Signs you are a Highly Creative Entrepreneur
Being an entrepreneur, itself is about going against the grain of society. Having creative gifts, on top of that, can make your path even tougher.
Although some creatives may realize that you have special creative gifts young age, there are people like me, who only find out later in their lives, after having gone through the traditional, logistical educational route, that you are meant to do life a different way…
That is, to let your creative imaginations guide you+lead you to where you desire to be.
And until this happens, life may appear grey and mundane.
For example, before your creative gifts emerge, business can just seem like a monotonous game of trying to follow a set-rubric to achieve $ goals rather than feeling like fun/play.
Because to you, using your creative gifts are the key to everything. They are the root for your joy but also your clients/customer’s joy. They are here to lead you to liberation: in not just time, location, money, but also expression and inner emotions.
So I want to share with you, 9 signs of how you can find out how you are meant to create a heaven-on-earth using your creative gifts as a business owner
1. Your pain is not being able to innovate
“Most of the artist’s suffering comes from not being able to create art.”— Amy McNee from Inspiredtowrite
If you are meant to prosper through your creative gifts, you may feel stifled in our life/business when there is no room for creativity. Instead, it may feel like your fullest potential just isn’t there… when you have to follow a set of rules/norms that others have set.
It’s a pain I’m so familiar with myself because that’s how I lived the first two decades of my life. I was so used to following rules and restrictions that I feel scared to create, even for writing a short-story in English class in high school because I was afraid of being “wrong.”
Yet, I have always wanted to create. Big, bold, exciting things that some people may even consider as “wrong.” Such as, writing in ways that copywriting coaches may tell me as “wrong” but my soul knows it’s right. Expressing art as my content which business coaches may tell me as “wrong” but my soul knows it’s right.
Creatives are rebels. We are here to innovate, not conform.
2. You frequently daydream
Because let’s admit it… sometimes reality over there just looks so much better.
This is the reason why daydreaming may be something you do often as a kid. You did it even before you have heard of the law of attraction teachings that you need to visualize first in order to create your dream reality.
It’s only when we grow up that we block this imaginative gift because we become overconcerned about this reality—we imagine worse case scenarios instead of dreaming up limitless possibilities.
We become afraid that daydreaming will steer you away from being “productive” when the truth is that creative imagination, when combined with heart-led actions, can actually lead to more efficiency and effectivity in your work.
3. You have so many ideas bubbling within you
You know you are meant to prosper in your creativity when brainstorming is your forte. It’s like whenever you love a topic, ideas will just flow effortlessly and in abundance within you, like a rubber duck race.
On the flip side, if you’re like me, following through those ideas to fill up with details and finishing up projects may not be your strong suit. This is where the need to employ other ways of creativity—either creative ways of streamlining processes or delegating them to someone else.
4. It feels like there is a volcano of expressions wanting to erupt through you
This may sound dramatic but the innate sacral calling to express/create something is a sensation of what most creatives often feel in their day to day lives. It may feel like ideas are just knocking at your doorstep for you to express them. It is like until you fulfill this need, it feels like a gaping, hollow hole inside.
Often times, you may not be able to put into words of what exactly wants to be created, but you will have a sincere desire to be a medium of creating something beautiful, profound, and new.
You may have this desire deep inside of you to bring something out (birth into the world) and weirdly, that will fulfill you.
5. You don’t want to sell your creativity
I know this may sound paradoxical because how else would you make a living without selling your creativity?!
But I also understand that creative entrepreneurs often have to navigate this inner battle within themselves -- on one hand, you desire to support a living for yourself through your creative gifts but also you don’t want to limit your creativity just for the sake of making money.
What I’ve learned the key to satisfy both of these two needs is: to create for yourself first.
Channel your most mind-blowing ideas, revelations, and art as if no one else is watching. Once these ideas are brought to life, then refine them so that others can also understand you better.
I find that by creating things for your own excitement and evolution, you attract people who also feel+think like you, which helps you build a more aligned customer base in the long term.
6. Being the same as everybody bores your soul
You may feel this creative boredom especially in regard to social media day and age where everybody is striving to look perfect that they all end up looking similar.
To you, business will be more than just trying to look ‘better’ than someone else. Instead, you desire innovation—i.e., to be different.
This need to be different from other people is more than just about seeking validation from others by standing out from the crowd. To you, you want to be original and you unique simply for you own sake of the need to embrace your own God-given natural gifts.
And the good thing about this is that you owning your uniqueness is also what will set you apart from everyone else to your soul-aligned customers and clients.
7. People may not always get you
Because you naturally come up with ideas that are so new and “out there,” sometimes the world may need to catch up to understand the real value of your craft.
This is why most creatives may be ‘silent creators’ for years and years until the collective consciousness match up to their level where popularity begins (think of JK Rowling or Emily Dickinson for instance).
The key to fully emerge out of this ‘silent phase’ is to have the staying power to remain connected to your original vision and artistry, instead of being swayed by the need to receive validation for your art now. Remaining grounded in your originality is how your soul leaves a true imprint in this world.
8. Your creativity wants to come through multiple mediums
Most creatives may also identify themselves as multi-passionate because to us, creative energy cannot be contained in just one spot/one field.
I believe that by allowing us to be multi-passionate is also how we become more creative. We learn to bring ideas from one field/art form into the other which helps us create a unique combination and a new art form that the world has not seen.
For example, I love writing about spirituality, but also entrepreneurship, wellness, and creativity—if I were to limit myself to just one art form, my ability to create content would not be that prolific and effortless.
Just like that, your soul has unique callings into different fields. The role of your creative gifts is to amalgamate them all together and bring that unique craft into this world.
9. You are always evolving
One of the most liberating things that I’ve learned along my journey is that “you are NOT your art.”
The mistake that I see for most creatives is that because we are so used to creating one form of art, and especially when that art form is a “hit,” we force our way to keep creating if our desires and tastes have evolved.
This is why it is so important to remain unattached to your work as a creative.
Your true identity is beyond the art you create; your true identity is the creative desire itself—the desire that is fluid, infinite, and ever-evolving. You experience true limitlessness within your business once you merge with that infinite creative essence.
If any or most of these points resonate with you, remember that your story have yet just begun. In fact, there is an ocean of creative expressions awaiting to surge through you and all your desires will be fulfilled simply by allowing them.