You don’t have to overthink to receive your desires

A common pattern I see among my clients is that of constantly overthinking “the HOW” in order to get what you want. 

In relationships this can look like overthinking how you should express yourself to be liked/ appreciated. It can look like not being sure of whom to choose (in terms of finding the right partner) or trying to find out how to keep someone around. When you overthink in relationships, there is a cloud of uncertainty around how things would turn out. 

The same thing in career/business, overthinking comes with the mind continually living in the future. It can look like overplanning, over-strategizing, and trying to make things “perfect.” When you overthink at what you do, it feels rigid, like you have to hesitate your every move. 

Yet, a lot of women feel like they just can’t let go of overthinking because it feels like if they don’t, no one else would take care of them. It can feel like you have to keep on overthinking in order to “make sure” that things go right for you. 

However, what I want to tell you today, my love, is that there is a way more freeing, delicious, ecstatic way of living on the other side of overthinking. There is a world where you don’t have to overthink in order for you to receive. 

Instead, you can let your desires come with ease, as if they are floating on the ocean of life toward you. There is a world where all you’ve got to do is follow the flow and you get to receive miracles that life has for you: whether that’s in terms of love, connection, or business/career.  

The reverse– i.e. the effortful way of living happens when we believe that in order to get what you want, you need to work hard/ try hard. This is where overthinking stems from; it comes from a belief that something is wrong with you and that unless your mind is constantly working in the background, you won’t be able to find a solution to “fix it.” 

But the truth is, an overthinking mind cannot decide. It only leads to more stuckness because you have to overanalyze situations, so much that you find yourself “trapped” in a place that you don’t want. 

It’s like waiting at a bus stop yet looking so hard at the map that you miss the bus when it arrives. Overthinking paralyzes us, disconnecting from the inner knowing of what you most want. 

This is because deep down in the driver-seat of an overthinking mind is fear. Fear of being alone. Fear of not being liked. Fear of doing things “wrong.” Fear of being behind, the list goes on… When you overthink, it is these fears that are actually trying to “figure out.” And because fear is afraid of almost everything (for it is afraid of making mistakes), it’s hard to decide on what would be the most expansive, beautiful route.

On top of that, an overthinking mind does not know how good it feels to be alive

When we overthink, our awareness becomes limited to our heads. So we can’t feel how good something actually is, because our connection to the body becomes disconnected. 

The truth is, the body is the bridge between divine intelligence and earth, and when we overthink, we no longer have access to Spirit (the source of our inner guidance). The body is where you receive the instantaneous “yess” for the right decisions to make– in fact way faster than the mind does. The body is where instantaneous healing, wisdom, and bliss take place. (I talked about how you can receive divine guidance through your body here). 

And it’s hard to know what your next steps are when you are overthinking, ‘trapped’ inside your head. This is the reason why looking up 10-step strategies on the internet only lead to more confusion than direction. For your reception to the body’s wisdom becomes cut off. 

Not only that, overthinking blocks you from connecting with other people/ to life. That’s because when you overthink, you are filtering yourself on what people would like to see/hear from you, rather than what you actually want. So you only express the “proper” version of yourself, afraid that people won’t accept you if you express your true feelings/thoughts. And so overthinking on the right moves only leads to the feeling of inner emptiness– which arises from feeling unseen, unloved, and unheard for who you actually are. 

In reality, overthinking is a pattern that’s disguised as something “useful,” but is actually a hijacking of the ego mind that only perpetuates mental suffering. And when you listen to how you actually feel, you will realize that overthinking is only draining your energy for attracting your desires. 

The game changes when instead of overthinking, you follow what feels like an inner paradise to you. That is, you follow the feeling of how it would be like if you HAVE already received your desires. 

How would you feel differently if you already received everything you have ever wanted? How would you think, do, act if you already have the love, connection, and abundance you have wanted? How would you feel if you are already full, complete, whole, and perfect as you are? 

By turning the source of your awareness to how you feel, you become more attuned to knowing when you are acting out of desperation or acting out of love. You notice instantly when something feels “off” rather than changing your mind multiple times to see if you made the right moves or not. In other words, you act from a place of having already received (the love/ the connection/ the desire) you want and so you no longer settle for anything less than that. 

This is how you shift from feeling like there is always a “gap” between you and your desires vs. having access to them inside of you already. This is how you shift from years/decades of feeling like there is always something that’s missing in your life to becoming content as you are already. Because now the part of you that believes that you have to scramble for your desires have left (i.e. the overthinker), and now rest in the safety that all that you want and need is ever provided. 

ChanMyae LinLatt

Hi angel! I’m Chan Myae, intuitive healer & guide for sensitive, purpose-seeking women who desire to find peace in the heaven within.

Having been a perfectionist, high-achiever in the past, I totally understand how it’s like to experience stress, anxiety, and fears where happiness becomes dependent on achieving. But after going through profound spiritual transformation myself, my mission now is to help women realize how unconditional fulfillment is always here… and it’s right in your inner being.

If you’d like to get started, you can browse through a library of articles on this blog. Or to go deeper, you can book a no-pressure free intro 1:1 healing session here.


Know your worth and you will find happiness


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