Develop Clairsentience: How to receive intuition through your body

You may have thought your whole life that your physical eyes are the main windows of how you can make sense of the world. But when you develop your intuition, you will come to realize that there is an even smarter technology that lives in your body. 

One of which includes clairsentience (i.e. clear- feeling). 

This gift of perceiving the world, through clairsentience, will be strong to you especially if you consider yourself as someone who’s sensitive. 

That is, you find yourself as someone who feel emotions deeply– you’re the type of person who would stay up later to cry with a friend who just had a breakup. You’re also the type of person who can tell what a person is actually feeling underneath, even though they may not verbally talk about it. 

However, in this masculinized “grind-hard-and-be-tough” day and age, this natural trait of yours (i.e. being sensitive) can make you feel like you don’t fit in. So you may have tried to suppress your sensitivity, or run away from your emotions. At the same time, your potent gift of clairsentience could be pushed aside altogether. 

Being a sensitive soul myself, I totally understand the shame associated with “being a pansy” who “feels too much”. Which is why in this blog post, you’re going to the bright side of it– i.e. discover the gift of clairsentience as a sensitive soul and how being a clairsentient can change your life. I will also be sharing with you the way on how you can develop it. 

What is clairsentience?

Imagine that the Universe is a great ocean that has its varying pools of eddies and currents, and we all are fish living in that ocean. 

When you have the gift of clairsentience, you have the ability to detect the patterns of this “oceanic” current. You can sense where the current is taking you to and what areas are preferred vs. not preferred in this great “ocean.” In other words, you can sense and feel subtle energies beyond what the physical/material world presents to you as. 

It’s just like going on a date with someone who’s 10/10 in their looks and personality but still feeling that something just doesn’t click. Turns out, you later learn about their abusive history and it was clairsentience telling you what is meant vs not meant for you. (I share more of how clairsentience leads you toward soul-fulfilling relationships below). 

To my point, it is the great Universal “oceanic” current that is connecting like-minded souls and right-fit opportunities to each other. 

And when you are a sensitive soul who’s intuitive gift is clair-sentience, you can immediately notice whether something is a “heck yes” or a “no” way before your rational mind does.

There is no more of “I still have to think about it” or “I’m not sure” what to do/ what will happen– especially on the things that dictate your overall life direction. The latter only becomes the case when you are only thinking through the mind, but are not feeling through clair-sentience.

Being clairsentient in business and relationship

The beauty of clair-sentience is that unlike the physical eye which makes you feel separate from others, clairsentience makes you become connected to others. 

The eyes may tell you things like– this is me/mine (my chair, my house, my car, my name) etc. VS them (a competitor, a client, a truck driver etc). This worldview of separateness (me vs them) is what creates wars, chaos, and dissolution in the world as well as our own lives.  

However, when you are clairsentient, you see that separation is simply an illusion. Because deep down, you are connected to all things– which means you are never alone, left out, or abandoned in your journey. 

For example, if you are desiring to call in your ideal partner, you can feel his energy/ his presence in the present moment, even if your two worlds (of you and him) may not have collided past each other. Your intuitive ability allows you to understand who he is so deeply and have direct contact with him, before you may have even met him. And as a result, you no longer feel the desperation and emptiness of not having “manifested” him yet. 

This feeling of interconnectedness is what gives you a sense of fullness– you feel full, happy, and content even when you are by yourself. 

You move from a place of “I don’t need anyone, yet I am connected to everyone.” This makes your presence radiant and attractive to the people who are meant for you– whether that is your ideal partner, your ideal friendships, your ideal clients etc. 

And even deeper than just “manifesting” your soulmates, what’s even more life-changing is the depth of connection. Because you are able to feel other people and their energies deeply, people desire to connect with you because you make them feel seen, heard, and understood. 

To me, this is one of the ways of how I enhance my coaching containers. In the work I do with my clients, I don’t just give “practical” advice on what to do.

Instead, clairsentience allows me to understand where they are coming from so that my advice is even more uniquely tailored to their current physical, mental, and energetic/emotional capacity. Clairsentience is also what helps me deliver instant shifts for my clients in less than 30 minutes on healing calls– because I can be with someone’s energy rather than bypassing their energies with “practical” advice. 

And if you are someone who is not in the business world, you can still let clairsentience to guide your path. Clairsentience can be a way to detect whether something is right or wrong for you– whether that is when filing a report, talking to your boss, finding a job that best fits who you are etc. 

How to develop clairsentience

Having a strong sense of clairsentience (i.e. being tapped in) means that you are receptive to all feelings and sensations that occur in your body. 

That means when you are asked what you want, rather than thinking from the mind (“I think this will make me feel happy”), instead you decide from your body. As in, you decide whether the options feels good like an “ocean breeze” or whether it’s like a pit in the stomach. 

It is when you follow these yesses from your body (i.e. feel good sensations) that lead you to finding the best route to your desires and receiving miracles in your life.

It is what leads you to realize what your dream life actually is and experience unconditional guidance on the path of it (this has been proven both in my own life + that of my clients). 

On the other hand, if you only think from your mind, you are limited to following the masses/ what other people do and what you did in the past. And therefore you suppress your true intuitive + creative potential from coming through. 

In essence, all of that is because your body can sense what’s good for you or not in a way faster speed/clarity than the mind does. It’s like receiving signals from the latest iPhone vs. an old dialing phone. Your body is connected to the Infinite storehouse of information (i.e. Universal Spirit/Source) unlike the mind that is only good for analyzing past stories and “programming.” 

And to listen to your body (i.e. develop clairsentience), it requires:

Healing your relationship with your body

When you are not feeling good in your body already, it’s hard to receive intuitive messages through your body. You can think of your body as an antenna– when the background is filled with static noise, you can barely hear what the actual message is.

To most women, these “static noises” look like hatred or judgements toward the body.

This is common especially in this day and age where even fitness and cosmetic products are pushed down with an underlying shame around not fitting in with the “perfect ideal image.” And I understand having this experience because I grew up with a lot of body-image insecurities myself and used to struggle with being called “skinny fat.” (I wrote a post about it here)

And when you have these judgements/insecurities toward your body, you will find yourself subconsciously avoiding being with your body. This can look like stuffing her up with addictions like food, alcohol, “busy work”, s3x etc. in order to prevent yourself from residing fully in your body. 

So to actually connect to your intuition, taking care of your body with love, tenderness, and care is essential.

We cannot shove toxins down the “antenna” (whether that is unhealthy food or self-deprecating thoughts) and expect it to work. Only when you give full attention and acceptance of yourself (beginning with the physical body, then emotional, and then spiritual), can you begin to receive higher guidance through your body (i.e. develop clairsentience). 

Listening to your body

Once you become more accepting while taking care of your body, you become more adept at listening to what your body is telling you.  

Which means throughout your days, you will also be able to notice instantly whenever your energy is “off.” This lets you attend to your deeper needs and desires moment-to-moment, rather than overthinking and overanalyzing about your desires in your head. And because you are more in your body, you can also stabilize in the energy of peace, tranquility, and joy as your natural state of being. 

This is where your intuition becomes loud and clear because now you can tell the difference between your natural essence vs. what is not. So that means, if something is not right for you, you can tell immediately that it doesn’t feel natural so you can let go of what doesn’t serve you.

This concept applies to reading clients as well. Because you now know your natural zero point state, you are more able to distinctively sense the “added” energy that your clients are asking you to read about. 

Communicating to the Divine (through your body)

The last piece for using your clairsentience gifts is to be able to understand what the feelings and sensations in your body mean.

For example, you may be feeling rigorous pulsations in your right feet but what does that mean? 

To me, it means that to take action on the thing you asked your intuition about (because right side = masculine energy and feet means “going”). But to you, the message may be different because each sensation and body location will mean differently based on your own past experience and understanding of your body.

This is a general map of how I normally interpret messages that I receive through my body. When I read my clients, my body would literally become a direct reflection of what they are experiencing in their lives.

For example, if a client is feeling resentment toward her mom and that is affecting how she shows up in her business, I would receive a tightness in my left back. And this is how I know what my clients are going through (so I can give advice tailored to them) even if my clients haven’t told me the specifics about their lives.

And of course the illustration above is just a general overview. The interpretations will vary based on additional messages I receive through other Clair senses (e.g. through claircognizance) as well as the type of sensations (e.g. whether something feels sharp or like a rolling wave). Most importantly, when the message is right, you just feel it— to me I would get spiritual chills/feel good sensations.

So what I’m getting to you is that— the sharpness of your intuition (i.e. clairsentience) depends on how you communicate to the Divine/Higher Intelligence on a daily basis.

This looks like asking questions to the Divine on what He/She wants you to be/do. It also looks like being attentive of what you are feeling instead of being in the head (i.e. overthinking). It also looks like setting intentions to feel the currents of energy moving in you, moment-to moment.

In other words, clairsentience is about opening yourself to the Divine (God energy) in your body. And when you live it as such, even your everyday life can become sacred moments. 


My intention for you is that through developing clairsentience, you are able to experience how good it feels to be supported by the Divine through your body– whether that is for guidance in your own life or the guidance you want to share with others.

I realized the profoundness of clairsentience myself, when I had a mystical experience of me being “handheld” by the Divine… and it had changed my life forever (I will write a blog about it in the near future). 

Which is why the truth we’re coming home to is in this poem:

the Divine has the whole trajectory of your life planned out for you
in ways even better than what the mind does

Where your desires drop like sweet peaches from a sun-kissed vineyard.
Where you know the truth of you want and you don’t have to second-guess. 
Where you don’t need to overly obsess but instead are being led.

The miracles that occur… when you open the gift of clairsentience.

ChanMyae LinLatt

Hi angel! I’m Chan Myae, intuitive healer & guide for sensitive, purpose-seeking women who desire to find peace in the heaven within.

Having been a perfectionist, high-achiever in the past, I totally understand how it’s like to experience stress, anxiety, and fears where happiness becomes dependent on achieving. But after going through profound spiritual transformation myself, my mission now is to help women realize how unconditional fulfillment is always here… and it’s right in your inner being.

If you’d like to get started, you can browse through a library of articles on this blog. Or to go deeper, you can book a no-pressure free intro 1:1 healing session here.


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