Finding your value as a spiritual entrepreneur (as you monetize your gifts)

We all know that when people pay large sums to work with you, that’s because they see the value you can bring to their lives. 

But before that, it requires that you see that value in yourself– in fact way before anyone else does. 

This has been one of the greatest lessons in my spiritual journey: to see the value of my natural gifts before anyone else does. And to keep showing up in business from that solid knowing. 

If you are someone who grew up not believing in who you are, you will know how hard that is. 

I understand because I was someone who barely believed in my own value growing up. I relied on grades to tell me how successful I was to become. I relied on people’s compliments to make me feel that I was “great.”

This makes it hard especially when starting your own business. Because in this phase, doubts in your value can show up BIG time. This can look like needing to have a perfect life in order to show the value of what you can bring to others, or relying on the algorithm metrics to feel like your message will be valued enough by your potential clients. 

And the thing is, if you keep looking for the external world to show your value, you will continually find that something is missing. 

Let’s say you are looking for clients to tell you everyday that you are amaze balls. That means whenever your client work is low/ minimal, or you are working with someone who’s not a right fit, you will start doubting your value and not believing in the impact of your work. 

Likewise, if you are looking for comments under your posts to tell you that your work is life-changing, having haters or noone commenting on your posts (except aunt Nancy) may throw you off in your confidence.

So the first step to finding our value is to let go of the need to seek from an outside source and instead derive it from within yourself. 

That means seeing who you are in your core so deeply that outside validations are merely faint shadows and whispers passing by. 

And that doesn’t mean you reject people’s compliments and perceptions of you. It simply means you are awed and fascinated by your own God-given essence that other people’s outlooks about you are merely bonuses. (I facilitate clients to experience that in my healing sessions here). 

Once this is embodied, now your soul is in a purified state. This means you can now more clearly see whatever the value it is that you are meant to provide to the world (i.e. your clients). 

And you find this value of yours by following the nudges of what is exciting to you moment-to-moment. 

You become more curious about your feelings in the present moment. You become moved by curiosity rather than control. 

And instead of fixing your attention only to outcomes, you begin to do things because you are thoroughly enjoying the process itself. 

This is what I call the phase where you are igniting your “soul sparklers.” It is these “sparklers” that are guiding you on what you are meant to create in your business (i.e. the unique value you are meant to offer to your clients). 

And for me, following those “sparklers” led me to things like activating my intuition, and now using that as one of the biggest assets in the work I do with my clients. 

Clients tell me how deeply they feel seen, heard, and understood, and that has been one of the reasons why they choose to work with me. And this “value” of mine couldn’t have been uncovered if I didn’t follow my “soul sparkler”-- which at a time was activating my intuition, early on in my spiritual awakening journey. 

Similarly, you may have “soul sparklers” as in having a random hunch to take up new hobbies. Little do you know, it leads you to come up with a completely new, innovative healing modality in your industry!

And of course, these “soul sparklers” differ to everybody and depend on their timelines. At one phase in your life, your “soul spark” may be to facilitate healing for the eldery, at other times your “soul sparkler” may be to dance in a seashell dress in Laguna beach. 

The key here is to trust these nudges and act on things that make you stand on the mountain cliff of curiosity (the feeling you get when you are reading a good book that you just don’t want to put it down).

This is what leads you to finding the components of the value you are meant to offer in your business. 

The next phase that comes afterwards is the deepening phase. This is where the majority of your value is extracted. 

You do this by:

  • Identifying a problem that bothers you 

  • Applying the solution offered by your “soul sparkler”

  • Teaching how you have solved to others 

Let’s say a problem you encounter is the feeling of being scatter-brained in business. You feel “behind” as in having so many things to do, yet not knowing what to do first. 

And let’s say the thing that makes you feel more alive is gardening. 

By learning more of your “soul sparkler” (i.e. gardening) and applying that to the problem area (i.e. being scatter-brained in business), aha moments and newfound discoveries can take place. 

This can look like you realizing the fact that being less scatter-brained is to remove the “weeds” (energy suckers) in the business first– just as how you would have to first remove weeds in a garden. Or perhaps you learn that the way to be less scatter-brained is to “plant what you can and leave the seeds to grow”, just as how you would do so when potting baby blossoms. 

This is just an example to illustrate but my point is, opportunities to illuminate your value (and showcase your gifts) are everywhere. 

A recent example of mine was when I had a problem (a year or so ago) of being stuck and “boxed in” when it comes to content writing. 

I wanted to freely express my whole heart (even my silly unpopular thoughts) and let that be a way to receive new customers. But instead, what I was taught by business coaches was that I had to follow a template/ formulaic way of writing if I wanted to sell. So my problem was that even though I knew how to write to sell, I wasn’t able to sell through simply by expressing my heart…

And so I applied all my soul sparklers into the mix– from intuitive channeling to art painting principles to Christian mysticism teachings. I used what I have learned from my “soul sparklers” toward content writing, I tested the program out in my own marketing, then improved upon it I saw results. 

From there, a new program (Content Treasure) was born! 

And at the time of writing this post, I am running the program with my first round of beta-testing mastermind clients. So far, they have told me things like “I have never had this many content ideas in my entire life,” “this is exactly what I need right now in my business!” 


This is just to show you the power of having an entrepreneurial eye. Seeing problems in your life as opportunities to bring your higher awareness to. And then creating solutions that meet an unfulfilled need in the market. 

And you do so by combining all the factors that are unique to you. 

By first looking at the problems that are aching inside of you because it seems like “nobody gets it.” 

(Hint: your customers are feeling the same way too).

Then you follow what genuinely sparks interest in you. And by doing so, your perspective will shift. 

And lastly, you apply the change in perspective to the problem you wanted to solve in the first place… and voila! You have now brought an untapped value in the market. 

Obviously, this is a macro-level overview. But when you take this framework and apply to your business, the way you attract clients will change to a whole new level. 

First off, your customers will choose you because you are an original, a way-shower, a thought-leader in your niche. 

Then, you will cultivate a loyal community of those who appreciate your specific approach and artistry. They hire you because of how true you are to yourself–-  rather than being a spin off of someone else’s.

And lastly, the brand you are building becomes rare, incomparable, irreplaceable. 

All thanks to you making use of what’s uniquely given to you in your own life.

ChanMyae LinLatt

Hi angel! I’m Chan Myae, intuitive healer & guide for sensitive, purpose-seeking women who desire to find peace in the heaven within.

Having been a perfectionist, high-achiever in the past, I totally understand how it’s like to experience stress, anxiety, and fears where happiness becomes dependent on achieving. But after going through profound spiritual transformation myself, my mission now is to help women realize how unconditional fulfillment is always here… and it’s right in your inner being.

If you’d like to get started, you can browse through a library of articles on this blog. Or to go deeper, you can book a no-pressure free intro 1:1 healing session here.


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