How I healed my rejection wound via psychic channeling

If you are a sensitive soul, chances are you may find yourself taking rejections personally from time to time. 

An extreme example would be that of a rejection after a breakup of course. But that doesn't always have to always be the case for rejections to hurt us. 

We can get rejected in so many ways, such as in career, where we get excluded or declined at work, or in business where potential clients reject us. In terms of social life/ romantic life, this can look like being left out at social events or not having our love reciprocated by others. And anytime we get rejected, it can feel like something is “wrong” with us, and that we are not “good enough” for others. 

Being a sensitive soul myself, I totally understand how this pain can sting. I have had a fair share of rejections myself from guys (before I married my partner), and prospects since I started my entrepreneurial journey– leading me to a whole journey of ego death and spiritual awakening. A recent one was that by potential business partners where I found myself feeling “petty” and “small” when I saw them responding “no” toward my proposal.

But the good news is, just because you get rejected doesn’t mean you have to feel rejected. I experienced this transformation in less than 10 minutes after I did a psychic channeling healing session on myself earlier today. (In fact, it made me so excited to share about it that I knew I HAD TO write about it on the blog:D). 

And before you ask me “wait, what? Psychic channeling?” I will say: hang on, you will see what I mean when you read through the rest of this article. Essentially, it is a healing method that I’ve developed, and that I use it often on my clients. It’s a form of intuitive reading where I would read someone’s psyche/unconscious mind (in this case, was where I did it on myself), and the unconscious would offer a stream of images and insights that facilitate transformation in not only our emotions but also reality/ mental worldview of the lives of my clients. 

And just before you read the rest of the article, I will say too though that it’s important to tune into your own inner world (i.e. your sensations, breath etc.) if you want to receive the healing for yourself while reading it. You may need to pause, take notes, or tune into your own heart as well to let it land. So whenever you are ready, take a deep breath, relax, and enjoy… 

The journey into my unconscious 

I felt a dagger stabbed in my right chest as I trudged along stretched plains of white sand. The pain of rejection pierced my heart, as potential affiliates said no and people were checking out my site but were not booking calls. The dagger was making my heart bleed with a red pool of blood surrounding it, and inside my heart looked like a dungeon with a prisoner caged inside.

So I zoomed in and let the prisoner speak. She said that she feels so unseen and unrecognized, as people didn’t see and acknowledge her value. So I let her out of the cage and be recognized by others. She ran like a lovesick woman begging for her lover, as she tried to clutch and cling onto others. 

But even then, when people saw and recognized her, she still felt inadequate. She was afraid that they might stop liking her at any moment and that she might upset them. She felt chained down by the need for people to like her, like thick metal chains were weighing her down, making her still a prisoner. My heart felt like a sinking ship as I let her out. 

But as I continued speaking as her (the prisoner woman), soon enough, my higher Self arrived to meet the prisoner woman. My higher Self had glistening white silvery light around her and had large angel wings. She said to the prisoner woman that it is okay to be rejected and unseen. She said that she loves the prisoner woman even if nobody likes her, values her, or sees her. She said that she always sees the prisoner woman for who she is, for my awareness is the Higher Self, always seeing her.

This made the prisoner woman realize that when she is reaching out for other people to like her, it actually doesn’t lead anywhere because it is an illusion. She saw that the only thing that was real was my Higher Self and the people that she was trying to receive likes/ approval from were like that of tv characters shown on a fictional tv screen. This realization turned the prisoner love-sick woman into a little bird. And she happily nested to be inside the heart of the Higher Self. 

The prisoner woman now feels so loved, held, and recognized, for everything that she does. And the glass-like dagger now uproots itself out of the wounded heart, leaving dazzling snowflake-like crystals on the land I was walking in before, which now turned to be alive and green with forest plants. I feel goosebumps as energy now circulates better. I feel lighter, freer, with the carefreeness of joy sparkling inside of me.

And THAT was how I healed my rejection wound, my love. And maybe, as you read this, something within you is stirring too. Perhaps you recognize a place inside where love has felt just out of reach. A place that, for so long, believed it had to earn and strive for its worth.

But if you close your eyes and listen, what does your own inner world reveal?
Does a memory arise? A sensation in your body? A quiet voice speaking beneath the noise?

You don’t have to force anything. You can just notice. Breathe with it. And let it show you what wants to be seen.

And that’s the essence of psychic channeling. Through this form of healing, your unconscious begins to show you, speak through you, and give you everything you need. 

In my case, it begins with me seeing the literal energy blocks that were causing heaviness and stress, with a “low” feeling inside my body. And it doesn’t just end there, channeling our psyches offers us insights into what’s inside our unconscious mind– meaning what’s actually hurting us, outside our logical “thinking” mind and normal waking awareness. 

Our unconscious gives us rich symbols, images, and metaphorical stories, and through letting them arise, we then get to see the wounds that we haven’t yet processed in our lives (and even our past lifetimes)– so that they can finally be healed, transmuted, and released for good. The result is a reconnection to our natural and innate sense of joy, with the way we experience life totally shifted and transformed, once and for all. 

And of course, I can talk about how powerful intuitive channeling is all day long but no amount of reading/listening about it can actually lead to transformation until we experience it for ourselves. 

To you, maybe you get to experience some healing through reading my story (which perhaps may be similar to yours) OR maybe you want to experience your OWN personal unconscious and psychic revelations, uniquely tailored for you. If that’s the case, you are welcomed to book a 1:1 psychic channeling session here (the intro call is free!). On the call, we can also explore how you can make inner joy, peace, and love your everyday living reality. 

ChanMyae LinLatt

Hi angel! I’m Chan Myae, intuitive healer & guide for sensitive, purpose-seeking women who desire to find peace in the heaven within.

Having been a perfectionist, high-achiever in the past, I totally understand how it’s like to experience stress, anxiety, and fears where happiness becomes dependent on achieving. But after going through profound spiritual transformation myself, my mission now is to help women realize how unconditional fulfillment is always here… and it’s right in your inner being.

If you’d like to get started, you can browse through a library of articles on this blog. Or to go deeper, you can book a no-pressure free intro 1:1 healing session here.


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