Mindfulness journal prompts for a fulfilling life

Life is generously offering us things to be delighted about at every moment. Whether that is in the quiet nodding of the leaves, the golden gaze of the sun, or gentle tingling of warmth in your belly, the way you notice reality can fill your life with more enchantment, beauty, and awe. 

But this is not often the case for many of us. Especially in a society that is constantly pushing us to get somewhere and be something, it can feel like you’re constantly rushing to pursue “goals” while never really appreciating what you the life that surrounds you. Even in the spiritual community, when the focus is constantly on manifesting something, it can feel like life is not perfect yet until you have manifested everything you want. 

A state of mindfulness is an antidote to all this. That’s because when you are mindful, you are not clinging onto your past or your future. You are open, accepting, and receptive to what life is bringing you in this moment. You get to experience how good it is to be alive, in other words, how good it is to be You. 

I am someone whose life has been personally transformed by mindfulness myself. I used to be trapped in the dungeon of my mind in the past, imprisoned by thoughts of never having enough/ thoughts that I am not enough where I am. My focus was fixed on what has happened in my life or what has yet to come in the future, never feeling whole in the Now. But through practices like mindfulness, it has given birth to a new state of being that it feels like I am reborn again. To be honest, being mindful is like discovering the gemstones of what it means to be fully alive

And so in this blog post, I’ll be sharing mindfulness journal prompts that can help you discover a state of being that’s richer, deeper and true to you. And remember, this is not about trying to write in order to “fix” yourself. Rather it’s about allowing yourself to feel, notice, and witness. And from the act of noticing alone, you will see that what you experience will transform in itself.  

Before you begin

Take a few deep breaths and let them be as long and deep as you’d like. As you do so, you can notice what each IN breath is bringing you… and what each breath OUT is taking away… Notice how your body becomes more and more relaxed and how your mind gets calmer and calmer with every single breath… like a peaceful lotus pond that can always find its stillness. 

In this state of being, you are able to notice everything that comes up with compassion…. without judging, forcing, and controlling…. And even if thoughts do arrive and your mind starts to chatter, you can simply watch it just like how you would watch fish swimming inside a pond… watching without any judgment. And from this awareness alone, what you witness in itself will shift, in however way it wants to… and all you’ve gotta do is be curious and simply allow it to unfold. 

Once you access this state, you can go through the journaling prompts below, especially the ones where you feel most called to deepen into. 

Mindfulness journal prompts for your environment 


  • Imagine you are an artist who can paint what you are seeing around you. What colors, shapes, and features stand out most to you? 

  • Notice the movements of things surrounding you. If a greater Universal current is moving them, where do you see the anchor points and it’s patterns? 

  • What’s the texture of what you are seeing? Can you notice the tiny details embedded in it, as if they are stories weaved from centuries ago? 

  • Notice the variety of colors surrounding you as you zoom into each area like your eyes are a color selector. Magnify each little area in your mind’s eye and imagine breathing that in. What do you experience? 


  • If you were to peel each layer of the sounds you are hearing, what are the different layers of it? 

  • Can you piece out each sound like they are beads on a necklace? What is the faintest, tiniest sound you can be aware of? 

  • What could each sound mean on a deeper note? What could life be telling you through those sounds? (I like to practice this when I’m out in nature hearing the birds chirping, as I decode what they are “saying” and I would hear messages from the Universe to me). 

  • Imagine you can feel sound waves touching your body, what part of your body can you notice it from? And for what sound? 

Mindfulness journal prompts for your body

  • Open up your body like you’re a flower extending her petals… spreading your toes, extending your arms and legs in a way that’s soothing and relaxing to you. What can you notice more now? 

  • What sensations can you notice in your body? Where is your body wanting to receive your attention (and love) on?

  • What do your internal sensations feel like? (For example, the fear of speaking online may feel like a choke around the neck while the excitement to express yourself may feel like cruising in a yacht). 

  • If there is an inner world inside your body, what does it remind you of? How is it similar to the places you want to live in and/or experience? *doing this practice can help you find peace, especially if you find yourself living in where you don’t want to

(For example, I had a client once who was feeling unfulfilled because she wanted to live in Hawaii while she felt as though she was ‘trapped’ living in a city. However, through being mindful of her innerworld and tending to it like it’s a garden, she felt happy where she was. And without her even trying, soon enough life situations change and her desire to live in Hawaii came true!)

Mindfulness journal prompts for your thoughts & feelings

  • If you find thoughts in your head, notice what they are saying with love. Watch how they shift when you watch them without judgements, just like how you would watch clouds appearing and disappearing in the sky? 

  • If your mind is a stage that could house any character you think of, who is the one that’s actually speaking (and creating) the thoughts in your head? Simply watch this “person” speak and notice how negative thoughts lose their power once you no longer are in a fight against them. 

  • Notice the space between each thought and watch how these spaces can widen. In this space of expansiveness and freedom is where You are. 

  • Imagine that your head is a crystal ball with specks of thoughts floating inside. If you open up this crystal ball, watch where the thoughts would float toward? Watch them eventually dissipate. 

By practicing mindfulness, such as through the mindfulness journal prompts above, you will be able to experience more peace, relaxation, and bliss through simple things, like even just by your breath alone. Not only that, you will begin discovering new aspects (and gifts) of yourself that you have never noticed before. And eventually, you may even begin seeing perfection (of the Divine) in almost everything– from a water droplet to the thoughts in your head. 

In the work I do with my clients, I’ve seen the transformative effect that mindfulness has, not only in our state of being but also the way we show up in their daily life.

For one, mindfulness has the power to develop intuitive abilities while also enhancing creativity. This is because you are able to notice ideas and higher insights that you wouldn’t receive otherwise. From this new state of awareness, you are also able to produce more meaningful work in your creative/entrepreneurial work. To learn more about 1:1 coaching with me, you can find out here

But otherwise, I leave you with a gentle reminder that everything you need for what you desire is already here, and your job is simply to be mindful of them. Mindfulness will show you how the answers you are looking for are always with you and in you. And what’s even more beautiful, through mindfulness, you may even end up realizing that where you most desire in your life is to be here, Now.

ChanMyae LinLatt

Hi angel! I’m Chan Myae, intuitive healer & guide for sensitive, purpose-seeking women who desire to find peace in the heaven within.

Having been a perfectionist, high-achiever in the past, I totally understand how it’s like to experience stress, anxiety, and fears where happiness becomes dependent on achieving. But after going through profound spiritual transformation myself, my mission now is to help women realize how unconditional fulfillment is always here… and it’s right in your inner being.

If you’d like to get started, you can browse through a library of articles on this blog. Or to go deeper, you can book a no-pressure free intro 1:1 healing session here.


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