Throat chakra affirmations for living a fulfilling life

To fully live your life is to fully express yourself (i.e. have an open throat chakra). 

Let’s say you are an online business owner. Not only your throat chakra helps you show up more easily in marketing & selling, it helps ensure that what you are speaking comes from your truth, so you can attract right-fit customers/clients. 

The same goes for any job/career or even in relationships. An open throat chakra is what allows you to fully express your true self– so that the people you attract align with all of you, including your desires, your thoughts, your beliefs. And by expressing yourself, you feel good doing so.

While at the same time, you feel seen, heard, and understood for who you are. 

You find value in what you have to say and others find value in you.

Your essence becomes radiant, magnetic, and alive.
In other words, you are ON IT. You are not held back in any way. You are lit up to be yourself– to create, speak, and express whatever you want. 


However, I know that all of what I’ve mentioned above may not come naturally to you. This is true especially if you have experienced judgements heavily from others at some point in your life. 

Being an asian girl who grew up in a third-world country (Myanmar), I totally understand this since I grew up experiencing a lot of judgments around how I express myself– and even sometimes judged for my existence. Over there, people may even tell you straight up like “hey, you got chubbier from the last time we met” and they wouldn’t even consider it as an insult because judging others right in the face is a part of the culture. 

And because I was so afraid of judgements, I found it so hard to speak and express myself. I was afraid that my voice, my words, my ideas would not be accepted. I remember when I was so paralyzed by judgements that I couldn’t even express myself on paper for writing in my English classes.  

And if you are someone who desires to put yourself out there (e.g. through social media marketing/ creative work), these blockages in the throat chakra can come up big time. 

This can look like overthinking what others think about you/ your expression that you find yourself not showing up in the way that you’d most like. 

It can also look like toning yourself down in what you say because you are afraid that your truth may trigger/ not be liked by others. 

A blocked throat chakra can be one of the reasons that cause dissatisfaction/ unfulfillment. Because when your expression is blocked, you will feel like you’re not living full out through your full potential. It can feel like being a horse chained up in a barn, when you don’t get to express the things you want to say… fully, wholeheartedly, and authentically.  

So in this post, I want to share affirmations that will help you unblock your throat chakra– catered for every aspect of your life. Toward the end of the post, there will also be a throat chakra meditation which will help you release blockages around your expression. 

Throat chakra affirmations for business/career 

I freely express my truth
My truth attracts people and opportunities that are a right-fit for me
My truth activates others to step into their true potential
My truth heals others 
My truth is all that I need to share (for the right people to work with me)
I let others speak their truths
I am valued for my truths
My business grows as I speak truth
People want to work with me because of my truths
I have so much truths to share with the world
I love what I have to share

Throat chakra affirmations in creativity

I love what I express
I love the way I express myself
I love my tone of voice 
I love ALL the expressions coming through me
I love ALL the messages that are spoken through me
I let myself speak freely 
I let myself write (or create) freely
I let myself create in all the ways that I love 
I am allowed to create in all the ways that l want 

Throat chakra affirmations in relationships

I feel safe to express my truth
I am loved for my voice 
I am loved for who I am 
I am loved for speaking my truth
I love myself even if others judge me
I see others in their truth
I show others my truth
My truth brings out the love in others 
I let life love me for my truth 

Throat chakra affirmations for a fulfilling life

I speak what I want 
I speak my highest excitement
I speak what I am feeling 
It’s okay to speak my truth
It’s okay to say what I feel
Following my truth is all I need
I always follow my truth 
It is easy to embody my truth 
Life feels good just like my truths 
It feels good to come home to my truths

For unblocking your throat chakra, you can start by selecting 3-4 of the affirmations that activate you above and then speaking them out until you feel it (in your bones) throughout your days. 

For instance, if I find myself afraid to post on social media because of a belief that “nobody values my posts,” I would say an affirmation like “I am valued for my truths.” Or more specifically, if I’m directing that to my inner child I would say “You are valued for your truths.” This has helped me show up more fully and consistently on social media, and so allowing my posts to be seen by people who are a right-fit for my work. 

In all cases, your throat chakra is like a water tap. When it is on, you can freely release stuck energies (e.g. shame, guilt, fears etc.) through your vocal expressions. And when the “tap” is on and active, it allows you to bring your divine essence to the world– which helps you more deeply connect with others in all aspects of life. 

And of course, the practice above is simply one of the general activations that will open the floodgates of your voice. Fully opening your throat chakra will depend on your individual needs, life situations, and areas you want to more fully express yourself in– which is what I do with my 1:1 clients. To work with me, you can apply here. 

ChanMyae LinLatt

Hi angel! I’m Chan Myae, intuitive healer & guide for sensitive, purpose-seeking women who desire to find peace in the heaven within.

Having been a perfectionist, high-achiever in the past, I totally understand how it’s like to experience stress, anxiety, and fears where happiness becomes dependent on achieving. But after going through profound spiritual transformation myself, my mission now is to help women realize how unconditional fulfillment is always here… and it’s right in your inner being.

If you’d like to get started, you can browse through a library of articles on this blog. Or to go deeper, you can book a no-pressure free intro 1:1 healing session here.


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