Why you may be feeling lost in your spiritual journey (and why it is actually a good thing)
At some point in your spiritual awakening journey, it’s possible to find yourself feeling lost.
It can feel as though you are in a void– like there is something that you are wanting/ missing but can’t quite put a finger on.
It may even feel like the life that you’ve been living till at that point is a lie, or that you don’t even know what you want anymore.
And unlike before where you used to know what it is that you want (and be a go-getter), you may just not even know what it is that you actually want anymore.
This is a common experience that a lot of people experience on their spiritual awakening journey. I felt lost myself, especially over the last year, and even now— every now and then.
And although such an experience can seem daunting when you first have it, now looking back, I see that it’s actually a good thing. That’s because “the void” is actually leading to a life that’s way more deep, satisfying, and enriching.
It’s like spring cleaning– your soul is removing the gunk that we’ve been holding onto and now is making space for something newer, fresher, more beautiful. And the void is the in-between space after wiping up the old attachments but you haven’t yet discovered the new.
Yet the void feels uncomfortable for a lot of people because we are not used to it.
We are used to knowing what we want (or at least we are told what to want), and then being always on the move trying to figure out how to get it.
Our minds are used to constant mental activity. Having a goal then chasing it. Feeling a pain and then trying to avoid it.
Until this point, your mind may have always been in the go-go-go mode. And with the constant busyness of modern day technology and social media it can make it worse; making you feel as though there are constantly things to do (i.e. fill it with junk) -- with social media influencers to check out on, news updates to look at… that you may not even find spare time in the bathroom.
And when you are feeling lost/ experiencing an emptiness inside, it can feel as though you are losing your mind. Because even if you are constantly striving, putting forth actions in the world, and may have accomplished so many things, you may feel like there is something missing in your life outside of all that.
Which in fact is true. Because now your soul is whispering to you a desire that hasn’t been felt before; your soul is taking you to a path that you haven’t walked before. And you can only find what that is when you lean into the void…
What not to do when you feel lost
However, a lot of people will do anything they can to run away from the void.
Fill that emptiness with “stuff.” Put more work on your plate. Or fill the void with mindless activities like watching TV, social media scrolling, or addictive things like junk food or alcohol. (I understand because I’ve been there!)
Some may be led into believing that if you just fill your life with the “highs” like higher income numbers or bigger social media following, you will not feel this emptiness again.
But the more we try to run away, the more emptiness will haunt us.
With more mental chatter of “what if’s” and “should I do this or that” inside our head. Always being on the reach for something but never feeling like you are there.
This is when we become like mice running on a hamster wheel– constantly craving for more yet never being fully satisfied.
Longing for a way to soothe the discomfort when the comfort can only be found inside.
What the void actually is
Instead, when you lean into that void what you will find is that the emptiness is actually a gateway to your new Self.
The void is like a womb that is there to cradle your soul… She likens the primordial darkness where creation begins.
She is a fertile soil of new beginnings. And is the great mystery where we all come from and go to.
She is nothingness. But that is also the counterpart of everythingness.
And from my understanding, the inner void reminds me of what Christ means by “emptying Himself”, because only when we are empty first, we can fill the space with the Infinite fullness of God.
Similarly, in Hindu scriptures, the void is referred to as the absolute reality (i.e. Brahman). It is said that even in the void there is Brahman in the form of consciousness (i.e. Atman) which itself is complete.
And so what that means is, when we are feeling lost in a void, it is not that there is actually nothing. But rather we get to empty of what is in the way, so that we can see what actually exists.
Through the inner void, Spirit speaks to you
When we are in the void, we can feel lost, like there is no direction on where to go.
But it is in this exact place where we can connect to our intuition, where Spirit speaks to you.
I realized that in my own journey myself. Before I faced the void, I was running on adrenaline jacked mode, running after things that the world had convinced me to pursue.
But through going into the void, I realized that they were not things I actually wanted. Or even if they are still the things I want (such as building an impactful coaching business), I wanted to do things in a different way from what I’ve been taught in the past.
And I could only receive the answers through letting the Higher mind speak to me. And I couldn’t listen to that if I’m drowned by the noise of my own mental chatters and the world.
For instance, here are some of what I received from Spirit about the void:
It’s okay to not always be on the high. Society is addicted to the high but with the climb, there is the fear of the fall. It is safe to remain low or neutral. Through that, you experience a sense of safety that lets you be anywhere.
The void can be a balming experience to the pain you’ve taken on your whole life. When you are constantly in the high, you can’t feel it so can’t heal it. You can’t listen to what it is that you need. But the void is like an open crater, unveiling the hidden aspects of yourself which you don’t normally see.
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And this is just to show you a glimpse of the unfathomable depths of the void.
It transcends the predictability that the logical mind clings onto. But through letting go of what you are grasping onto, you will find that you are safe to release… and there is always a divine presence that you can bask in, that which is always there for you. This is the space where ever-present wisdom, love, and healing exists.
How facing the void has changed my life
With all that being said, you may be wondering: well how does that change anything?
In my own experience (and in the work I do with my clients), it has changed everything.
First off, there is no longer the fear of falling into the dark pit of emotions. You find that it is safe to feel and in fact, it is through feeling that you find clarity that you wouldn’t have otherwise.
In the past for example, I would have days when I felt little confidence in my business. And that would paralyze me from taking any action because I didn’t feel good enough/ worthy to guide others.
But now I wholly embrace it. And paradoxically, I have more creative ideas on what I’m meant to post content around/ guide my clients on. And that ability to be able to turn empty emotions into creativity has helped me live a deep meaningful life which I want to live.
I’ve seen lives changed through women honoring the void too. For example, clients trying to make a business/ relationship work out of desperation to instead actually listen to what you really want… which leads to letting to a more aligned business/ a dream marriage.
Without the rain, the sky cannot clear up. And just like that, without the void, the soul cannot renew herself.
I’ve seen time and time again, miracles unfolding once we deepen into the void. As in:
Knowing more of what you want
Seeing what actually leads you to fulfillment
Breaking patterns that may have held you back
Understanding more about your purpose
Finding more ease to be with yourself
In essence, the void is your soul speaking to you a language that you need to know. The more you understand what she is saying, the more you will find yourself whole, connected, and complete. The only question is: are you willing to decode it?
My love, if you find this article resonating and desire to experience the magic of the “void” for yourself you can book a free 1:1 session with me here.
Through reading your soul and healing energetic blocks, you will see a whole new world of joy, beauty and wonder unlocked right before you.
Psychic healing session for releasing blocks and gaining clarity for a peaceful, fulfilling life. (Reg: $222)