A woman’s intuition and becoming a psychic spiritual medium (Full comprehensive guide)

As women, tapping into your psychic abilities and nurturing profound intuition is a sacred inheritance.

It is not an exclusive gift for a select few chosen individuals but rather a journey inward– a recognition that every answer resides within and that you are interconnected with all. 

My own journey of becoming a psychic began three years ago after having an ego-crumbling experience myself.

It was at the time of failing hard in my online business: I was working so hard yet being rejected by my prospects on sales calls, for months and months on end. 

Back then, I remember, I was consumed with shame, because my identity as an entrepreneur shattered from feeling like a “failure” no matter how hard I tried.

From that experience, it gave birth to an intense hunger to know more of who I actually am… leading me toward the path of an inward self-discovery and therein, discovering my psychic abilities.

Fast forward, now I have given hundreds of psychic readings on the internet (as a psychic spiritual medium) and I have helped several clients also become psychic spiritual mediums as well. And from all that experience, what I’ve learned to discover to be a profound marker of awakening intuition/psychic abilities is that…

Your desire is where it all begins.

Because once you feel that intense desire to awaken your intuition and become psychic, it’s a sign that your psychic senses are wanting to come through you.

Just like how bees can’t help but arrive when the nectar is released from a flower, your psychic senses can’t help but arrive come when you move from that desire.

And because you are now reading this post, my belief is that you are carried by this intrinsic, soul-calling desire to know your psychic senses.

And that is important, because it is only when you combine this genuine desire of wanting to become a psychic, alongside the right knowledge that your psychic channel opens.

With that being said, now let’s dive further into the post. Here, I’ll be sharing everything I’ve learned about becoming a psychic spiritual medium so that you can also become more psychic as you awaken your infinite feminine wisdom. 

Un-shielding the mental layer

On the path of unfolding feminine intuition, the masculine, logical mind can either support or act as a barrier toward our psychic senses.

In this day and age of constant information bombardment and societal pressures, it is the latter that is more prevalent. An overactive mind is seen among most women: from over-thinking to overwhelming fears and anxieties about the future.

It is this over-thinking, over-reactive, over-analytical mind that blocks our intuition.

Our minds easily influence what shows up in our intuitive awareness, and when our mind is constantly muddy with agitations and movements, we can’t experience our psychic senses clearly: just like how we can’t see the bottom of a lake when the surface of the water is constantly disturbed.

Some of the most common ways of how our minds block our psychic abilities include:

  • Self-doubt:

when you have self-doubt, even if you have some ‘gut feelings’ around a person/thing/circumstance, you hold yourself back from trusting it.

For this reason, self-doubt is one of the most important things that requires releasing before you give readings for yourself/others. One way of how I do this is through considering myself as simply a channel that relays information, and the Divine/Spirit is the higher source of information.

  • Mental clinginess

the things we readily hang onto in our minds (i.e. our thoughts, feelings, judgements) stops us from receiving accurate psychic information.

It is just like how clinging to a foggy lens distorts us from seeing the actual image. Our own feelings, thoughts, and judgements make it easy to project unto others during psychic readings.

  • Mental chatter

Receiving psychic awareness is somewhat like listening to a soft whisper in a room. Which means when your ‘room’ (i.e. mental space) is normally loud with cluttered thoughts, worries, and distractions from the world, you cannot listen to what your inner voice is actually telling you.

In order to develop psychic abilities, it is therefore essential for a woman to be less in her head and instead more in her heart. That means cultivating an inner world that is clear of judgements and clinginess so that your heart can surrender into softness, receptivity, and all-enveloping love… 

Awakening your sacred sight

As you begin to listen more to your heart, trapped emotions from your past will then begin to come up– just as how the gunk from the bottom of a lake surfaces up when stirred.

It is necessary to go through these emotions, one by one, without hurry, for you to gently awaken your third eye (i.e. your sacred sight) and receive profound clarity that it offers. 

Certain spiritual traditions like Hinduism believe that it is essential to heal emotions in a certain order so that the spiritual growth is balanced, holistic, and grounded in our bodies.

Below is a general order of emotions that are recommended to heal in order, before opening your third eye:
- fear/anxiety around personal safety and well-being; associated with root chakra
- guilt and shame around sensuality or creative expression; associated with sacral chakra.
- anger/greed/irritation/envy and addictions around our personal desires; associated with solar plexus.
-grief/regrets/ carrying other’s pain (i.e. the martyr wound); associated with heart chakra.
-fear around speaking your truth and being authentic; associated with throat chakra.

Personally, I went through this order of healing my emotions before opening my third eye. It is also what I recommend to most of my clients as well, unless I read the energy of someone who imperatively needs attention in a certain chakra. 

After these emotions have been released and you have gotten into a state of equanimity and peace, below are a few practices that you can begin incorporating to deepen into awakening the third eye further: 

  • During a meditation, imagine yourself being connected to the earth through golden chords. Then visualize a gradual lighting up of your chakras, from root to the crown, one after another.

    After you’ve gotten to the crown, allow a flow of silvery white from the sky, opening your channel from the crown of your head to your root chakra. Once you are in this ‘flow’ of light, visualize seeing a third eye on your forehead and between your eyebrows. Notice what you see through that spiritual eye. 

  • While sitting down in a meditative position, imagine squeezing air from the bottom of your pelvis/belly like you are sucking water up a straw. Holding the air in for a few seconds on top of your head, as if the air is titillating your third eye.

    Then release the air back down toward your pelvis as you breathe out as you say the word “omm.” You can also do a light tapping on your third eye area a few times to strengthen the activation.

  • While you are in nature, imagine your heart being connected to living beings around you (can be animals, people, or plants), as your heart and the heart of the connected being pulsates in a synchronous rhythm.

    Imagine golden roots permeating from your heart, crossing through the root of your body, then to the ground to connect to the being. Allow your heart to speak words of love and compassion in a way that calls to you, such as “thank you,” “I send you peace” etc.

    Then imagine the love reflecting back to you in a gentle breeze, caressing your third eye.
    (P.S. when I first began doing it, my eyes would well with tears of immense love and bliss at the same time). 


The last component that is crucial for receiving intuition is having a sense of peace and safety to be in your body. That is because when you are at ease and connected with your physical self, it makes it easier to trust the insights that are coming through. 

This is the reason why for me personally as an introvert, it is more challenging for me to listen to my intuition when I am in crowded places and in hectic social situations. But if you are an extrovert, you may find bustling social environments and lively crowds to be conducive to your intuitive senses.

Knowing what makes your body most relaxed, open, and connected to your inner knowing is the key to being a clear channel. 

Once you feel internally open, ready, and receptive, you are then prepared to begin receiving psychic information and giving readings. 

You can do so by closing your eyes and allowing your body to relax, mindfully from head to toe. You can visualize chakras of your body filling up with light, one after another, to enhance the depth of absorption.

Then, once you feel so absorbed and well at ease, you can then ask Spirit/ your intuition to then give you clues about a person/ a situation of your desire. 

For example, if your question is to see what is holding you back in your business/career, you can ask by speaking it out loud and waiting a few moments for Spirit to “respond” back to you.

Perhaps this may be through a vision, a sound, a body sensation or even a twitch of a muscle. Allow yourself to receive the answer without expecting anything and without any judgements. Then take a note of it shortly afterwards– even if the response may not make sense. 

To give you another example (let’s say you’re reading for someone else), you can ask questions that allow you to gain awareness of their holistic selves. You can ask questions related to their past, present self, future self (or rather future potential, because the future can also be shaped by their free will). You can also ask questions related to their desires, their personality, their habits that are holding them back etc. 

Regardless of who you read/ what situation you read about, the key here is that the deeper your questions are, the more Spirit/ your intuition can provide answers for you. Sometimes, when you first begin asking, the answers may be more vague and quiet. This is the reason why it is important to ask deepening questions that expand among the previous answers for a more clear response. 

In fact when I started out, I would repeat the questions I ask to Spirit and repeat the process of collecting the responses to confirm the “data” lol. (That also pleased the scientist in me 😝).

Unveiling the wisdom

Once you have acquired the “data” as I mentioned in the previous note, the last part of giving a psychic reading is the process of decoding.

Think of this like decoding morse code: at first you may not quite understand what Spirit means but upon immediate reflection, you will find out what that means to You. Note that Spirit gives you only what you understand and what is true to you– and not what Google may say the spiritual meaning of “a horse” or a “left eye twitch” is.

As a simple example, let’s say you asked your intuition about which partner to choose between two prospects for a relationship (this is a real reading I gave for a friend once where I had no idea of his relationship situation at all). And the answer you saw were images of: a woman diving into the water and then a wedding vow. And because “water” to me is associated with emotions, the answer I gave to my client was: “if you choose the one who you can be safe emotionally expressing yourself (including your insecurities, darkness), then you marry her.” And that turned out right as they are in a very happy relationship now.

During this decoding process, the method of how you document can also play a key role in how insightful a reading is. There are several methods of how you choose to document: from drawing to writing to recording voice memos and so on.

Among all that, the best method is the one that calls the most to you. To me, drawing is my most preferred method as sometimes I would even get additional insights on what a message means depending on how Spirit moves my hands and how a drawing turns out.

Harnessing your unique strengths

Awakening your intuition is a journey of learning more about yourself and trusting that uniqueness of yours. Just as in growing a business, if you try copying someone else, you end up limiting the full potential of your true expression– and in the case of harnessing intuition, you limit the full potential of your receivership. 

For this reason, it is important to develop your own way of receiving and cultivating the type of information you are most open to receiving.

For example, once, I had a client who doubted her abilities of being a clairvoyant like me (because she had aphantasia and could not see visions) but after working with me, she learned that her unique strength was in being able to read her physical body and decoding that. Had she tried to limit her way of receiving intuition, her intuition would not have developed strongly as she is now. 

On top of how you receive psychic information, a few other things to be aware of are the type of psychic information you receive the most clearly and honing on that. Some of the types of psychic information include:
-numbers and logic
-spatial awareness
-images (sketches or more vivid imagery)

Knowing both what + how you best receive are vital essences that lead to a clear and potent psychic channel.

And just as with almost anything in life of course, practice is the key to developing intuition further. You can do this through practicing the method of decoding (mentioned above), having inward conversation with Spirit/intuition often, and even better– have clients/strangers who are open and you can work with.

Overall, awakening your intuition and becoming a psychic medium is an art, not a three step process. And although I have written this article in multiple steps, it is key to know that you have to use your intuition to awaken your own intuition.

This is the reason why having a trusted mentor/guide who can assist you in the process can greatly help you (as I had one during my time of becoming a psychic medium too). If you feel called to deepen your own intuition as you also receive intuitive guidance from me for lasting peace and fulfillment in life+business, you can explore my 1-on-1 options here

ChanMyae LinLatt

Hi angel! I’m Chan Myae, intuitive healer & guide for sensitive, purpose-seeking women who desire to find peace in the heaven within.

Having been a perfectionist, high-achiever in the past, I totally understand how it’s like to experience stress, anxiety, and fears where happiness becomes dependent on achieving. But after going through profound spiritual transformation myself, my mission now is to help women realize how unconditional fulfillment is always here… and it’s right in your inner being.

If you’d like to get started, you can browse through a library of articles on this blog. Or to go deeper, you can book a no-pressure free intro 1:1 healing session here.


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