Receiving unlimited content ideas everyday as a soul led coach

These days, much of the business coaching is catered around the masculine aspect of content creation: how to make your content convert to sales. However, very few talk about the core essence of content creation which is just as vital, if not even more vital– i.e.the feminine spirit of creativity which leads to an overflow of content ideas in the very first place. 

Due to this disparity of the emphasis in the industry, what I have found is that a lot of feminine-led women tenses up when it comes to content creation. 

Thus, even if you know ‘the how’ of creating content, you may find yourself holding back from fully expressing your ideas due to the fear of the content not converting. And even when you try to create converting content, it may be hard to remain consistent in your marketing– either because you feel like you have to force them out or because your ideas don’t arrive as often as you’d like. 

And what I’ve learned is that all of that creative stuckness happens when you are too focused on selling, rather than connecting. In other words, your mind becomes too fixated on getting sales immediately that it tightens up and suppresses your heart from connecting to your ideal client’s heart. 

I learned this the hard way when the voice of a copywriting/business coach I hired in the past became my own inner critic. Back then, with every sentence I tried to write for content on social media, the voice would question in agitation “but would that lead to people swiping their credit cards asap?”

All of that striving and questioning, I found, only led to blocking my creative flow.

Yes, they did lead to some sales, however, because my writings were coming from a place of pressure, control, fixation, the sales weren’t coming from a place of a deeper resonance– rather my business felt like a transaction. It also felt like I couldn’t speak my entire truth– rather it felt like I was restricting myself with a filter so I can make people buy.

Overall, my content ideas were blocked and any that came through sounded pretentious and inauthentic.

From that experience, I learned that for a feminine being to thrive in business, we can’t just suffice with good copywriting skills alone. Rather, we have to go even deeper to connect to the creative essence that comes up with exciting ideas in the very first place. 

So in this blog post, I want to share with you, core principles that I have found to be essential for the feminine soul for channeling a prolific stream of content that reflects your abundantly-rich heart. 

Your genuine excitement to solve a problem

When it comes to content creation, a lot of business teachings these days focus on catering content based on the needs of the external world– for example, choosing a niche with the least competition, most money to make, biggest audience etc. 

However, when the reasoning for content creation only relies on the external world, creativity in our business becomes stifled because the source of content inspiration is not genuine, soul-sourced, and intrinsic to us. 

This hits hard especially for feminine beings because our true nature is to bring life (i.e., creative expressions) from our inner internal landscape, rather than scrambling for creations from the outside world. That means, the feminine soul thrives when we create content based on our own genuine excitement, which is an antithesis to the externalized business model that we’ve been taught.

Which is why it is vital to first ground the topic(s) of our content based on where our hearts are– asking ourselves what we are most inherently curious about and that we desire to develop our craft toward

And the good news is, when you create content based on your own genuine excitement/interest in a topic, you create more depth/intimacy with your audience.

You receive a wholesome bucket of content ideas that make you light up everyday. And when people do buy your offers/programs, it is also easier for you to deliver even better results because you are wholeheartedly fascinated by the topic itself.

So if you are not finding your stuck in creating content, ask yourself: why are you interested in that niche/topic? 

Is it just because of external pressure (such as money)?
or is it because there is a genuine desire to solve a specific problem in the world?

For it is the latter that ignites your inner dragon’s flames of creativity…

Your depth of connection to a specific soul

Another piece that I’ve learned to be vital for us to be proliferating with content ideas is about having a deep soul connection. Connection as in nobody-sees-me-like-you-do kind of thing. 

Because the more we connect to the soul of the reader (through our content/marketing), the more it becomes easier to speak to them. Not only that, deep soul connection means the reader feels seen and understood by us. 

However, we can’t do this when we are trying to speak to (and be liked by) everybody. We can’t connect to the soul of the reader when we are trying to reach everybody and sell to everybody.

Instead, deep soul connection happens when you are extremely selective on who you serve. It doesn’t just mean knowing your ideal client’s desires and talking about it. 

Rather it happens when you know that special one particular soul you serve so much that it feels like you’re inside their body, inside their mind, their consciousness… it happens when you love serving that one particular soul so much that that every creative idea you pour out is speaks solely to them, and not to others…

For me, once I stopped trying to appeal to a general broader category (spiritual women),  but instead began speaking to just one particular soul – to the sensitive, energetically-attuned, whimsical feminine being in business (i.e. you who is reading here🙂 ), I started receiving an abundance of content ideas on an everyday basis. Because now I fully have a firm grasp of whom I’m serving, all my creations come from an overflow of love and medicine directed for that one special soul. 

To you, that particular soul may be different– depending on your past, your personality, your expertise, and many other facets that make you YOU. I talked more about how you can find your particular soul-client through your self-awareness in this post here. You will find that the more you define and narrow down the person you’re talking to, the more your content ideas will deepen and expand.

Your purest level of truth

Lastly, what I’ve noticed within myself as well as that of my own clients is that we become blocked around content creation when we are not speaking the highest truths from our hearts. 

This happens due to the fear of how people would respond when they receive us– how they would judge and perceive us (and our truths). 

And what I’ve learned is that when we suppress ourselves from writing/speaking about what we truly believe in, we put an impeding veil around us– which blocks the right people who do agree with us from finding us (i.e. our aligned clients). We diminish our voice in the sea of other content creators– becoming just another life coach, manifestation coach, or whatever else you sell… while also diminishing the creative spark within ourselves

And I totally get that because I used feel like I was just another coach– well, specifically fitness coach (back in the day). I remember how no matter how viral my posts got, I felt like people only “liked” my posts but did not actually know the real me.

And when I did try to sell my programs, no one was drawn to me specifically– potential clients only came to me because I was just another instagram girl with a big butt *lol*. There was nothing that specifically drew them to me. And I remember how frustrated I was and also how I struggled hard looking for content ideas.

Looking back, now I see why it all happened. I was not speaking my truths because I was afraid of disappointing my viewers/subscribers and seeing them unsubscribe. So in every post, all I would do was deliver information, but with no personality nor personal opinions/truths. To put it into simple terms…. No matter how viral my posts got, my content was bland. 

In fact, this tendency of holding back my highest truths sneaked in even when I was a spirituality coach and was coaching my clients to speak their truths. I saw that within my content I was writing based on what I thought would make people buy that I was holding back my true opinions about certain topics (such as around New Age manifestation, speed-bait marketing).

And thankfully, through heartfully writing on this blog I can say that I have tapped into my fullest authenticity and truth more than ever. I have also noticed how this has led me to call in the type of audience that resonates even more fully with me. 

So if you are experiencing some stuckness in what to post about, you can ask yourself questions like: 

Do I share what I truly feel about the topic? 
Am I strong enough in my stance on the topic?
Where am I people-pleasing?

Share what you strongly believe in. Then teach/educate about how it will serve your clients even better than the alternative approach. Once you begin, you will see how even more of your truths (better ideas) will arrive. Not only that, you will begin calling in a more soul-aligned audience will land on your page (and thereby your offers).

Receiving content ideas that light you up (and also that of your soul-aligned clients) depends on how deeply you listen to your heart. For your heart is your business’s most precious treasure chest that contains unlimited truths, and within that unlimited content. And in the seat of the throne of your heart is where your ideal client sits, next to the river where unconditional love flows….

ChanMyae LinLatt

Hi angel! I’m Chan Myae, intuitive healer & guide for sensitive, purpose-seeking women who desire to find peace in the heaven within.

Having been a perfectionist, high-achiever in the past, I totally understand how it’s like to experience stress, anxiety, and fears where happiness becomes dependent on achieving. But after going through profound spiritual transformation myself, my mission now is to help women realize how unconditional fulfillment is always here… and it’s right in your inner being.

If you’d like to get started, you can browse through a library of articles on this blog. Or to go deeper, you can book a no-pressure free intro 1:1 healing session here.


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