Client transformation: From feeling lost to being in love with life
There is nothing that gives me warm, buttery, feel-good feelings like seeing my clients change their lives inside out. The transformation I’m talking about today is one of those– where a past client of mine went from feeling lost to being in love with everything about her life in 12 weeks.
It’s one of those transformations that make me realize even more of what I’m obsessed with– so much that I pivoted my entire business to focus on helping more clients with similar desires (i.e. to help women live more fulfilling, soul-delightful lives).
So today I will be writing a whole case study devoted to this client (we’ll call her Julie for confidential reasons). I’ll be sharing with you all the struggles, realizations, and breakthroughs that Julie encountered on her path to living a happier, more fulfilling life. And most importantly, I will be sharing with you how our work together has changed her life for good.
1. Julie's desires
When we first began working, Julie stated that her desire was to be a coach. She thought it would lead her to happiness and fulfillment, as she has seen many coaches online appearing to be that by “living that dream life “/ “a life of freedom.” Not only that, Julie has such a big heart– she wanted to “help alleviate suffering and connect deeply with people” (per what she wrote on her application to work with me). Julie wanted to live a happier, more fulfilling life and thought for a long time that being a coach would be the route to that.
And so Julie spent years studying self-help and personal development and learning how to build a coaching business. And that was only part of the 10 years she spent searching for healing modalities to be happier: from psychology, hypnotherapy, somatic healing, theta healing, reiki, shamanic healing, psychedelics, retreats and more! Yet she couldn’t find a sustainable solution that led her to deep fulfillment and happiness.
She thought that the problem was because she wasn’t “living her purpose.” So she pursued the coaching route, taking coaching certification programs and online courses, most of which she failed to complete (we’ll talk more on why that is later). She has worked with multiple spiritual and self-development coaches and has spent at least $10,000 but somehow couldn’t get her coaching business started (nor find happiness that she was looking for). By the time she came into my work, Julie was feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, and “kinda lost.”
2. The problems Julie encountered
The biggest roadblock for Julie to being happy and fulfilled (which she thought back then was by becoming a coach) was lack of confidence. Despite knowing the strategies on how to make a coaching business work, Julie struggled to implement them. Or when she does implement them, e.g. (get on a call with a mock-client), she would get anxiety and feel like she wasn’t doing “good enough.” Her inner critic judged her hard for almost everything she does and she reported feeling like “a piece of trash.”
In fact, this lack of confidence wasn’t just stopping her from coaching others, it was sabotaging her relationships to others, her relationship to herself, and her career too. Her friendships felt superficial and unfulfilling, as she didn’t feel safe to authentically express herself and be herself with them. She didn’t feel confident in her body either and struggled to eat healthy as she would binge sugary/ junk foods often. At the same time, her job felt tiring and effortful and she felt like she had to “force herself to get things done.” Overall, there was sadness as she felt as though her “dream life” was far away.
3. How Julie came into my work
Julie stumbled across my facebook page a few months before we began our work and was intrigued by what I was writing on this blog. In one of those months she even DMed me that she deeply resonated with my writings and asked how she could work with me.
She didn’t sign up at that time however; it wasn’t until I went on facebook live (a month later) and gave her an intuitive reading that Julie “knew immediately” that she had to work with me. She said my reading was “so spot on” and was surprised how I knew what she actually wanted even though I didn’t know her personally. (P.S: This is the power of intuition– when you are tapped in, you just know what someone else is feeling+experiencing!)
4. Transformation timeline
Right after our livestream encounter, Julie signed up for a private 1:1 package which includes unlimited text + voice messaging on Telegram. As we began our first few message exchanges, she immediately began receiving clarity on her next steps.
Week 1-3
Right in our first few messages, I channeled the root of the reasons why Julie felt unfulfilled in her career and relationships: which include perfectionism, overthinking, and the need to fit in. Through intuitive channeling, we could see what her joyful inner child was wanting and the things that were blocking her from experiencing the joy she deserves. In one of the channelings, I even saw her inner child with a piano by her side and she said it’s actually something she has been wanting to try for a while!
Overall, Julie was amazed how we could reach “the depths of her soul” through visualizations where we could retrieve her innate gifts that have been long suppressed. She also liked how she could receive guidance for every problem she encountered through feeling in her body instead of being caught up in her head. I also gave her daily exercises that deepened connection to what she most wanted to experience in life. Toward the end of the first 3 weeks, she reported feeling “bliss” from “having so much trust in life”-- something she has never felt her entire life!
Julie’s experience of bliss on Week 2
Spirit sending healing energy to Julie through me
Week 4-6
As for week 4-6, our focus mainly revolved around finding self-confidence since she felt that “being a coach felt so out of reach.”
To do that, we uncovered the root of her self-worth where Julie realized that she had been trying to get validation from society (other people) instead of herself her whole life. This unconscious pattern was making her feel guilty when she couldn’t outshine and overperform. At the same time, the same pattern was afraid of being seen, outshining others, and receiving love. In other words, the unconscious pattern was making her want attention but also is afraid of receiving attention. The result of this unconscious pattern is a sense of paralysis as in “not knowing what to do”– combined with self-dislike and doubts toward herself.
As we began talking to those unconscious patterns she found herself becoming more relaxed and being able to be herself when she’s with others (such as on coaching calls with her clients and her friends). During the weeks 4-6, Julie began accepting herself (to the extent she has never done before), and became less triggered with comparisonitis (such as when she goes on Instagram). She also began putting herself out in the online world (which she has never before) and began sharing wisdom gained from the healing that we do through our work.
Julie felt newfound acceptance for herself through me channeling her soul
Julie impressed by how her confidence has unleveled massively
Week 7-9
During this period, Julie had bouts of feeling worthless and eating to seek pleasure and numb out. In the early part of this period (like week 7) were also moments when she felt awkward on coaching calls with her clients where she would freeze and feel stuck “like a robot who didn’t know what to say.” However, I wasn’t concerned that these happen around halfway of our work together though because it’s the nature of healing (healing is not linear) and also because it’s just the root of old fears purging up!
So in this period, we worked on connecting to her body, so she can use her body as a guidance tool instead of where she gets into the anxious, freeze-response. Toward the end of this period, Julie stated how staying in her body felt “so nice” (i.e. way more comfortable, freeing, and nourishing than staying in the head) and realized that until at this point, she was bypassing her feelings in her body her whole life!
This opened up a portal of intuition where she began receiving intuitive hits, as in being able to discern what about the other coaching program that she was enrolled in did not resonate with her. She also had no more of “the harsh mind” and said how crazy it is that she “no longer feel like a piece of sh*t” which is “a long way from where she came from.” With regards to her career, she also realized that she actually loved the job she was doing (as a youth worker) and saw that she was only trying to be a coach out of rush, fomo, and desperation.
Julie finding new love and appreciation for her job/career
Julie experiencing deep comfort in her body like never before
Week 10-12
The final few weeks wrapped up with Julie’s intuition activating rapidly, while having increasing connection to God/the Divine. Instead of feeling lost like in the past, she now feels love instead– within her and all around her. She realized how her life has always been okay but the whole time she was trying to “fix” it because she felt a sense of lack inside. But now she felt “more whole” as in feeling already complete and abundant as who she already is. She now has tapped into her natural confidence that isn’t connected to her worth but instead is a deeper feeling of knowing of “what is right” for her.
Julie realized that in the past, she was making quick decisions to chase for the “highs” of happiness that does not last, such as through binging food *note below* or trying to succeed in business. Instead, she now experiences happiness even from simple moments– like while driving to work or when playing with kids at work. Through our work, she has finally arrived at the place that she has always wanted– the place where happiness and peace is her permanent residence. She felt deep appreciation and gratitude for life: something she has never had.
Note: 2 months after our coaching work, Julie updated me that she has completely gotten over her food addiction issue on top of the lasting changes above!
“So much love it was unbelievable!”
Julie experiencing a state of inward abundance— something she has never been experienced before
5. Psychological measures
We administered psychological surveys to assess Julie’s improvements pre- and post- program. In those measures, her self-esteem improved by 54.8% and her relationship attachment style improved, with healthier attachment to Self (-8 to 5) and healthier attachment to others (-4 to -3). She also found more meaning in life, improving by 188% and decreased her need to search for meaning by 70.4%. Her daily spiritual experiences increased by 59.2%.
P.S. The surveys only assessed the areas she thought she wanted at the beginning of her working with me. Only later on, we discovered that what she wanted the MOST in her life was happiness and fulfillment. Had we known that those were her desires, I can’t imagine how much improvements that would have translated for quantitative data!
P.S.S Knowing what I mentioned above, I will now be assessing happiness and fulfillment as psychological measures for my current incoming clients! (If consented of course).
“So much happier Now.”
And the crazy thing is, we don’t need to even try to “manifest"— instead she the things she desired naturally came to her!
6. My thoughts on this
If you’ve read above (the section of Julie’s desires), you will see that Julie has in fact been seeking happiness for 10 YEARS through so many modalities!! Yet, she didn’t find it. Why is that the case? Well, I have some theories around it.
One of the big differences between my work and a lot of coaching programs out there is the use of intuition and connection to your body: which makes the work super intimate, personalized, and specialized. That means you don’t just find solutions with the mind (as in a google search), you integrate them into your body— so that transformation lasts.
Per Julie, intuition (specifically psychic channeling) would be her top favorite when it comes to working with me as well. That’s because when you work with me, I don’t just give you advice on what to do. I tune into YOUR specific energy and share with you the deeper view of what’s actually happening in YOUR psyche. For example, let’s say you feel stressed around work. If so, I wouldn’t just tell you to slow down and meditate. Instead, I share with you how the energy block is living in your body, read what your soul is actually wanting and give you psychic visual tools so you can heal yourself.
Not only that, I just don’t dig around emotions like therapy work. I contact your Higher Self (your most evolved, transcendent version of self) and let her speak through me. So anytime you feel unclear or blocked around your life, you can receive handheld guidance and clarity, catered to your unique individual soul anytime you want.
7. What Julie wants you to know
Overall, Julie rated 10/10 for our work together– with her stating that she got the exact transformation she wanted and that she is completely satisfied by our work together. She also rated that she would highly recommend my work to anyone, with a statement below:
“This would probably be the end of seeking since usually people who are wanting a coach want to change who they are or their circumstances. Though CM helped me to find myself and what I liked/desired, it is all within and when the true self is cultivated and strengthened there will be no need for searching for something outside of yourself to fulfill some void.”
Yup, she said it right! When you work with me, I can guarantee you that you will need very little outside guidance/ help after our work. And it’s not because I’m a special snowflake (although yes I do take exquisite care of my clients). Rather, it is because when I guide you, I help you to access your own wisdom/ source of happiness so you never need a coach again!