Step-by-step guide to find your purpose (especially if you overthink)

Transcript overview

What is your purpose in life?

What kind of work makes you excited to wake up in the morning? What type of work makes you feel fulfilled and satisfied when you go to bed? What brings you meaning, joy, and ease in your daily life?

The truth is, finding your purpose is much simpler than you think. You don’t need to overthink it or feel like you’re having an identity crisis.

Welcome! My name is Chan Myae, and if you’re new here, I’m a psychic healer and a happiness coach for sensitive, high-achieving women. In this video, I’ll share how I found my purpose and how I help my clients discover theirs.

Many people experience feelings of emptiness or being lost when they don’t know their purpose. You might scroll through social media and see others living fulfilling lives, and it can feel like you’re far away from figuring out your own path.

But today, I’ll help you go from feeling lost and disconnected to understanding and embracing your divine mission.

Ikigai: The common way to find your purpose

Let's talk about purpose.

A popular concept for finding purpose is called Ikigai, which involves four overlapping areas:

  1. What people need.

  2. What can make you money.

  3. What you love.

  4. What you're good at.

The problem with Ikigai

It’s a helpful model, but many people get overwhelmed trying to balance all these areas.

You might feel like you need to map out your entire career or make an endless list of options, which can take the fun out of discovering your purpose. Some people, especially in Western society, focus too much on money or logic, and they lose sight of what truly excites them.

A better approach

Instead of getting caught up in analysis, I propose a new approach: follow your curiosity.

It might sound vague, but it's actually easier. Rather than thinking so much, let's focus on feeling. Your body is a powerful guide—it helps you sense what excites you, what brings fulfillment, and what will give you meaning.

First, we need to break down some myths about finding your purpose.

Myth #1: Your purpose is one big, life-changing thing.

Many people think finding their purpose is like winning a trophy—it will change everything and make them happy forever. This idea creates pressure, and when there’s too much pressure, curiosity fades away.

Think back to childhood, when you were curious and wanted to play many roles—doctor, engineer, astronaut. There was no pressure to find the "right" thing, just excitement to explore. As we get older, we start to feel pressured to make the “right” choice, which makes the process stressful.

From my experience, I once thought my purpose was to become a medical doctor or scientist because it seemed like the right choice. But later, I realized it wasn’t my true passion. I felt that pressure to find the "right" path, and it held me back from discovering what really excited me.

So, how do you find your purpose?

Instead of thinking of purpose as one final destination, think of it like following a scent. Imagine the cartoon Tom and Jerry, where Jerry follows the scent of cheese. It’s not about chasing a far-off goal—it's about following the small hints and excitement that are right here, in this moment.

Right now, there’s something in your life that lights you up, something you're curious about. But your mind may be afraid to follow it, thinking, "What if it's not the right thing?" or "What if there's something better?" These doubts make it harder to move forward.

But here's how it really works: Life is like a path with many stepping stones. You start by following what excites you right now. That step leads you to the next, and the next. Your purpose is not one single, fixed thing—it's an evolving journey.

For example, I was once passionate about fitness and nutrition. Following that path led me to a PhD program, but I later realized it wasn’t for me. Instead, I discovered my love for spirituality and meditation, which guided me into becoming a coach. Each step along the way contributed to where I am now.

So trust in the process.

Your purpose is not something you need to figure out years in advance. Instead, follow what excites you in the present. The Divine has a bigger plan for you, better than anything you could imagine. Trust that each step is leading you toward your ultimate purpose, even if it doesn't seem obvious right away.

In the end, everything you’ve experienced will come together to create a unique path that is entirely yours. All you have to do is follow your curiosity, one step at a time.

What excites you right now may be different from what excites you five years from now, and that's okay! It's all about trusting what sparks your curiosity at this moment. To help you find that spark in the present, here are some questions you can ask yourself:

  • What are you curious about right now?

  • What do you want to learn more about?

Curiosity is like wanting to pick up a book from the shelf that you’ve never read before—just because you’re interested. It doesn’t need to be life-changing right away; it’s simply something that intrigues you. That’s how the Divine guides us—through small curiosities, moment by moment. Once you follow them, you’ll start experiencing confirmation, often through your body. For me, it feels like spiritual chills or goosebumps, which is how I know I’m on the right path.

Right now, my love, the most important thing is to let go of your mind’s fears about trying new things. Once you try something, connect with your body—your body will tell you if you’re following the right path. The Divine is always giving us little hints, guiding us toward our ultimate life purpose.

Another helpful question to ask is: “What opportunities am I interested in exploring right now?” There are so many possibilities, but our minds often trick us into thinking there’s only one rigid path. In reality, there’s freedom to explore. Don’t overthink or overanalyze it.

Myth #2: Your purpose is just one special gift

Another myth about purpose is that it’s just one gift, but that’s not true! Your purpose is a holistic, well-rounded thing that includes many different parts (i.e. gifts). Some people, like my husband, knew from a young age that they wanted to work in healthcare, and that’s been their life path. But for others, like me, it’s not that straightforward. Our souls enjoy exploring different areas of life.

For me, I’ve found that my purpose includes fitness, creativity, painting, emotional healing, spiritual practices, and psychic development. These are all part of my unique journey. We’re multi-dimensional beings, which means we aren’t limited to just one gift. When you follow all your gifts, you create something truly unique to you.

For example, there may be other happiness and fulfillment coaches, but none combine it with strength training and psychic abilities like I do. Your soul has its own special gifts that make you rare, and our job is not to control or force them but to stay open to discovering them.

Sometimes, we even carry gifts from past lives into this one. For example, I’ve always had a natural talent for art, even without formal training, and I believe it’s a gift from a past life. We can blend these past talents with the new skills we acquire in this life, creating a unique collection of gifts that make us who we are.

To uncover your gifts and purpose, consider these questions:

  • What do you do naturally, without even thinking about it?

  • What do your friends say you’re naturally good at?

  • What activities make you feel like your true self?

Purpose is expressed through our natural desires and instincts. Pay attention to how you go through life day-to-day. Your purpose isn’t out there somewhere—it’s already within you.

Another fun way to explore your purpose is to think about the different parts or "archetypes" of yourself. Becoming more self-aware helps you understand your purpose better. For example, I’ve realized I’m a healer, a teacher, an artist, and a bodybuilder. There are many parts of me, and I don’t need to be boxed into just one thing.

The more you embrace and develop all the different aspects of yourself, the more you’ll see how they come together to form your unique purpose. Your purpose is a living, breathing expression of your soul, not just a single career or role.

Myth #3: Your purpose is your productivity

Which leads me to the last myth around finding our purpose. It’s the belief that your purpose has to be a job—something you clock in and out of. Many of us think our purpose is tied to how productive we are or how useful we are to others. But the truth is, your purpose is really about being yourself, expressing who you truly are. It’s something that you love so much that you can’t help but share it with the world.

You don’t have to be working all the time to feel fulfilled. Many people feel empty when they’re not productive, thinking they’re not living their purpose. They feel unworthy or like they aren’t contributing enough. This happens because we believe our purpose has to be something that earns money or is useful to others.

But what if we changed that? What if your purpose was simply being you, living your life fully in the present moment? As long as you’re doing that, you can’t help but serve others. When you’re excited and happy with life, you naturally share that energy with the world.

Think of nature. Birds and trees don’t search for their purpose—they’re just living it by being themselves. The same goes for you. Your purpose is already inside you. It’s not about finding something in the future; it’s about realizing that you are enough right now, just by being yourself.

You don’t need to cling to the idea of a purpose to feel fulfilled. True fulfillment comes from within. When you feel good inside, you naturally do things that align with your purpose, like how I’m creating this video. It’s not about being perfect all the time, but about being present and open to what life is showing you in each moment.

So, ask yourself: 

  • How have you been growing as a person and as a soul? 

  • What are you feeling now that you can’t help but share with others? 

  • How is your presence valuable? 

You don’t have to do anything special—just being present can make an impact on others. Maybe it’s through your compassion, love, or healing energy.

The universe is working through you. If you didn’t have to work another day in your life, what would you be? Not do, but be. Your purpose is in your being, not your doing. No amount of productivity will fill you if you think doing is the answer. Your soul is the answer.

In conclusion

To sum up, you are already connected to your purpose. It’s here, right now, in the present moment. The only thing blocking it is your mind, with thoughts like "What if I fail?" or "It’s not good enough." These thoughts disconnect you from your purpose. But remember: You are the purpose. The more you allow yourself to feel joy and curiosity in the present moment, the more you connect with your purpose.

You don’t need a master plan. The Divine has a plan for you. All you need to do is be present and open to it.

If you found value in this and want to dive deeper into living your most fulfilling life, you can book a call with me here.

ChanMyae LinLatt

Hi angel! I’m Chan Myae, intuitive healer & guide for sensitive, purpose-seeking women who desire to find peace in the heaven within.

Having been a perfectionist, high-achiever in the past, I totally understand how it’s like to experience stress, anxiety, and fears where happiness becomes dependent on achieving. But after going through profound spiritual transformation myself, my mission now is to help women realize how unconditional fulfillment is always here… and it’s right in your inner being.

If you’d like to get started, you can browse through a library of articles on this blog. Or to go deeper, you can book a no-pressure free intro 1:1 healing session here.


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