Feminine energy traits that lead to an easeful life
For a lot of us, we grew up in an overly-masculinized, pressure-based society that promotes force and effort. We are taught that we need to grind hard, push ourselves beyond our limits, and be productive all the time in order to get what we want.
Things like… Sleep is for the weak.
Use every minute to chase your dreams.
No pain, no gain… they say.
Although this approach to life can lead us to find success early on in our lives, what you will find is that driving yourself to push through with only masculine energy is not sustainable over the long haul. I know this because I have bought into the hustle culture, 5-am-rise type of work life myself in the past.
But what I’ve found is that for many women, if you are like me, find themselves overwhelmed, burnt out, and constantly unsatisfied. Not to mention, the voice in our heads that constantly tell us that “you need to do more” even in our leisure time.
And so, at one point, you may find yourself at a crossroad. On one hand there is the old paradigm that says you need to continue pushing hard (which may make you feel guilty if you don’t). And on the other hand there will be an inkling within you longing for peace, wholeness, and ease… which may lead you to seek a different way of living.
If you find yourself there, what I want to tell you, my love, is that you are on the path of unlocking one of the most profound revelations of your life. That is because your soul is yearning to discover how beautiful life can be, through restoring what’s inside of you– i.e. your feminine energy traits.
And so in this blog post, I want to share what these heart-nourishing, soul-revitalizing feminine energy traits are. My life has personally shifted for greater ease, beauty, and comfort, as I let them unfold in my own life myself. And so I want to share the qualities of the feminine that live inside of you and how they can change your life for the better too, once you awaken them inside of you:
The feminine listens to her desires
When you are tapped into your feminine essence, you honor your desires like they are the sweet fragrance of divine nectar. You don’t diminish or downplay what you want, just to settle for something less.
For example, if you want your man to treat you with respect, you don’t settle for behavior that’s less than that.
The same thing in career/business. Let’s say you desire to write in a certain style or show up in a certain way to attract clients. If you are tapped into your feminine essence, you honor that authentic desire and let yourself write/show up that way, without holding back just because other people haven’t done it prior to you.
Your desires are paving the way for how you are meant to receive what you want. They are messages from your Higher Self telling you how you are meant to walk on your path.
Listening to your heart’s desires (over listening to the voice in your head) is the starting ground for creating a life of fulfillment.
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The feminine in you honors that she is given her desires for a reason. And when she follows them, she lives a life that’s authentic to her which therefore feels good to her. That means you aren’t doing things because this is what you “should” do, based on society’s rules, but because there is a deeper calling inside of you.
However, that doesn’t mean that you let your desires deprive you.
This is when you over-pedestalize your desire so much that you feel as though you are lacking if you haven’t received what you want.
Rather, being in feminine essence is to realize that you already are complete, perfect, and whole already. Your desires are only ways for you to remember that who you are already is the divinely-perfected Self.
2. The feminine doesn’t strive, she surrenders
If you have seen a lot of teachings about feminine energy on the internet, you will see that many of them are focused on embodying feminine energy traits so that you can “manifest”/“be magnetic” (to their man/ to clients/ to money etc.)
While it is true that feminine energy is intrinsically magnetic, what I have come to know is that trying to be feminine so that you can get xyz outcome misses the whole point of being in your feminine radiance.
Because to be truly tapped into your feminine essence means to surrender, including your attachments to outcomes. This is because feminine energy helps you realize your innate confidence within– and so doesn’t need an external outcome to validate your self worth.
And instead of hoping for a future outcome to manifest, feminine energy lets you become fully present to what’s Here in the Now. This is how you truly let yourself soak in the richness, the beauty, the depth, and the healing that’s available in this moment.
The truth is, the present moment is where all infinite possibilities are. It is the place where your free will to create whatever you want exists. The present moment is also where your connection to the Divine/ God/ Source is. The present moment is also where intuition (i.e. the answers to your desires) reside.
And being in your feminine allows you to receive all that life has to offer to you right now.
3. The feminine honors the invisible waters and moves accordingly with them
In the overly masculine dominant world, we get locked up only to things that are “tangible,” visible, and seen. Unless something is not physically there yet, it’s not true nor valued.
But as spiritual beings in a human body suit, you know that this is not true.
There are energies around us and in us affecting us all the time. The universe leaves cues on how almost everything is affected by invisible waves— from magnetic fields that guide birds over the sunset skies to emotional waves that we experience day to day.
The gift of the feminine is the ability to sense the cyclical nature of energies that are normally imperceptible and move according to that… I call that the ability to sense the invisible waters of the Universe.
The feminine energy lets you sense that there is a greater power that is guiding all things (including yourself). And it is when you allow this greater power to guide you (call it Spirit/ God/ Universal consciousness) that things begin to flow…
But when you are only relying on what’s only visible and seen, and are not accepting what’s felt by the feminine, it leads to a sense of “fighting”, “resisting,” and ultimately not trusting reality nor yourself.
Which can look like:
needing outside sources of information to decide on anything; overthinking and overanalyzing on what to do.
needing external validation from others
needing instant validation to prove that what you are doing is working.
over questioning whether you’re on the “right” path or not
experiencing the fear of missing out.
Yet, it is when you accept your feminine (and her gift of sensitivity) that your world starts to blossom with radiance. Such as, intuitive abilities and inner wisdom to support you for the unfolding of your inner potential. You can read more about unlocking the intuitive abilities of the feminine on my blog post here.
4. The feminine craves depth
To the feminine, life is more than just numbers.
Because it is only when you look for things deeper than the numbers that you find the true essence of what you most want to experience.
For instance, you can have a huge number of followers on Instagram but if you can’t be yourself and share your authentic truths, you will find yourself feeling unfulfilled in your business.
Likewise, you can have a bank account that consists of millions but if you have to constantly be stressed out about making more + maintaining it, you will not be able to enjoy the money you have.
This is the reason why uncovering your feminine energy is filling and nourishing to a lot of women. Because now rather than just chasing numbers for the sake of gaining “more,” you focus on what gives you joy and meaning.
As in, choosing a career where you feel nourished from within, rather than forcing just because the numbers are impressive. Or if you are a business owner, it can look like creating content that you genuinely want to talk about rather than pumping out content only for the sake of going viral.
To be tapped into your feminine essence means you do things for the experience itself, rather than for the purpose of maintaining an external facade. And because of it, you get to live a life that actually feels good to your heart.
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5. The feminine loves everything for what they are
This one will shift the way you experience life once and forever, my love.
That is to finally hold love for everything within you and outside of yourself.
If there is one trait of the feminine that is most transformative, this has to be it. It is her compassion, love, and kindness to all and everyone, including yourself.
You can learn all the self-development strategies and try to “improve” yourself but if you cannot love yourself (and others), life will still feel empty, dry, and incomplete. It will feel like you’re running on a never ending cycle of needing to be “better” in order to feel loved and complete as you are. You can learn more of how self-development can disconnect women from finding true peace within herself here.
And it is only through the essence of the feminine (i.e. love) that life transforms itself. Love is what allows healing and miracles to occur. Love is what fills the missing “gap” inside of us.
For example, if you’re a high-achiever you can be trying with all the might you have to make your way to success (e.g. own a mansion, buy a yacht etc.). But until you can love your “non-achieving” parts, life will feel like a constant battle that you have to push through and strive for.
This is the reason why in the work I do with my clients, we work on loving all of you– especially the parts that have been repressed, pushed down, don’t feel “good enough.” And when you can hold love for all that is (and all that you are), the fact of how life is working for you, all to support you+provide you becomes undeniable.
In all, the Universe is made up of two energies, feminine and masculine. It is what created us and lives in us. Both are needed to unfold our true potential.
Yet in a society that is heavily-cloaked in masculine energy (to be specific, wounded masculine energy), the feminine withers and suffocates. Spiritually speaking, this is the cause for mass problems that we see today (from mental health crisis, burnout, to a lack of inner fulfillment).
And so healthy feminine energy traits are needed to restore your inner balance. Like a river, the feminine is what will bring bountiful abundance that runs deep, filling you up from inwards first, to then outwards. To nourish your heart with feminine energy is like finally letting rain pour over the dry-lands in nature– so you discover the true riches of being alive again
To restore your feminine nature is to experience the true richness of who You are. Like a message I heard from the roses (while visiting a rose garden the other day), they spoke to me: .
The point of life is not about getting somewhere
The point is for you to experience
How it is to smell the sweet fragrance
Of your own tender essence
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