Happiness is available to you Now
Happiness is available to you Now
When you’re into self-help, it’s easy to think that you can only be happy in a far away future moment when you’ve checked off your to-do list and vision board goals. But in my experience, there is no better time to be happy, peaceful, and be free more than right Now. In this section, I share with how I let my inner paradise be available everyday.
At one point, I used to think that if only my desired manifestations arrived, I wouldn’t feel shitty about myself anymore.
I thought that if I just get all the things I want (e.g. dream house, dream husband, dream bank account etc.), I would be finally at total peace with myself.
Until after years of getting into self-help and Law of Attraction train, I realized it did not.
This desire to remember the truth of who you are is what creates the longing you’ve always felt deep inside. And many of the so-called “problems” you think you have in life can be resolved by remembering this Truth. Many of the so-called “desires” you have in life can also be fulfilled by living this Truth.
To a high achiever, you always gotta be pushing yourself. Because if you don’t, you’d be a “loser, an average person, a failure” (at least those are the words she used to tell me).
And I know that this voice wasn’t just inside of me. She lives in the minds of many other women… including many of whom are well-distinguished, outstanding in their career.
You may have thought your whole life that your physical eyes are the main windows of how you can make sense of the world. But when you develop your intuition, you will come to realize that there is an even smarter technology that lives in your body.
One of which includes clairsentience (i.e. clear- feeling).
This gift of perceiving the world, through clairsentience, will be strong to you especially if you consider yourself as someone who’s sensitive.