How to live a peaceful life that nourishes you everyday (and finally “arrive”)

When you think of having a peaceful life, you may think of finally leaving the busy-ness of the world, meditating in the woods, and having all the time for yourself.  

Or you may think of finally being retired by the beach, sipping pina colada in Bali, or hitting a certain milestone in your career/business that you can finally “rest.” 

This is how many people spend their lives thinking “One day, I will finally have peace.” Only to find out that this time never arrives… 

Because we think that peace is on the other side of “making things happen.” We put time, money, or circumstances between peace and where we are. We think we don’t deserve peace right now or that we can’t have peace yet. (Not until your life gets “figured out.”)

But what if I tell you that peace isn’t a reward for achieving goals– rather it’s the foundation for creating a life you truly desire.

Yet, as a society, we’ve been led to think backwards– that what we do has to come before peace. When in fact, only when we have peace first, can we create more of what also brings peace into our lives. 

As in a quote I’ve heard once, that goes like: 

The ego thinks: I need to make things happen in order to find peace 

Spirit says: Have peace first. Then things will fall into place. 

When I realized this myself, it shifted everything for me. In the past, were there days when I felt like I was running on the feeling of “lack,” like I was a slave to what happens in my life/ business. But now peace becomes an ever-present feeling, and things I desire gets done naturally as a by-product. 

And the good news to you my love is, peace actually exists right Here. Peace is actually NOT somewhere outside of you like what the mind thinks, but it is actually the core of who you are. Just like how everything else desire (e.g. love, freedom, abundance etc.) are the core of who you are.

And the only thing that stops you from experiencing peace is the mind that believes that the peace you want is somewhere afar…

Which is why the key to experiencing unconditional peace is always to first: 

Receive the gift of where you are

Most of the time, whenever you feel off (i.e. not feel in peace), what you will notice is that it’s because the mind is trying to be “somewhere else.”

This is true especially in the hustling-bustling world of the current day and age when many of us are led to believe that someone else on social media has a better life than ours. We are rushing from one thing to another, trying to speed our way to the “top,” always thinking of the “next thing.” 

We become so hooked onto what’s out there in the future that we no longer are present in our bodies. We are trying to move fast to our goals but it feels like we are getting nowhere. 

And this is where a lot of high-achieving women find themselves… feeling empty, hollow, and dry inside our hearts. This happens because of the feeling of “lack” from thinking that the future moment is better than what you have in this moment.

When the truth is, it is ONLY your connection to the present moment that can fill you up.

The present moment is the only moment that can nourish you, fulfill you, and satisfy you. The present moment is the only place where You are. The present moment is also the ONLY place where you can connect to the Divine/ God/ Universe.

Yet, the mind lives in the illusion that this present moment is not good enough. As a result, you only end up trapped in the wheel of mental + emotional suffering, constantly seeking, striving, and searching for something “better”… never fully “arriving” to that which you desire.

Heal the mind that says you “can’t”

As you begin bringing your awareness to the present moment, the mind will bring up so many thoughts saying why you can't have peace “yet.”

Perhaps it will go into what’s still wrong with your relationship situations, or worry about your career future, or what to do “next” after you shower, all of which will then suck you away from being present.

But if you truly desire to find peace, the key is to stay with “what is” instead of being carried away by your thoughts….

And when you do that, you will see that underneath these voices of the mind are actually emotions buried from a long time ago, like back from your childhood.

For example, underneath the voice that says “but what will people think about you?,” you may see that the underlying emotion is the shame that you felt as a little girl when you were seen as “bad.”

Or if the voice says “but what if he actually doesn’t love you?,” you may see that the underlying emotion is that of fear you felt as a little girl too, when you were rejected by your parents.

And as you listen to the present moment (without being carried away by your thoughts), these emotions will begin to be released for good…

This is necessary because the only reason why you can’t experience peace right now is because these “negative” emotions are trapped inside you. The stuck emotions are what has been causing the mind to suffer— through striving, clinging to outcomes, and worrying about the future.

But when you finally see these emotions for what they are, instead of trying to run away from them through your thoughts, you will finally see that unshakable peace is who you already are.

For your true Self is like the blue sky, that reveals with pristine peace after the heavy showers of the dark clouds pass.

And the miracle is that healing can happen in an instant. The only block is the mind that thinks that peace is “far away.” (In my 1:1 sessions, I facilitate rapid emotional healing which you can book one for FREE here).

This is how you finally land to the inner paradise of peace. To be honest, it’s not even about “adding” things to your life to find peace, it’s simply about releasing emotions that do not bring peace. 

So no you don’t even need to book a flight to Hawaii or be retired to finally have peace. The truth is, you can find peace through simply being with what’s wanting to emerge NOW through you

Choose what you truly desire

This final tip here is a big one. It’s what makes the difference between a life that keeps bothering you vs. a life of peace, contentment, and completeness. It’s what makes the difference between affected by your external circumstances vs. being grounded in the Truth of who you are.

And that is, is to choose peace over and over again, my dear.

I say this because many high-achieving women desire more peace, but feel like they feel like they “need” the stress in order to get somewhere.

As high-achievers, we’ve been led to believe that without worrying, overthinking, and stressing about outcomes, we won’t get what we want. That if you no longer stress, you would be end up in a vegetable-mode where you accomplish “nothing.”

And if you find yourself there, know that it is the mind tricking you so that you don’t let go of the suffering it creates my dear.

The mind does it by creating paradoxical effects. As in, it promises a way to get out of “suffering” (e.g. through worrying and stressing), but that only ends up creating scenarios where you have to continually worry and stress, therein only creating more suffering.

But as the Creator that you are, know that you have the ability to choose my dear.

Yes, you have the power to choose on what what you desire the most.

That you desire peace over worrying, overthinking, and stress.
That you desire peace over clinging to outcomes and attachments.
That you desire peace over the shaky solutions that the mind presents.

And when you choose peace, over and over again, life will not be able to resist but to give you the peace that you most want.

There, you will live a new life where you don’t have to (mentally and emotionally) suffer in order to receive your desires.

Instead, you will see that peace is always THE way.

Peace will become your new standard of how you go through your days and will also be the way on how you receive what you truly desire. In fact, your most impactful ideas, miracle opportunities, and higher solutions will come from residing in the peace that you are.

And when you do, you will no longer pedastalize a future moment or be obsessed with what “could” happen, if only xyz happens or if your manifestations arrive.

Rather, you now fully live a life that is better to you, than watching other people living their lives on social media.

To me, THAT is the definition of pure Nirvana.

Which is to come home to the heart of being satisfied right where you are.

It’s a place where all that you desire is finally here.

Through peace, you will find that the soul fills up, even more than manifesting the private jets, yachts, and penthouses. Because you have arrived to a place that’s even more nourishing, valuable, and deeply felt than any outcomes that you chase outside of yourself.

ChanMyae LinLatt

Hi angel! I’m Chan Myae, intuitive healer & guide for sensitive, purpose-seeking women who desire to find peace in the heaven within.

Having been a perfectionist, high-achiever in the past, I totally understand how it’s like to experience stress, anxiety, and fears where happiness becomes dependent on achieving. But after going through profound spiritual transformation myself, my mission now is to help women realize how unconditional fulfillment is always here… and it’s right in your inner being.

If you’d like to get started, you can browse through a library of articles on this blog. Or to go deeper, you can book a no-pressure free intro 1:1 healing session here.


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