Live your dream life in the Now

Bespoke private mentorship for empathic women who desire happiness and fulfillment in the present moment

With so much emphasis on “manifesting” and “achieving” in the self-development world, it is common for women to fixate so much on end outcomes that you feel like you are lacking what you desire right now 

This looks like feeling as though your “dream life” is far away, or feeling as though you don’t have/ are “enough” yet
And despite so much doing and putting forth effort, it can feel like you’re still stuck to receive the desires that you want

Happiness can feel like something you can only experience in a far away future, and that until you’ve brought in xyz cash months, are married to your dream partner or finally get to travel around the world, you can’t feel good YET😮‍💨

While deep inside, your soul feels tired, from overthinking, worrying, and striving hard to get what you want...

But what if I tell you, my love, that happiness can be experienced NOW
You can feel complete, whole, and perfect Now. And you can be satisfied of your desires Now.

As a society, we’ve been brainwashed to think that you need the external conditions to be perfect first before you can be happy and be at peace

Yet this is the exact reason why many people feel “lack” inside, because the external world has taken a precedence before the soul inside

When the truth is, when you are happy FIRST, everything else in life begins to flow in your way.

Including but not limited to: 

  • Deep, ecstatic, divine union relationships. Because you know your worth and are no longer “needing” another person to complete you, the right people (like your dream partner or soul friends) are drawn to you, even just by your presence in itself.

  • Abundance through multiple forms in a career/business that lights you up. When you feel complete and perfectly at peace within, you fully own your gifts with no more holding back and doubting yourself. And so life reflects back to you with career opportunities and business deals that will be of highest service to the planet.

  • Ease and freedom in life. Your mind becomes freed of judgements, doubts, and worries while your soul is content through living your dharma (purpose) at every now moment. There is an unshakable peace, a heavenly Nirvana you’ve found inside. 

It’s now you now have a new set of eyes, where everywhere you look, you can’t help but see the perfection of Divinity: including yourself and your life.

What differentiates my work is that I help you not only get the tangible outcomes you desire, but also guide you toward experiencing the inner fulfillment you’ve always wanted

Words from past clients

“You’re like pure light. I see it when you’re speaking and how it enters my body. I haven’t felt this kind of level of self-acceptance in a really long time. It’s like love that I have never felt with my family or with anyone. I thank you so much for how much you give us and how you overflow, especially since I have a fear of burnout but now I see what it’s like to come from Source”

Shelly Woo
Mastermind client

“This experience was f*cking next level… I’ll never be the same anymore. I arrive in the mastermind with no self confidence and was forgetting my self in my lover relationship. But now my intimate relationship have totally shifted, I am able to attract my deepest desires, and have created 3 new programs in my business. I would never imagine a mastermind could be that powerful— investing in AA was the best decision ever.

Marine Ganem
Mastermind client

I tried a lot of healing modalities from psychology, prescription medicine, hypnotherapy, somatic healing, theta healing, reiki, shamanic healing, psychedelics, self-help books, course, and retreats over a 10 year period trying to change the way I feel about myself. But none of them led me to be happy or feel fulfilled/ adequate/ happy with myself until I worked with you.

Nanami Nakamura
1:1 client

“I want you to realize the work that we’ve done; I’ve been looking for someone sooo long to guide me through it. That took me 40k+ USD worth of investments before reaching to you. Our relationship is unforgettable and I’m forever thankful. I’ve never been more myself

Pixie Nelan
1:1 client

Inside 1:1 coaching, we bridge the “gap” between you and your dream reality— so you can live your dream reality right Now and in every waking moment. Through mind-body techniques, psychic channeling, and connecting to the Divinity within, you walk you to your soul’s highest timeline, while experiencing unconditional love, peace, joy every step of the way.

Package options

Includes Unlimited voice + text messaging available 5 days/week

$333 - 3 day trial
$2222 - 3 months
$8000- 1 year

Add on option: $200/month for two 60 min healing calls a month

*100% satisfaction, money back guarantee. If you don't see emotional healing results within the first 30 days of our work together,  I give you back your investment. 
All prices are in USD
Questions? Book a call here to see if you are a fit or have any inquiries.