Divine consciousness: The path of fulfilling every desire

At some point in your spiritual journey, it is common that you will experience a deep longing inside of you. 

It’s the longing for something bigger, greater, and more whole than the reality you’ve been living. It’s the longing for peace and happiness, but it’s also more than that. 

Maybe you spent the majority of your life thinking that such feelings of “wholeness” and “completeness” would only come from acquiring more stuff– thinking that “oh if only I made more money, have more social media followers, I will feel complete” etc. 

But if you’re like me, you will find out that seeking something outside of you is a rat race that never ends. As in when John D. Rockefeller, the first ever billionaire in the United States was asked “How much money is enough?,” he replied “Just a little more.” 

Now this isn’t to say money and material possessions are not at all important. They are tools that can serve us to live our purpose. However, they are not the answer to the soul-deep existential longing we’ve always had. 

And so what is it that makes you feel “enough”? What is it that makes you realize that you’ve finally arrived

These are the questions that I tackle often in my blog, and also what I’ve helped clients experience in their lives. And from these experiences, what I’ve learned is that what the soul yearns for is to return Home: that is the home you’ve always belonged to (but forgotten about). 

I call it the Divine within. Because the truth is, you are a divine being, more than just your body, your house, and your job title etc. You are the Created and the Creator; the beloved and the lover.

You are one with all the things you’ve wished for, longed for, sought for. You are an infinite being. And every fiber of your being yearns to remember this true essence of who you are… that is the state of divine consciousness.

This desire to remember the truth of who you are is what creates the longing you’ve always felt deep inside. And many of the so-called “problems” you think you have in life can be resolved by remembering this Truth. Many of the so-called “desires” you have in life can also be fulfilled by living this Truth. 

All of that is to say, your soul is longing to realize the Divine that is in you. It means you want to be fulfilled not just for a short while but a lasting lifetime. That is you seek to live from the truth of your essence. You’ll know this if you’ve experienced some of which I’ve described below:  

The desire to Know ThySelf

To a lot of people, life is a matter of getting their physical needs met (e.g. buy a house, get a job, grow a business etc). But to you, you will discover that there is a deeper need to understand why you are here.

You want to know your purpose. You want to know why you chose to experience your life. You want to know what all of this earthly human experience is for. And you want to make the best use of it. 

The first time I had this kind of experience, it felt like a part of me was dying. That was because my whole life, I thought I was the “doer” of my actions– trying to be on “top of the game” in everything I did: from academics to fitness to entrepreneurship. But when my fitness coaching business didn’t “take off” like I wanted, I realized that there was something greater at play… and I had to surrender to it. 

Looking back, now I see that I was having an ego death. My ego was dying because I realized that I wasn’t the “winner, “  “the achiever” that I thought I always am. And it was necessary because it got me pondering questions like…”Why am I here?” “Who am I actually?”

And despite the cathartic nature of my ego death, I also began experiencing bouts of peace. I realized that whenever I meditated and let my mind be still, my pain would end (at least temporarily).

It was in fact my first experience of the Divine Mother’s presence next to me, soothing me that all of this pain was temporary. She told me there was a bigger reason for why I was here, and the “failures” were actually helping me. 

The ego doesn’t like phrases like that (because when you lose control it feels like death). But to the soul it is very comforting, healing, and freeing. Because now you get to experience the deeper meaning of every life unfolding. 

Like in my case I see that the Divine mother was so right– because without these so-called “failures,” I wouldn’t be writing what I write now and helping my clients the way I help now. Every experience that the Divine brings is perfect. Suffering only happens when we resist this process. 

And when you live from Divine consciousness, you live for this greater plan. You don’t seek just the immediate gratification of what you can “get” right now, but instead you seek the deeper fulfillment of why you’re here. And ironically, all your desires are met through fulfilling this grand purpose. 

The desire to express ThySelf

With this longing to experience something greater in life, another desire you will encounter in your path is to express more of yourself. 

Perhaps you’re an artist at heart and you want to go past the “boxes” of what you think you should create. Or you are a business owner and you want to do your marketing in a way that’s representative of your soul and is different from traditional business advice. Or maybe you just want to express more of yourself when you’re with your friends, and are tired of feeling anxious about what to say when you’re with them. 

When your soul is seeking to experience Divine consciousness, you will feel the Universe dying to express through you. 

That’s because through freely, unapologetically, and unrestrainedly expressing yourself, you get to know who you actually are. You get to know that you are more than just the “good girl,” “the nice girl,” or even better the “IT girl” persona that you’ve been forced to display to the world. You get to see that it’s safe to follow your desires to be anyone and be anything.

Through self-expression, you become one with the Creator, God– with an infinite pool of ideas, imaginations, and expressions inside of you. 

It is through self expression that you get to see that you are whom you’ve been looking for. 

In fact, all the things you think will make you “happier” (e.g. a lover, deep connection with friends, a thriving business etc.) are simply waiting for this unfiltered, unlimited expression of you to arrive. It is through your expressions that you fulfill the desires of the mind-body-spirit complex that makes you you.

The desire to love ThySelf

The truth of the matter is that underneath all the things you seek, what you are ultimately seeking is love. 

Why do we seek money? We seek because we believe it will bring safety and comfort that love provides. 

Why do we seek partnership/ marriage? We seek because we believe it will bring life-long affection that love provides. 

From a word you’re seeking to hear from a beloved to the desires you have for your career, what we all are ultimately seeking is love. And until you experience that love, nothing in this world can feel satisfying. 

And this love is more than just the “love” you see in romantic songs and movies which is actually just ego attachments. This love is more than the “love” reaction that someone gives you on Instagram. Instead, this love that you’re actually seeking for is pure, unconditional, whole love. 

It is the kind of love that doesn’t judge you but instead frees you. 
The love that doesn’t harm you but instead is safe for you. 
The love that never dies and is always there for you. 
All of that love you learn for is because you are created with love of the Source.

And the truth is, this love is available to all of us. This love is always guiding us, loving us, providing us. And this love has always loved you, now loves you, and will always be loving you.

When you experience this unconditional love, it brings you happiness and peace (i.e. the feeling of having already arrived). But when you deviate away from this love and can’t see that love, it’s when you get frustrated of not getting what you want. 

As in the voices in the mind that tell you that you are not worthy, you are not “successful,” you are not this and that etc.

As in the worries that are afraid of what will happen in your future, or thoughts that make you feel guilty and ashamed of your past.

All suffering arises only because of a lack of unconditional love. 

And when you feel that deep burning hunger in your heart, it is actually love that you’re longing for. After all, love is what brings all healing; love is what moves mountains; love is what unites enemies. For love is who you innately are and is also what creates stars in the Universe. And every fiber of your being seeks to remember your Oneness with all that exists (i.e. love).

No person or an external circumstance can make you feel “enough” until you experience that unconditional love for yourself, in yourself. Yet, the ego makes you believe that only when you “achieve” or “earn the likings of other people” you can be loved. But this is a chase for the carrot that never arrives, because the ego can never love you for who you are. Only unconditional love of the divine (i.e. which resides IN you), that is boundless and limitless can fill that inner emptiness of the self.

And the beauty of coming home to the Divine within is that once you fulfill these deeper soul desires, all your human desires will be also taken care of.

In my case for instance, this desire to understand why I am here and love everything about myself has led to things like growing a fulfilling business or being married to someone who loves me for who I am. And these miracles I would say, all happen naturally without me “trying” to effort my way. When you follow your soul desires, you need little to be happy because you feel full already.

Yet, I also understand that many people are afraid of following our soul desires because they think if you do, you have to sacrifice your human needs.

For instance, you may be in an unhealthy relationship and may think that if you love yourself fully and unconditionally, you may no longer need your partner and end up being “alone” for the rest of your life. Similarly, you may think that if you feel fulfilled right now and no longer feel that burning hunger to “win,” you may end up not doing anything.

But what I want to say is that when you fulfill your soul desires, you are not just getting what you want but are also letting go of the small ego self that “needs” the things you want. “Needing” something is repelling to that very thing you’re wanting to attract. You can never fully have something when you are “needing” it. Because to “need” something implies that you lack it.

You can’t be truly happy if you “need” to be happy. And just like that, you can’t truly feel loved when you “need” love. Needing something means that you don’t have that. Which is why when you let go of the self who “needs,” you realize more of what you already have. This is what it means to awaken divine consciousness, where you realize that all that you’re seeking is actually right here, in your Self.

ChanMyae LinLatt

Hi angel! I’m Chan Myae, intuitive healer & guide for sensitive, purpose-seeking women who desire to find peace in the heaven within.

Having been a perfectionist, high-achiever in the past, I totally understand how it’s like to experience stress, anxiety, and fears where happiness becomes dependent on achieving. But after going through profound spiritual transformation myself, my mission now is to help women realize how unconditional fulfillment is always here… and it’s right in your inner being.

If you’d like to get started, you can browse through a library of articles on this blog. Or to go deeper, you can book a no-pressure free intro 1:1 healing session here.


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