How to find your gift so you can live your true potential

Your gift is the reason you came here. Every cell of your being longs to remember it, use it, express it. 

You can call it your soul purpose. Or you call it your true potential. Regardless, your gift is a  unique thing that gives life beautiful and radiant colors– i.e. the kind that not only serves humanity but also makes you so grateful for a happy, fulfilling life you get to live

And the cool thing is, NO ONE else in the entire planet has the exact gift you have. 

Yet in this day and age with more than half of our attention hooked onto our screens it’s easy to forget what that gift is. It’s easy to be sucked into other people’s realities and highlight reels on social media that you no longer know what that special gift of yours is. 

And so we end up being disconnected to ourselves– not knowing who you are nor what makes you special. And when we don’t know what our gifts are, we end up doubting ourselves, feeling inferior/less than compared to other people, and/or suppressing our greatness. 

I was once in the shoes of someone who didn’t know what her gift was. I was trying to pursue a career that didn’t actually fit the natural gifts I have. I thought my gift was what my parents/society wanted of me. 

And it only led me on a path of deep internal dissatisfaction and unfulfillment. I felt lost inside while feeling deep down that there has to be something more to life…

Looking back, I now see that it was because I was not aware of nor was using my gifts. I was forcing myself to fit into a mold that other people have defined as “success” (like being a medical doctor), because I didn’t know what my gift was. I didn’t know that there is a whole Universe of gifts living inside of me wanting to be expressed. 

You have those gifts living inside of you too, my darling. And the more you remember those gifts, the more clarity, confidence, and self-trust you will have. Life will only get better and better, as these gifts get expressed. 

For instance, my gifts have opened a whole new doorway to a more enchanting life– like psychic gifts where I know exactly what my clients have been through without them telling me. Or creative gifts that have given me the ability to heal others and myself through writing… just to name a few. 

Your gift(s) give your life meaning and satisfaction which deep inside, you are looking for. They are essentially keycodes that help you unlock how good your life can get.

And so today, I thought I would share with you how you can find these special gift(s) of yours.  That way, you realize how you already are more than enough and live to the fullest of your potential too. It’s gonna be a good one. 😘

Your gift is your naturalness

The crazy thing about your gift is that it is hidden to you because it just comes SO easy and naturally to you. 

It’s hard to see them because you are so used to them. So you think other people would have it easily too, when the truth is, they do not

That’s how I was with my gift of happiness. To me, it’s so easy to find simple joys in life– whether it’s from merely noticing a specific shade of blue in the sky or mixing colors on a painting palette. Having child-like joy is a natural part of me. But I did not know that it was a gift of mine, until I found that not everyone was like that.

It took me years of trying to find “my niche” in business… and being surrounded by people who weren’t like me to discover that I had that gift of happiness. 

The most recent wake-up call was with a client who told me that she has been on the search for happiness for 10 YEARS (with lots of alternative therapies, western medicine, and spiritual modalities) and did NOT find happiness until she worked with me! And the whole time working with her, it did not even feel like work to me because sharing my gift of happiness just came easily to me! 

You too have gifts that can change someone’s life– it can be a natural “trait” that you have always had since young, or a character that you recently developed. Most of the time, it’s so easy to you that you may not even see that as a gift/ find value in it. 

In fact, that was the case for me: I didn’t see the value of my gift (i.e. happiness) until I realized that people spend tens of thousands dollars, or in fact even their whole lives seeking happiness.  

Journaling prompts for reflection:

  • If your best friend were to describe you with love and admiration, what traits and characters of you would be the top highlights? (In fact, go ask them that question irl!)

  • If someone who didn’t know anything about you was watching you all day by filming you on camera and taking notes of the thoughts in your head, what are things they would be intrigued/ be surprised by? What would they admire in you? 

  • How were you like when you were growing up? What was your favorite form of play? If you were to meet yourself when you were a child, what part about them would fascinate you?

Your gift is your desire

The other crazy (and beautiful) thing about your gift is that it’s not a one-set thing that you discover once and then store it away in your portfolio. 

Your gift is renewing, refining, and evolving along with you– one of which is through your desires. 

Meet my gift of psychic healing for example. 

I awakened that gift of mine after lots of meditation and working with a spiritual mentor, whom at the time I thought was a fine representation of my “future self.” She was extremely good at what she does, inspired me in so many ways, and so I thought my gift was to become like her… 

Until I realized the truth that in fact, her desires and mine were different. Her interests were in celebrities and contemporary pop-culture events whereas mine is in artistic souls, soft-hearted “regular women,” and romanticizing simple moments. Her focus for psychic channeling was in manifestation whereas mine is more on happiness. As time went on, I realized that our gifts more and more differentiated. 

The point is to show you that your gift, just like your soul, wants to evolve into its own unique, distinct, individual form (for it's the way the Creator has intended). Until you do that, it will not feel like you have found your true gift. And you do so by allowing yourself to be different– by freely following your unique set of desires, that are different from anyone else on this planet. 

Journaling prompts for reflection:

  • Who inspires you with their gifts? How are you similar to AND different from them?

  • What kind of life do you desire to live? How would your gift play a role in creating that life? 

  • How do you desire to express yourself right now? Hint: your expression is your gift.

Your gift is what you thought your weakness was 

A lot of the time, your gift(s) are hidden also because you thought they were your weaknesses. 

Like for me I used to think at one point that my weakness was clumsiness— because my dad would yell at me for being clumsy and also because I hate following procedures (so much for a PhD holder in a science field lol). Until I realized that being “clumsy” is just a shadow aspect of playfulness. 

In other words, my clumsiness was just a fear-based side of my gift– of being playful, creative, and being unafraid to not follow rules… which gives me much advantage for being an entrepreneur. 

On a parallel note, if you thought your weakness is being a “perfectionist”, your gift lies in being exact, specific, and meticulous. If the “perfectionism” wound is healed and integrated, your gifts can even help you in creating things that are highly-refined and world-class. 

The point is to say that every so-called weakness of yours can be turned into your gifts if you just own and remove the underlying fears around them. Like in the case of being a perfectionist for example, the fears around “what if people don’t like me” are the only thing stopping you from showcasing the gift of excellence. I help you release blocks that keep you from fully expressing your gifts in my healing sessions here. 

The truth is, all the things that you may be afraid that people would find out about you are actually your gifts my dear… The only thing that blocks you from being fulfilled using them (and impacting others through them) are the voices in our heads that tell you that you are flawed/ not good enough as you are. But once you wholeheartedly love all aspects of you, including the things thought are your weaknesses, the gifts you never thought were yours will come out of the woodwork.

Journaling prompts for reflection:

  • What do you fear that people may notice about you? How can it actually be a gift of yours?

  • Tune into a version of you that you are afraid of owning/expressing yourself as. What is she actually feeling inside? What would she like to say? (All of those expressions are your gift).

Your gift is in your circumstances 

With constant pedestalization of a “perfect life” on social media, it’s also easy to not see your gift that exists among imperfect current circumstances. 

I used to be one of those people… who pedestalize the luxury yacht, private jet lifestyle so much that I felt ashamed around living at a mid-tier apartment complex when I was in grad school. I looked up to the influencer coaches who displayed a “perfect life” on social media so much that I felt imposter syndrome around my ability to be a coach. 

What I didn’t see were the gifts that exist in my current reality (i.e. the mid-tier apartment complex, gradschool lifestyle). To name one, it’s a place in life that a lot of people can relate to and so has the ability to connect to the heart of my audience/ clients in a deeper way. But because I was feeling shame around the place I was in life, I didn’t show up and serve people as much as I wanted to. 

What I’ve learned from that situation is that: where you are right now is always perfect. There are things that your current you have that the future you may not have. There are gifts within these imperfect circumstances. And when you use them, instead of being ashamed of them, life will present to you higher ideas, opportunities, and miracles that you never thought were possible. 

Journaling prompts for reflection: 

  • What is the place you are in life (as of now) perfect for?

  • How can your current life situation enhance who you are becoming? 

Your gift is you

At this point, you may be thinking… How come everything is a gift? 

And yes, you are right my dear. Everything that life is presenting to you can be your gift if you choose to see it. 

This includes your thoughts, your feelings, your opinions, and basically everything about you… Life is a gift in itself and you are a unique expression of it.  

You are not here by mistake. And nothing about you nor experience is ever “bad” or meaningless. Everything you have can be transmuted and alchemized to serve your higher purpose. 

Your life will change when you see that life is a gift. Everything you desire will flow to you when you choose to see life as a gift. For you are also a part of life unfolding itself. 

And this is not about looking at reality with a rose-colored lens and seeing “only the positives”. It’s about being brave enough to own the things you thought were “bad” and creating a gift out of what you have. It’s about seeing the abundance of life’s raw and realness and turning that into what you find as precious.

For it is your awareness that creates gifts in the first place… 

ChanMyae LinLatt

Hi angel! I’m Chan Myae, intuitive healer & guide for sensitive, purpose-seeking women who desire to find peace in the heaven within.

Having been a perfectionist, high-achiever in the past, I totally understand how it’s like to experience stress, anxiety, and fears where happiness becomes dependent on achieving. But after going through profound spiritual transformation myself, my mission now is to help women realize how unconditional fulfillment is always here… and it’s right in your inner being.

If you’d like to get started, you can browse through a library of articles on this blog. Or to go deeper, you can book a no-pressure free intro 1:1 healing session here.


Client transformation: From feeling lost to being in love with life


Unconditional happiness is yours if you release these mental patterns