty feeling can be scary because at first glance, it appears as though it’s “nothingness.”
It can feel like a black hole that would spiral further and further into the abyss. Or like what I saw in my own psyche at first, a desert that runs onto the horizon with no end in sight.
The kind of place my ego mind is in whenever I feel empty
But the more and more you connect to this emptiness, you will see that the nothingness is only true to the mind that can only see what’s on the surface. But when you listen to your body, you will see that at every milli-second, something new is arising…
As you notice for example,
The way your clothing fabric eases into your skin
The way your hips sink when you sit down
The way your chest rises and falls with each breath
It is through welcoming these subtle shifts and sensations that you will then start to connect to an in-dwelling spirit, a numinous presence that is ever-present and unfolding. I call it the Soul– our inner essence that inhabits the deepest core of our being.
It is through going into the emptiness, that you begin meeting Her.
Like in my own psyche, my Soul appeared as a merchant dressed in a bluish-translucent robe with fine golden jewelry, sitting on a majestic-looking camel. She stopped her carriage and asked me if I needed help, as I prowled and trudged along the “empty” desert. And me being a deprived wanderer, I said yes.
She then showed me a way underneath big rocks where a sanctuary lies. The place was celestial, almost heaven-like, with a flowing fountain, flowery vines, glass doors, and etheric ornaments. She said that in this sanctuary, I will always be given what I need, one of which includes the messages I am meant to share through my business. I was also given food and nourishments with a large banquet. But she also said that most people do not know that something like a paradise is underground, hidden in the place that we least expect.
She showed me millions and millions of desert-wanderers like me, trying to find something that would satisfy their thirst like me earlier. They had something like VR-headsets on, as it directed to what they thought was an oasis but turned out to be empty mirages. My Soul said one of my desires as a human is to assist souls like me earlier realize their real underground sanctuaries.
And that was just one of the snippets of me encountering my Soul a while ago when I was surrendering to the space of emptiness.
To you, your soul does not have to appear in this exact way, or even slightly similar of course. She may appear as a fictional character, an imaginary playmate, a feral animal, or something else. Yet regardless, you will find that every encounter with your Soul in the depths of emptiness, will bring you new revelations, insights, and deeper understanding of yourself.
Satisfying your deeper needs
The space of emptiness is actually a deep, bottomless, dark well that contains our deepest, innermost, wealthiest treasure (in fact even more enriching than money).
Because this well contains All of who we are– such as, parts of us that've been lost in our childhoods, parts of us that we’ve been trying to “earn” from the world, and parts of us that we’ve been running away from, and many more.
Through looking into her, you will see that there is a whole Universe inside of you waiting to be uncovered.
It is running away from this well (and the Universe within) that creates this feeling of– “always looking for something yet never feeling satisfied.” It is also running away from this well (and the Universe within) that creates this unsettling feeling of “I don’t have enough yet.”
But when you actually come Home to this inner well of emptiness (i.e. your soul/ the Universe), you will see that it is actually these parts of you that you’ve been most missing. In other words, you are the One who you’ve been missing.
For instance, you may think that it is “more” money that you are looking for, but through looking into this inner well, you will see that what you’re actually wanting is safety– specifically, safety comes from You.
Or you may think that it is fame that you are looking for, but through looking into this inner well, you will see that what you’re actually wanting for is being seen– specifically, being seen even for everything about you.
And so by looking into this inner well, you realize that all of what you’re looking for lies within you. Yes, you can still receive external things– such as money, relationships, career etc., but you don’t need to always feel like you need to “strive” out of lack and not enoughness anymore. Rather, you feel whole, connected, and full, at every now moment because now you are in touch with the Source of what you most deeply want, inside of you.
From this place, your whole life then begins shifting from within. There is less of trying to change external things but rather an awareness of what is wanting to be lived/expressed within. And you will see that it is through this inner attention how things naturally flow and align, almost in their own accord.
Like for me recently, I saw a tiger inside of that deep dark inner well. I saw that a part of me was resisting being her because I was once hurt/felt attacked by people (with tiger energy). Yet by merging with what’s inside of that well (i.e. the tiger), it summoned into sharp discipline and inner fierceness, which led me to creating so much more to be of service through my business, with less distractions and attachment to outcomes.
You may be thinking that the answers to your “next level self” lies outside of you. But through looking into this inner well, you will be pleasantly surprised that this “self” that you are actually looking for is actually a part of you that has been dormant/ unloved/ repressed, waiting for you in the dark spaces of the well you’d least expect.
an example of an unchartered territory I saw in my psyche
Through going into the well of emptiness, which is the unchartered territories of your Soul/ psyche, you will see that you actually don’t need to be chasing for “highs” (e.g, external goals/ love from other people/ external manifestations) in order to be happy.
Rather, you will realize that who you are is already whole, complete, and full in the first place to begin with. You therefore begin “needing” less to be happy, and find more things to be happy about. Life in its fullness/allness, will become interesting, fascinating, and fulfilling to you– for life is also a reflection of you.
Because, through emptiness, you realize that you are the One who changes everything. Your awareness itself is what transforms, no matter how empty, dark, or hollow things may at first seem. Because now you realize that That which is ever present, ever full, ever whole is always with you, in the I AM presence within.
P.S. The process above is just my own personal overview of how I transform the feeling of emptiness into fulfillment, using the materials that my soul presents. The inner landscape of your soul may be totally different and unique to you.
So if you desire deeper support with it, you can book a 1:1 soul satisfaction session right below. The intro call is totally free and you will be surprised to discover the hidden depths, wondrous mystery and magic of the Universe inside of you!