The joy of letting your heart lead in business
Choosing a business where the mind is in service to the heart and not the other way round.
After I took almost a year off my business to focus solely on finishing a phd dissertation, I had the space to ponder upon how I want to give a rebirth to my business: in a way that is most aligned and integral to my true self.
Having learned lessons from the past– from trying to get my first client to attempting 5 figure months, I reflected that no matter how much money I made in my business, it never felt enough, or that I was enough.
It always felt like there was a “higher” point I was trying to climb to. And the pursuit of more somewhat feels pointless and empty without a meaningful connection to my higher purpose. It felt like I was on the pursuit simply for big income claims simply for people on social media to recognize me as being ‘successful.’
And during the process of reflection, I realized that the neediness to sky-rocket my income as fast as possible was blocking me from becoming the highest evolution of my soul.
I know a lot of business coaches will disagree on this because we’ve been taught to believe that making higher income pushes our soul to be better aka become more “optimized.”
However, I realized that when the goal of building a business is only coming from the mind, as in more money, more clients etc., we can forget to connect to our hearts (i.e. what makes us happy). We can become blinded to just achieving more that we lose track of our real reason for doing the business— that is, the reason that is BEYOND the numerical outcomes.
Instead, what I see a lot in the masculine-based business strategies is that every strategy we implement in our business should be about ‘making money fast’ ‘making money NOW.’ For example, before posting anything on social media, I found myself asking questions like:
“Will potential clients buy from me after reading this?”
“Will this headline convert into a sale?”
“What will people think of me after posting this?”
”Do I look like someone who is good enough to be their coach?”
No matter how many sales I made from asking these questions, I found that my soul was becoming depleted from the constant pressure to meet the external outcomes in my business.
It was like my business was a machine for simply achieving the things I wanted (or to better put it, what my mind wanted), rather than my business being a natural, organic expression of my soul (my true essence).
So many women also struggle from this internal battle on whether to listen to our mind vs soul for building successful businesses. We are pressured to do things based on our minds (i.e. what would generate the fastest/the highest returns) rather than creating from our hearts— aka the kind that brings us the most joy, aliveness, and fulfillment.
And the reason why we are afraid to follow our heart is because we’ve been taught to believe that when we choose our heart/ our joy, we have to sacrifice our mind based success.
For example, when we were young, we have been told that if we have too much joy (such as in our playtime) we will not be successful in our academics grades. And growing up even when we choose our careers, we’ve been told to avoid things that are too fun because “you don’t want to be a starving artist.”
However, in terms of business, what I’ve learned is that this pressure to make decisions from our minds over our hearts prevent us from becoming truly impactful, service-oriented, and revolutionary. We become focused on what would make sales in the short run instead of leaving a mark in the world (i.e. the lives of our clients) long-term.
This is especially true because our hearts want to give in overflow without worries, expectations, and fears.
For it is the highest way of knowing how abundant you truly are.
The truth is, if we actually run our business led by our hearts, we don’t have to worry about making sales (which I’m currently deepening more into myself). We don’t have to worry about who’s going to buy our programs/offers next because our sole focus is on GIVING. Our businesses becomes guided by:
How can you give so much that people just become naturally curious to learn more about your offer?
And I decided that it is how I want my business to look like: for me to abundantly pour the deepest wisdom from the core of my soul, without having to worry about how my posts/content are going to convert. I firmly believe that when our focus is to give, we naturally receive in return— which can look like money but also joy, peace, and fulfillment.
In fact, without this decision to follow my heart, I wouldn’t have begun this blog at all because my mind would say…
“Why would you diversify your attention to a blog when we know that social media alone can bring thousands of dollars each month?!”
But because I now choose to follow my heart— whose desire is to give more deeply and abundantly, even more than what I could normally on social media, I decided to launch this site.
My heart is so happy because now I can teach, guide, and heal people freely through my in-depth writings without the mind distorting my writings “so the post converts more.” And it is so liberating to not worry….
The main lesson I learned was this:
When you focus on pouring out your heart’s abundance in generosity, you do not have to worry
Just like in a famous saying by Christ: “Consider the lilies how they grow, they do not toil nor spin". I believe that when we fully let our hearts to blossom through providing that of the highest quality in our content+services, we do not have to be weighed by the pressure of needing to meet outcomes. Instead, we become nourished and fulfilled by the process itself. And overtime, that leads to sales that feel good to us.
And that I see, is the foundation of a heart-led business.
A few questions for deepening your connection to your heart in business
“What is my heart most longing to give to my clients/customers?”
“What is something that you don’t see people giving freely in the market yet you want to give?”
“What would you most enjoy to create in your business, if people who come into your work hire you because of it?”
And as a way to soothe your soul when it comes to business, here is a prayer I also like to meditate on:
To be of service is my only function. To provide is the function of God.
In devotion,
Psychic healing session for releasing blocks and gaining clarity for a peaceful, fulfilling life. (Reg: $222)