How to live a peaceful life that nourishes you everyday

When you think of having a peaceful life, you may imagine being a monk in the Himalayas, away from the noise of the world, meditating and having all the time for yourself.  

Or you may think of finally being retired by the beach, sipping pina colada in Bali, or hitting a certain milestone in your career/business that you can finally “rest.” 

This is how many people spend their lives thinking “One day, I will finally have peace.” Only to find out that this time never arrives… 

Because we think that peace is on the other side of “making things happen.” We put time, money, or circumstances between peace and where we are. We think we don’t deserve peace right now or that we can’t have peace yet. (Not until your life gets “figured out.”)

But what if I tell you that peace isn’t a reward for achieving goals– rather it’s the foundation for creating a life you truly desire?

As a society, we’ve been led to think backwards– that what we do has to come before peace. When in fact, only when we have peace first, can we create a life that also brings peace into our lives. 

As in a quote I’ve heard once, that goes like: 

The ego thinks: I need to make things happen in order to find peace 

Spirit says: Have peace first. Then things will happen. 

When I realized this myself, it shifted everything for me. In the past, were there days when I felt like I was running on the feeling of “lack,” like I was a slave to what happens in my life/ business. But now peace becomes an ever-present feeling, and things I desire gets done naturally as a by-product. 

And the good news to you my love is, peace is always Here Now. Because peace is the core of who you are. Just like how all the things you desire (e.g. love, wisdom, abundance etc.) make the core of who you are. The only question is if we are present with the peace we desire. 

Which is why the first principle that I have learned to create a peaceful life is to: 

Notice peace where you are 

Most of the time, whenever you feel off (i.e. not feel in peace), what you will notice is that it’s because you’re disconnected to what’s here. 

This is true especially in the hustling-bustling world of the current day and age when many of us are hooked onto our social media and screen devices. We are rushing from one thing to another, trying to speed our way to the “top,” always thinking of the “next thing.” 

We become so hooked onto what’s out there in the future that we no longer are present in our bodies. We are trying to move fast to our goals but it feels like we are getting nowhere. 

This is the state of disconnection. It’s where we’re so attached to what’s “not here” that we lose our connection to “what’s here.” It’s an inner dystopia where we’re trying to do anything but be here. 

This inner disconnection to the present moment is what creates the feeling of emptiness. The kind of feeling that says: what you want isn’t here. 

When the truth is, it is your connection to what’s here Now that will actually fill you up.

Lasting peace cannot be found outside of this moment because this moment is all there is. This moment is where YOU are. This moment is where your connection to God is. This moment is where infinite possibilities (and miracles) exist. 

When you are looking for something to satisfy you/ something that will bring peace to you, what you are actually looking for is to connect to You.

Peace comes down to the depth of how connected you are to life– which includes what’s within you and around you. 

As in where you connect so deeply to the feeling of sadness that healing occurs naturally on its own. Or when you connect so deeply to the sound of typing on your keyboard that beautiful string of words cannot help but flow through you (this is honestly how I feel right now as I write). Peace begins to follow you everywhere you go when you are so deeply connected to the present moment you.  

You are the gift you’re looking for, and this gift (the infinite You) only exists in the present moment. And you cannot do this when you are hooked onto a future moment, trying to run away and escape from the present moment Self. 

Let go of what does not bring peace

Once you start connecting more to the present moment, you will be more able to stay in peace longer than before. 

But at the same time, uncomfortable, unpleasant emotions can also surface up. I remember when I began listening more to the silence (and living in the present moment), I would experience spirals of shame about myself. Like shame about where I was in life, shame about my circumstances etc.

The reason why emotions like these come up is because when you live in the present, you’re now meeting yourself as you are. You are no longer trying to run away from your emotions anymore, with things like addictions, overthinking, or worrying about the future. 

And this is a good thing. Because it means your emotions can finally be seen, felt, and therefore healed. In fact, negative emotions are like little yous: trapped and buried underneath the ego for most of your life.

Life is not peaceful when these negative emotions are trapped underneath because it makes us operate from fear, desperation, and clinginess to outcomes. 

But now that you are seeing them as they are, you are able to love them, heal them, and therefore release yourself from them. 

And the miracle is that healing can happen in an instant. All it takes is your awareness of what’s buried underneath. Sometimes even noticing the negative emotion as it is can free yourself from experiencing it. (In my 1:1 sessions, I facilitate rapid emotional healing which you can book here).

This is how you finally land to the inner paradise of peace. To be honest, it’s not even about “adding” things to your life to find peace, it’s simply about releasing emotions that do not bring peace. 

So no you don’t need to book a flight to Hawaii to find peace (unless you really want to:) ). The truth is, you can find peace through simply being with what’s wanting to emerge through you

Choose peace 

This final tip here is a big one. It’s what makes the difference between a life that keeps bothering you vs. a life of quiet peace, contentment, and tenderness. It is that~

Many people say they want a peaceful life but they like the drama. They like being the victim of the story. They like gossip, or overthinking what other people are thinking of them, or constantly worrying about the future. 

And the truth of the matter is, what we choose is what we get.

When we choose “poor me” stories, we get a life that also confirms our victimhood stories. When we choose anxious thoughts, we get a life that we can’t stop worrying about. 

Choosing our state of being is like marrying someone– we gotta choose what we love over and over, to keep being in love. It’s the same thing with peace. 

This is the reason why just booking a trip to Hawaii (mentioned above) will not cure the lifelong affliction of our mental suffering. Nor going to a 5 star hotel retreat will. 

Sure, you may feel peaceful for a little while watching the ocean waves hit the shore, but when you return back to your daily life, the voices in your head will return again. The thoughts of “not being enough” or “so and so doesn’t like me” will also return again. 

Unless of course, you make it a practice to choose peace. Over and over again. With every breath and with every step. The practice is to remember that You are the bringer of peace (and everything else you desire).

And when you choose peace, you will find that nothing else outside of you (not even an angry yelling mom nor the stock market) can steal your peace anymore. You are in your inner nirvana and the outside world cannot throw you off anymore. 

Of course that doesn’t mean that you would be stuck in the vegetable-zen mode who accomplishes nothing and lets people step over you. But rather, instead of reacting passively to your situations you are consciously choosing what will lead to the highest, most loving outcome for you and everyone involved. 

This is what it means to intentionally create a life that brings you happiness and peace. 

Now instead of trying to follow what everyone else is doing, and trying to achieve goals like them, you are more in tune with what brings delight to YOUR heart. You are connected to what brings YOU happiness. 

And you no longer hesitate, doubt, nor overthink anymore because your state of being is no longer at the mercy of someone else/ an external circumstance. Rather, you are the joy that people and things of beauty and bliss desire to be around. 

This is the magnetic state that the law of attraction community is talking about. In fact, I don’t even want to emphasize on “being magnetic” because when you are peaceful you don’t even need to work on being magnetic anymore. Because you are deeply affirmed in your heart will be with peace anywhere you go. To me, this is what heaven on earth is. 

If you’re ready to cultivate a life of unwavering peace and all-abiding joy+bliss, I invite you to explore my 1:1 coaching. It’s for you if you don’t just want to heal, but you also want to thrive, flourish, and be fulfilled: in your work, personal life, and relationships. Together, we make your dreams come true. 

To your heaven on earth,
Chan Myae

Chan Myae LinLatt

Psychic healer & happiness coach for feminine beings who desire to come home to the heaven within. My mission is to help women transcend all “lack” so you can experience unconditional joy, peace, love, as you live your dream life everyday. To explore my services, book a free healing here.


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