How emotional healing creates your dream life (beyond manifesting your desires)

At one point, I used to think that if only my desired manifestations arrived, I wouldn’t feel shitty about myself anymore. 

I thought that if I just get all the things I want (e.g. dream house, dream husband, dream bank account etc.), I would be finally at total peace with myself. 

Until after years of getting into self-help and Law of Attraction train, I realized it did not. 

Yes, these goals and achievements do feel amazing at the initial point of receiving them.

But if you’ve been there too (which I am sure you have), you will know that after a period of time, the happiness of “getting” things starts to wear off. Like when you buy a lamborghini and a few months later, the crazy hype you used to have around begins to fade off and then you find another car you think is “better.” 

Soon enough, you find yourself feeling the same as you have always felt before… Perhaps this time even worse (because you realized that what you thought was the answer to your happiness actually did not change how you feel inside).

Your mind may convince you that maybe you just need the “next” thing (e.g. the next income, the next goal, next trip) to feel the happiness again…

But regardless of how big of an achievement you chase, you will find that the happiness from these external things will not last forever. 

This is the illusion that most people get when they get into manifestation work. It is the belief that what you’re attracting into your life will finally bring you happiness that you can’t experience without it.

And unfortunately, this belief only keeps perpetuating the cycle of dissatisfaction and the feeling of “lack.” 

When in actuality, the truth is that your external circumstances/ manifestations cannot bring you the emotions that you want. They are NOT what regulate your emotions– only You are the one who can regulate them. 

And I say this with power to you, to remind you that… 

Only you are the one who can make You feel good. 

Only you are the one who can heal your emotions for good. 

However, when you believe that the key to feeling good is outside of you, you are letting these emotions be further trapped inside. It’s like ignoring the little girl inside of you and telling her that you won’t look at her + love her until you sort the finances/ marry the love of your life– when the truth is that she wants YOU as you are Now.  

This is what emotional healing work does. It unblocks all the barricades you’ve put around yourself that cause further distance between you and the feeling you desire. In other words, emotional healing dissolves the “gap” that makes you feel as though you are not where you want to be yet. It brings you back the wholeness, completeness, you’re looking for all along, inside of yourself.  

Yet most people can't experience this because we’re too busy focused on how to manifest the outward desires– so much that we’ve ignored what we’re feeling deep down inside.

Don’t get me wrong, I believe in manifestation (after all we’re divine creators, manifesting ALL THE TIME). But the common pitfall I’ve learned with it is that when we are only focused on what’s outside (i.e. what we “need” to attract), we start to feel empty inside. 

Which is why in this article, I’m sharing with you the benefits of healing your emotions, from what I’ve learned from my own life as well as clients I’ve worked with. Because truly, there is more to emotional healing than just clearing “blocks” to make your manifestations arrive sooner and faster. 

You are no longer controlled by fear (and worries)

When we haven’t healed our emotions, what we do not see is that for most of our lives, we are living from a place of protection rather than opening to what’s truly possible.

We are trying to take action and pursue goals from a place of preventing our childhood fears, rather than following our true desires… 

It’s like me in the past when I thought that I wanted to be a medical doctor so badly, but it was coming from a place of needing to earn validation from my dad. Or when I felt the pressure to earn 6 figures in my business as fast as possible, but it was coming from a place of needing to prevent my childhood fear of “being behind” and “being a failure” (rather than from a natural overflow of my inward abundance). 

And what I’ve realized is that anytime we are trying to take action and pursue goals from a place of fear (i.e. the need to protect our childhood fears from happening), we become overly stressed, with worries, and doubts on our paths.

Because there is no trust in yourself, nor in the present moment, or in the Universe/God who wants you to take you to something better. 

Instead we become restricted by what we think “should” happen as we are trying to control life through our limited minds. And ironically, what we fear usually ends up happening, because we are trying to run away from it (which means we are focusing on it). 

The beauty of healing is that you gain the ability to notice anytime fear tries to come into your mind to make life even harder.

Instead, you are able to lean onto the opposite of fear (i.e. love) which is where everything you desire is laid on the path. Unlike fear, you feel excitement, joy, and bliss with every action you take when you are following love. And this organically leads to synchronicities and miracles that open up ways for you to receive what you love, in all the ways you want. 

You stop relying on people/things to move forward

When fear is present inside your body, it is also hard for you to trust yourself and your feelings.

Instead, there is an overreliance on the outside world– such as, what other people are thinking of you, how other people are responding to you, or what is currently in your bank account. With that, you end up giving your power away to those external circumstances. 

I see this happening in the past myself when I used to blame the outside world for not being where I desire to be. Like in the past, I wanted to express myself fully on social media and serve so many clients.

However, I thought to myself that I couldn’t be there “yet” because “I didn’t live in a perfect instagrammable place” or “didn’t have the impressive x figure months” like other online coaches.

And so, rather than following my higher calling, I was being codependent to the outside world to prove that my dreams were possible. I was waiting for the world to prove it to me rather than creating the proof myself.

When in actuality, the world is actually responding back to me. Everything we experience in our reality is a direct reflection of who we choose to be.

You will experience this internal flip yourself when you do emotional healing work.

Because now, you feel satisfied from within and so no longer need immediate validation from the external world to prove you first.

You no longer need the conditions to be “right” before you take action and move forward. Which means you are no longer waiting for life to happen but instead are living life to the fullest. Right here, right now, and in every passing present moment. 

You experience total perfection of life

Before emotional healing, it’s not uncommon to feel like there is always something you need to “fix” in your life.

Whether that is to fix yourself, or other people, or the circumstances that are happening in your life. There will be this underlying discontentment that’s running in the back of your mind constantly telling you what’s not “good enough.”

And you may be trying to “fix” that through buying courses/ coaching programs/ searching for solutions, often to no avail. 

And the reason why these “fixes” do not work, or do not give you the lasting satisfaction that you desire is because the “fixing” is coming from the part of you (i.e. the ego) that thinks you are lacking, missing, and incomplete.

It’s coming from the ego that thinks something is massively flawed with you– when you are actually not. The same way, the ego sees the present moment as lacking, missing, and incomplete, and so no matter what solutions you get, there is always somewhere else you need to get. 

However, when you do emotional healing, you are no longer trapped in the ego mind that is constantly searching, striving, and scavenging. Instead, you now see that your “flaws” are actually your gifts. The things you shame yourself about become the exact things why people find you attractive.

Like for me, when I began owning the parts of me that I used to shame myself for in my business, I started attracting clients into my work who resonate with me on a deeper level, instead of me needing to be like someone else. 

The point is to tell you my dear, that healing is what will actually help you experience life’s absolute divine perfection.

Yes, you can try to “fix” things in the physical world but unless you heal, you will always feel uneasy and discontent with life. That’s because healing is like finally wiping the dirty mirror of your lens– so you can see the actual truth, beauty, and abundance of life.... Which leads me to my final point which is:

Your intuition becomes more accurate 

When you heal, you don’t have to search the outside for answers anymore. You don’t have to seek psychics, read tarot cards, or pedestalize a coach/person outside of you to give you guidance about life anymore.

(No shame if you do but truly, when you heal, you only do it only out of fun, and not because you are in need/lack).

Instead, your own inner knowing becomes the #1 key to receiving all that you want. Whether that is on how to receive your match-made-in-heaven clients, or switch path to a more fulfilling career, or meet your icing to your cupcake. 

That is because when you heal, you are more connected to your emotions than ever before. You are no longer running away from “the void” with constant seeking and chasing for the “highs” of addictions, approval, and achievements.

Instead, you are able to sit with your emotions and receive answers from your emotions. This is important because it is through your emotions that the Divine/soul is communicating to you. All the miracles that you are looking for are the by-product of receiving this divine connection.

However, you can only fully receive it when you go into what you feel instead of running away from the inner pain/void/sadness (i.e. emotions).  

All of the above are the reasons why when you work with me, what you WON’T get is a copy-paste, regurgitated strategy on how to receive/ manifest the desires you want.

Because the truth is, no matter what you try to manifest, you will not experience true satisfaction in your life/career/business until you are at peace with your emotions and yourself first.

Otherwise, manifestation will just be another spiritual tool that you’re using to grasp and attach to the physical world, only to keep on creating the experience of desire (and therefore of “lack”). 

Instead, what you WILL get, when you do work with me, is a full-on intimate experience where all your emotional needs and desires become satisfied through yourself.

What I mean by that is, we don’t heal just enough to “release blocks” between you and your manifestations, instead we also make your life a dream-coming-true delight in every step of the path.

That way, even when you do manifest things, you are creating it out of an overflow rather than “lack”— which fulfills not only you but also your higher soul mission and divine purpose. 

ChanMyae LinLatt

Hi angel! I’m Chan Myae, intuitive healer & guide for sensitive, purpose-seeking women who desire to find peace in the heaven within.

Having been a perfectionist, high-achiever in the past, I totally understand how it’s like to experience stress, anxiety, and fears where happiness becomes dependent on achieving. But after going through profound spiritual transformation myself, my mission now is to help women realize how unconditional fulfillment is always here… and it’s right in your inner being.

If you’d like to get started, you can browse through a library of articles on this blog. Or to go deeper, you can book a no-pressure free intro 1:1 healing session here.


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