Why you don’t need to have a perfect life to share your spiritual gift
A lot of us who are called to be entrepreneurs in the service industry have a deep calling to help others through our own gifts (i.e. our ability to guide+mentor others). However out of our good hearts, we can also use this love against ourselves to not fully own our gifts yet.
This can look like holding yourself back because it does not feel like your gift is not“good enough”/ perfect yet. Instead, you may wait for a time when you are further ahead in life-– whether it’d be in terms of having a better-looking lifestyle, a higher income, a higher social media following, or more qualifications.
I totally understand this because there was a time in my coaching career when I felt like I have to own a Bugatti and live in a luxury mansion, so I can “prove” to others that I have a respectably successful life in order to coach others. There was also another time when I felt like I had to be a clinical psychologist with a doctorate so people take me seriously in my spiritual+emotional healing advice.
While I believe it is important to be grounded and embodied in our zone of genius before we give advice to others, there is a deep knowing inside of me that tells me that you do not need to prove anything to anyone in order to share your gift. There is no need to show others that have an instragram-worthy lifestyle nor a (some-number)k following in order to share your gift. All you need is your heart to help and a willingness to express what’s on your heart.
This isn’t just another substance-less positivity hype that says: You-can-do-anything-if-you-set-your-mind-to-it blog post. But rather, I want to share with you the actual HOW + WHY the gift(s) you have now is enough. And why the world needs you and your gift, as you are now.
There will never be enough external evidence to prove your gifts
What makes a lot of us hold back from expressing our gifts is our lack of confidence from not seeing external evidence backing us up. This may look like waiting for our manifestations to “blow up” or waiting for clients to rave about your offer, before you fully step into claiming your power.
The truth of the matter is that what shows up in the external world depends on your internal beliefs first. Only when you believe deep down in your core, without flinching, that you are someone who can help others transform, then others follow you.
Our inner lanterns of confidence have to be bold and bright, for the ships of your soul-tribe to recognize.
The other thing to realize is that no amount of external evidence will ever be able to fully capture what you are capable of. Yes, external evidence such as client testimonials, our personal wins, can reflect your power back to you. However, no amount of reflection will ever be enough— just like how mirrors will not be able to reflect fully the brightness of the sun that is your gift.
Your gift only comes as you express
Whenever you are doubting how capable you are (to help/guide others), most often, it is because you are not expressing from your heart+soul yet. It’s like trying to overthink how your imaginary house looks like before you even draw it out.
This is especially true for feminine beings because to us, our gifts are not usually something we physically see in the world, but only are felt through our expressions+creations. In other words, our gifts are on their fullest expression when we are expressing them.
I notice this myself, because even for my own blog posts, often times, I only have a desire to write about a topic, however, I do not even know exactly what I’m going to talk about before I begin. Quite often, golden nuggets of ideas pop up while writing but not during the thinking and planning phases. It is through writing (i.e. expressing things from my heart) that I receive my own gifts and share gifts to my people.
You cannot expect yourself to know your gift (your abilities) perfectly from head to toe before you even begin.
Instead, realize that your gift is a divine energy/ a consciousness that comes through while you are in the midst of the creative process itself. You have to open your channel first so the gift can enter through you.
Where you are now makes your gift perfect
Most people think to themselves that we have to be a top-tier expert, and be way-ahead-of the-curve before we begin sharing our work and helping others.
However, the truth is, beginner (coaches/mentors) are just as necessary. In fact, someone else who is not so-advanced may be able to better understand, relate to, and solve problems for someone else who is a complete fledgling! No matter what stage of growth you are in, there is always someone who is “further behind” than you, and thus needs what you have to share.
Own where you are now and realize that at every stage, there is a gift to be uncovered.
There are always certain problems that are closer to your reach (which means you are able to find solutions to them) more than someone else at another stage. The more you embrace where you are, the more you will find gifts that lie underneath the soil right now.
Your wisdom gets to be enough
One of the most liberating things that I’ve heard for sharing my gift unapologetically was the wisdom from my husband— that my wisdom is enough.
I think places like instagram are what over-complicate our notions of what it means to share wisdom. Over there, it can feel like people will only take you seriously when you “show off” a beautiful image, a lifestyle.
But do world-changing authors, artists, and poets of the past have to show off their life in order to impart their greatest wisdom to the world?
It is only the recent human history that we have shrouded our deep soul wisdom and instead confuse that with how cool the image we display on social media is. This is one of the reasons why I love writing on this blog SO MUCH! Here, I do not have to worry about how messy my hair is, how wobbled my glasses are as I write. I just shower all the grains of wisdom that have been sitting inside my soul to the land of the blog, and it gets to be more than enough…
Your soul already has bountiful gifts that are waiting to be expressed right now.
All it is, is a matter of accessing a love that is so big
So big that you can’t not share, give, express your truth, your wisdom
The love that activates you, your people, your clients, to transform,
And that love desires to come through you, as you are now.