Finding your niche as a multi-passionate soul
As you begin to follow your heart and soul, one of the things that you will likely realize is that the true nature of your soul is multifaceted– aka multi-passionate.
It may be easy to ignore this aspect of you and just force your way into achieving ONE thing before your spiritual awakening.
But afterward, different passions/gifts/strengths of yours will start to emerge– and it may be hard to ignore them just like how we cannot stop a budding flower from growing petals in different directions.
This can look like shifting and evolving your interests if you already have a business.
If you are in the starting phase of a business, it can look like having multiple ideas of how you want to bring value to other people, yet not being clear on what exactly YOUR exact thing (niche) is.
To me, finding your niche all comes down to finding out who you are: who you are really, actually deep inside.
Especially if you are a solopreneur whose business is near and dear to your heart, trying to serve a niche that isn't an exact match to who you aren’t deep inside is like forcing an orange to look like an apple.
You can make money if there is a need for what you offer in this world, but that alone will not fulfill your heart.
Because what your heart longs is for your niche to be a perfect reflection of who you are.
That way, the people you serve become soul-aligned– i.e., they are on the same page as you on what their heart desires and so they clearly see the value of your offering(s).
When your niche is in line with who you actually are, you can also more easily brainstorm ideas and create content because those ideas come from within you, rather than by seeking outside of you.
This means that as a multi-passionate soul, this means owning who you are (your interest/desires– even if they are multiple) and crafting something unique out of them.
In fact, the existence of your different interests is what makes your brand unique, a one-of-a-kind, a monopoly that no one else can compete against. The key is in making all the different interests merge together as ONE.
This is something that I have struggled for a long time, but also because of it, I have been able to master.
For me, earlier in my entrepreneurial journey, I struggled to merge all the sides of me together– mainly the artist, the spiritual coach, the bodybuilder, the entrepreneur. I felt like I had to create different instagram accounts to display each of them, but even the thought of doing that alone makes me overwhelmed. Spreading myself out too thin” is a theme that a lot of my teachers commented about my tendencies in the past when I was in school and they are not wrong.
What has helped me figure out my ONE niche, despite all of those multiple interests, is finding out:
Why my soul came to love all of them.
There is one common reason for WHY your soul came to love all the interests you love. And that core reason is the mission, the backbone of your niche.
For me, as an example, I realized freedom is my biggest Why. Freedom in our creativity, expressions, bodies, work etc. By distilling down my multifaceted interests into one core brand pillar, every offering, every content I create becomes cohesive as I base it off from this overarching theme, no matter what topic I talk about.
Journaling deep dive:
How do different aspects of you (multi-passions) coexist all together inside one body, one soul (You)?
What is one common theme that they all share?
How can you create content in your business that speaks from this core pillar?
Another piece of wisdom that has saved me from spreading myself out too thin (and thus refined my niche) is to realize that not every passion of yours needs to be the main focus of your business. Your interests (and thus your identities) function like a team– one of them is going to be the CEO, one of them is going to be the brand image model, one of them is going to be the program deliverer etc.
This doesn’t mean you need to robotically switch your brain on/off when changing your roles either. Instead you just select the top few of your interests/identities that are dying to express her wisdom (and therefore impact others), and then give the rest of your interests/identities to work in the backend.
For me, this looks like allowing my inner spiritual coach to be the main speaker in my business, and then assigning the bodybuilder/fitness girl personality as the brand model. Then I let my artist play her role in the backend artistry of the business, such as website designing. Remember also, that NOT every interest needs to be monetized– some are there to replenish and nourish your being outside of your business hours so that you are at your fullest capacity to serve/to create.
Especially as a solopreneur, having your inner team working cohesively and cooperatively is vital. Through separating out which of your key interests are in your front end vs back end of your business, it also makes the workflow more smooth, sustainable, and enjoyable.
Journaling deep dive:
Within your multiple interests, which of the areas do you have the most exciting, enlivening ideas around? Track this over a course of a few weeks or recall over the past few weeks. This will help you shape your core brand message. How can the other interests serve as key players within the backend of your business?
Lastly, as a multifaceted soul, you will notice that even if you think mostly about one core interest, your ideas will still revolve around other interests of yours to varying degrees. This is natural as a creative. In fact, this is also what makes your brand more wholesome and your ideas to be more insightful.
What I mean by that is, through being well-versed in multiple topics, you will be able to serve your clients from a unique lens that rarely anyone else does.
As an example for me, I realized that my expertise around multiple topics (as in intuition development, channeling, and body awareness) is what allows me to craft exclusively unique solutions in the things I help among my clients– such as developing creative flow state from a spirit-and-soul based lenses, which is different from any creativity and productivity programs that have already been created by other people.
Thus, the multifaceted interests I have, have allowed me to serve a target market (spiritual entrepreneurs) for a unique problem (creative flow state) in a way that is different from what already exists out there. Being able to “remix” your interests to address a common problem that your ideal clients face is what gives your business a unique edge.
Journaling deep dive:
Select three main interests that you are most passionate in speaking about.
How can you blend them all in as one and create an offer that your ideal client needs?
How do the multi-interests of yours give your offer a unique edge?
My love, finding out who you are deep inside and embracing ALL that you are is what allows you to create a business that is wholesome, authentic, and thriving.
Owning all parts of you is also what makes you fully individuated and evolve on your soul path as you become your higher self. At the same time, owning all of you is what genuinely addresses the key problems within the lives of the humans you serve. For owning who you are, as a multi-passionate is one of the greatest gifts you offer to this world.