How your Emotions are Signs from your Soul

Our feelings are sacred messages from our soul that lead us to Home (True Self). However, as a society, we’ve been programmed to avoid our feelings, either through numbing them out with addictions or being busy with constant work/hustle/grind.

I know this because I spent the first 22 years of my life running away from my feelings— merely to chase a status/income that my parents expected of me (i.e. to be a medical doctor). The consequences of not listening to my feelings (and what they were telling me) were jarring, especially the year after I graduated from college where I was working as a pharmacy technician, which I hated. I remember dreading to go to work every morning, while feeling so frustrated with what I had to do to survive.

During that year, I saw how a majority of people live life that way—chasing for things that we think we “should” do while ignoring our feelings deep down. Schools only teach us to make decisions based on information, but not our feelings. We only consult to encyclopedias with “how to” information to get somewhere, yet we do not consult our hearts. We treat our feelings are like a mysterious complexity, a distracting nuance, only reserved to be untangled inside a therapist’s office.

What we do not see is that our feelings are breadcrumbs toward a life that is most aligned, peaceful for us

Positive feelings tell us what we want more of. Negative feelings let us know where our souls are suffocating deep down. Through listening to BOTH of them, we find out most beautiful path in the garden we call life.

Yet what I’ve seen is that we only cling onto positive emotions, while resisting the negative emotions. This is what leads to addictions, this is what leads to over-working/striving, because we are on a constant chase for emotional “highs” while being afraid of “lows.” Even in the spiritual community, we are taught that negative emotions are “low vibrations” that must be avoided in order to manifest what we want. This can feel challenging and even overwhelming for us to maintain, especially for sensitive feminine beings like us, who just feel A LOT.

What your soul wants you to know is that: the more you learn to work with your emotions, the more they can provide for you.

Your emotions are the road to where you’ve always wanted to be. See your emotions as like raw materials of the earth. Through your attention+acceptance (for even the bad ones), it’s like you are providing the necessary temperature/pressure for those raw materials to transmute into the most precious gemstones.

For me, this is how I get materials on what to write about on my blog— through feelings. Not through over-thinking or spending hours researching the “correct” keywords, I let my feelings tell me what is alive+ what is here Now, so that I can write the most potent writings for my audience (and clients) who experience similar things.

Feelings are also how the most remarkable poets, writers, and artists of all times have always used to consult. They don’t get bogged down by what the market wants/ what people are wanting to hear from them, rather they intently feel+express their deepest emotions and their works are remembered for centuries…


I know that learning to be with our emotions is not easy. A lot of time, when we “sit with our emotions” it can bring up a hefty mass of pent-up emotions that you’ve been running away from before.

For example, recently, as I chose to follow my soul’s calling of being a full-time blogger/coach, it brought up a lot of fears residing within me. Such as, fears of not being able to pay bills, fears of having to go back to a 9-5 life, fears of not being able to help my mom financially etc., even though I have 18 months of savings!

And yes, illogical fears and anxiety do come up as human beings, no matter how rich, beautiful, and successful you are. However, when you learn to be in a harmonious relationships with your emotions, you become more grounded, more strategic, more confident in who you are. It’s like you become a “peaceful warrior.”

In my case, through facing my fears, I have been able to heal the root of scarcity that have been eroding away the spirits of my ancestors. I have been able to explore beyond the previously-set barriers toward inner freedom, with creativity bursting forth like a river unobstructed. Through being at peace with all my emotions, I have been able to dive headfirst into the ocean of my dreams, no longer waiting for a future moment.

Your ability to feel emotions is a gift that leads to your divine destiny. Yet they have been avoided, or to put it other words “controlled upon this planet” as in the song, Ace of Cups by LSDream. Your emotions tell you what’s the path vs what’s not for you, in fact, even beyond our minds do. It is when we learn to receive them, without shame nor judgement, that we open our eyes to a world of rainbows, auras, and magic, beyond a black-and-white existence.

Chan Myae LinLatt

Psychic healer & happiness coach for feminine beings who desire to come home to the heaven within. My mission is to help women transcend all “lack” so you can experience unconditional joy, peace, love, as you live your dream life everyday. To explore my services, book a free healing here.


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