How I post content consistently without burning out
No matter how “effective” a piece of content is, what I’ve learned is that–marketing is mostly about momentum.
How many times have you had yourself when you keep reading someone’s posts… their content makes you curious about their offers…. You keep seeing that person’s posts (perhaps for months)... and then one day BAM. Something makes you pull the trigger and click the “buy” button.
The same way, right now there are people in your audience watching your posts. Especially if your content resonates, there are people who are binging your content.
You can call them “the quiet lurkers.” These people may not be visibly showing their “footprints” through likes/comments, but they have been clicking your links and eyeing you for some time.
And one day, when the stars eventually align, they come to ask “How can I work with you?” And all that takes for you (from most of the part) to be consistent.
Which is why my love, today I’m writing this post to share with you how I’ve come to consistently show up on social media. I used to be someone who would post content once in a full moon and then disappear into the woods. (No shame if you do that too… but if you are serious about turning your business into more than a side hobby, you know that consistency is the bread and butter of your business).
And I get you, I don’t like people telling me “you need to post every single day” like we are slaves to the social media algorithm. I don’t like the need to quickly pump content like fast-food restaurants. I love my feminine timing: taking time to birth through my creative muse, and really grounding into a message (to make sure that I’m embodied) before I put it into the world.
Which is why in this post, I’m sharing an approach that is gentle to the soul– the kind that doesn’t feel like it’s demanding more of you everyday. I believe in a way of content creation that energizes you, not drains you.
And being an intuitive healer myself, I also fully believe that creating content consistently comes down to energetic practices (to prime your subconscious for creating content consistently) while also infusing systems that make showing up everyday easy. With that being said, enjoy my “protocol”!
Remove your blocks
If you find yourself being unable to stick to a consistent posting rhythm, know that most of what’s holding you back is not that you don’t know what to post, but instead they are deeply rooted beliefs.
I know you may be thinking... “But I really don’t know what to post about!” And trust me, if you find yourself thinking this– 90% of the time, it’s a belief problem, not a content idea problem.
Which in this case, is the limiting belief that…
“You need to have better ideas”
This is true especially in this social media day and age, when it’s so easy to associate “better” ideas with more attention. Our over-stimulated minds become wired to think that your idea has to be exceedingly “novel” and attention-grabbing in order for it to be good. (Think of being attention-grabbing like Mr. Beast’s YT videos).
The same thing in the coaching world, we start to associate better ideas with the kind that is big, loud, and proud– like that of celebratory/ “I just quantum leaped and 10x my income” type of posts. And the truth is, trying to always have this type of “high” energy in your posts all the time is actually unsustainable.
Which is why one of the common blocks that I have found in my clients as well as my past self was the need to have better ideas in order to make posts (and attract clients).
And if you look closer, you will see that most of the time, it comes from the belief that what’s inside your head right now is not enough and that you need to experience something “high” in order to make content. This is the reason why it’s hard to remain consistent.
The shift happens when you realize that it’s about deepening more of the ideas that you already have instead of trying to find better ideas.
For instance, let’s say you are a relationship coach. If you have an idea right now that trying to be a savior is bad, instead of thinking… “well, this is just my personal take on relationships and people already know about it”, instead you can deepen the idea you already have.
As in, you can direct that to your clients by saying a headline like “You love to help others but sometimes it can feel like you’re someone’s doormat…” (then insert your expert understanding of the savior-complex)
Notice how deepening into your ideas helps you showcase your deeper understanding of your clients’ situations too. This is one of the elements that lets you write content that resonates– which I teach inside my free course Content Treasure.
And because the ideas that you are talking about are what you are currently feeling/experiencing right now yourself, it’s also easier to write about them as you are in the mood.
Some questions that can help you come up with content ideas through what you already have now (instead of needing to reach for “better” ideas are):
What is currently happening in your life?
What do you feel right now about your life?
What do you believe right now around your client’s struggles/desires?
What do you wish your past self knew?
What are your unpopular opinions around your niche/topics of interest?
What is a recent realization you have made?
Through answering those questions, you can come up with dozens of content ideas that you can create now. The art here is in turning these answers into insights that are related to what you want to help your clients with.
For example, currently I am having a blocked nose from allergies (hello spring season). And that made me realize that these blockages (which can appear as physical symptoms) usually occur before a new wave of expression aka “consciousness upgrade”. Related to that phenomena, I could write a post about the importance of honoring blockages and pauses in our spiritual journeys.
And of course, that “need to have better ideas” is just one of the blocks. There are many other blocks that can still be hindering the flow of you prolifically putting out content. These include (and are not limited to):
The need to have a better image/branding
I know, especially if you are an aesthetic loving soul like me, you have a knack for branding that represents your inner eloquence. But know that the mind can also come up with an excuse like “I don’t have fancy pictures, so I can’t post yet” when deep down, it’s just a way of avoiding your full self expression.
The need to write a certain length
To some, there are limiting beliefs that if your posts are too long, they will not hook people’s attention. To others, there are limiting beliefs that if your posts are too short, they will not be able to hold attention long enough. What you need to know is that as long as you are speaking your truth (and getting your potential clients closer to their desires), you are doing a service no matter how long your posts are.
The fear of being repetitive
I understand this fear that says “if you repeat yourself too much, you’re going to make people bored to death.”
To that, I asked the fear… “then what?” If you bore people out, they will unfollow? Report your account?
You know deep down the fear is not true. And even if you repeat yourself, know that people who are meant to be your clients will become more obsessed about your work (because repetition shows that you are also obsessed with solving their problems).
It is only the people who are not a fit/ don’t resonate with your true values that will unfollow. To that, you may even say “thank you God for clearing up my space!”
The fear of being triggering people
When you decide to show up day in and out in your marketing, the “good-girl” (i.e. people pleaser) can also hold you back. She can be afraid that if you speak your truth, you are going to trigger people who have opposing opinions and so may be “canceled” by them.
And what I’ve come to realize is that you will always be triggering people, no matter what. Like even if you dress up as a cute cottagecore girl and talk about being in your soft-girl era, there will be people who get triggered by your easy, dreamy life.
Which is why, what I want you to remember, my love is that your happiness (and you speaking your truth) is actually a service to others. It doesn’t take away the truth+happiness of someone else’s. In fact it helps them reflect even deeper of their own selves if they oppose your ideas.
The fact of the matter is that, releasing these blocks is not as simple as reading a how to advice and being freed of that belief forever. That is because these limiting beliefs/ blocks stem from and lie deep in your psyche.
Which is the reason why in the work I do with my clients, I help identify and release these blockages through intuitive channeling/ mind-body techniques. In one scenario, for example, one of my recent clients had a fear around speaking directly to her audience (which blocks her from speaking with authority in her content). And I would receive an exact message from her soul without her having told me about it at all. To release energetic blockages that hold you back from experiencing flow in your business, you can find more about my work here.
Once you have identified your blocks and have released them, the next thing I have found to support me with consistency is to know the way of writing that I naturally desire to express in. Some key aspects that I’ve found to be vital are:
Freedom to find your voice
There used to be a time when I worked with a business coach and felt like I had to speak like her in order to make sales. I was taught one-liner sentences that have helped the coach “made millions” and was told that if I want to be successful, I have to start my posts with these one-liners too.
Although finding that “hack” was exciting and I made some sales from that as first, I soon began to grow a distaste for marketing. What used to be an excitement became a chore of “I need to force my words to fit into this box if I want to make sales.” I felt restricted and controlled by how I “should” write/speak.
That made consistency really hard– which made me realize that no matter how fast a business skyrockets, if you build it in a way that is not true to who you are, you won’t be able to maintain that growth long enough.
Which leads to my finding, which is that if you desire to show up with ease and consistency, having freedom to write in your own voice is key. Because only when you write content in your own voice, instead of trying to mimic others, you can feel like you are accepted, valued, and received (by your clients) for who you actually are. Otherwise, it feels like you have to try to fit into snake skin..
To find your true voice, what I’ve found to help is to become more attentive to your inner voice of wisdom. That is, the voice that you use for thinking things through in your own head and the voice that you would normally use with your clients/friends. It’s about finding a voice that you can express yourself comfortably and wholeheartedly in, rather than asking “how should I sound” for people to work with you. You can learn more about finding your voice inside my free course Content Treasure.
Freedom to express your heart
Somewhat similar to my last point, another thing that I’ve learned to be key when it comes to being consistent with content writing is the freedom of being able to express whatever you desire. When you can speak freely about what you most desire to help people in, consistency simply becomes a natural byproduct of your devotion.
For example, sometimes in my facebook posts, I like to speak about topics related to happiness. Other times, I like to speak about things related to marketing.
Sometimes I like to keep my posts short, sweet, and simple. Other times, I like to go deep into long-winded, personal accounts of my own experiences.
And sometimes I like to be more in the “teacher mode” and show my expertise through my content. Other times, I like to be more gentle and quiet with “it’s okay to be you” type of posts.
The key is to listen to what your heart is desiring to express at any given moment, and not make it wrong. We only feel like we don’t know what to say in content when we are not allowing ourselves to be seen in the words/wisdom we naturally desire to express right now.
This is also one of the reasons why I believe that cultivating emotional safety is a huge aspect of content marketing. Because you can only express yourself freely (and let people be drawn to your multifaceted self) when you feel safe doing so. So another reason why my healing sessions are powerful for helping you experience it;)
Laying down the systems
After all the innerwork is set and done, this is when systems come in place. And of course, we never really “finish” the innerwork, there is always more to integrate as we grow as entrepreneurs. But through dissolving our own fears/limiting beliefs, you will kindle a deeper desire to express ourselves (and create content). This is when setting up systems becomes easy and natural.
As far as systems, I personally like to schedule my days so that posting content is as effortless as possible. I do this by starting most of my weekdays writing blog posts for 3-4 hours in the morning, then repurposing them later into shorter form social media content. That way, I don’t have to come up with new ideas out of thin air all the time.
As I go throughout my days, I also like to keep a running document on my phone where I jot down new and budding ideas whenever they arrive. Usually these ideas are for shorter form posts and I would receive a handful at a time (5+ pinterest pins). And whenever I find myself checking my phone, I like to make it a habit to write on that document instead of scrolling on social media.
Once these ideas are iterated (and my body gives me a “heck yes”), I would schedule the posts out ahead of time whenever I can. I usually aim to post around 5 x a day on pinterest and 1-2 a day for facebook. So yes, that’s my “strategy” on staying consistent!
Perhaps you may now be thinking “this is a lot of work.” And what I tell you my love is that it doesn’t have to be.
That’s because consistency looks differently for everyone. For me, consistency looks like writing weekly blog posts and making x5 pinterest posts every day. And because they come easily for me (as easy and natural as journaling), it doesn’t feel like heavy “work.”
But to you, the rhythm of consistency can be totally different. This can depend on factors like the choice of platform you are on, and the grand vision you have for your business. The key to being consistent, I have found, is finding the path of least resistance (the path with the least “buts” and “what ifs”).
In fact, as you are consistent you may even enjoy your business even more. This happens to be the case for me because when I am consistent, I even feel more connected to my clients / my gifts and service. I also get into a state of “flow” as in thinking less about what will happen and instead being absorbed in what I am creating on hand.
And I believe there is such an art to being consistent. Some business coaches may tell you that you have to “force” yourself to be consistent but I know how disheartening that advice can be— especially if you are a woman who desire to feel good in your business. For that reason, I believe in connecting to your naturalness (your natural desire + your creative rhythm), and letting consistency gently unfold as a result.