Restoring your Soul Essence (3 Qualities that lead to a heaven-on-earth experience)

Being in our soul essence is what allows us to experience inner tranquility, deep fulfillment, and a heaven-on-earth, right here, right now. 

It’s like nature restoring her beatific essence with gentle rain and tender sunlight after a drought that feels like a lifetime. To a lot of women, that drought comes from the so-called experiences of ‘lack’ in our lives: our unmet desires, our unrealized dreams, our unfulfilled wishes. 

That’s because we believe that we can’t be at peace until we have accomplished everything. We believe we can’t be in our soul essence until we have attained all our desires

Yet, this is an extremely backward thinking that we’ve been programmed heavily by our current achievement and outcome-based society.

It’s like nature trying to bloom flowers even though her land is dry and arid. Such flowers, if grown, may look appealing for a while, yet because the soil is not nourished in essence, they will not last. 

Just like that, trying to attain our desires without being in our soul essence may let us experience the ‘highs’ of life– for a short while. And because these desires are not rooted in our soul essence, either the desires themselves or our hearts will wither.

This reason, of being out of touch with our soul essence is the reason why a lot of women on their path of pursuing their desires feel things like…
“I’m still not there yet”

“Why am I so far behind?”

“If only I have achieved this, then I can be happy”

While feeling unsatisfied with themselves/ their situations and honestly even exhausted deep inside…

I know this deep in my core, because in my own journey as a business owner, I myself have found myself entangled with such internal narratives in the past. 

And I can tell you, these voices belittle me like no one else’s job! Instead of making me “push myself harder” like what I thought they would, these thoughts were wearing out my soul. A dark curtain of dissatisfaction shrouded my mind, my heart, and my business. 

Looking back, I now see how holding myself back from being at peace in my soul essence was preventing me from showing up and serving my clients in my most authentic, fullest self. And because I was not in my soul essence, I was not expressing my creative callings in my business, and thus the cycle of unfulfillment worsened…

Until… I took a big step back in my business, pivoted my brand, and had big revelations through reflecting what my soul essence was. And now, I can say more clearly than ever, that I feel so much lighter, more at ease, more fulfilled as I create a business/life that represents my true soul essence. 

But this article isn’t about me (although yes, I’m using my personal insights). This article is about you, and how you too can restore your God-given soul essence, as you live a life that’s tranquil, fulfilling, and at peace to you.

Here I’ll be sharing 3 main qualities that compose our soul essence. My intention is that through you meditating upon these 3 qualities, you restore your one-of-a-kind special soul essence of yours too. 


P.S. if your mind is wondering at this point (but do I have to give up my desires if I want to be in my soul essence?), I will explain later on in this article about how it is actually through our soul essence that we manifest the things that we most and actually want. 

However, I don’t want you to read this article from the mindset of… “I need to embody my soul essence so that I can get xyz” (Remember, this is still backward thinking that blocks our soul essence, as described above). 

Rather, it is when we purely longing to know our truest essence, that unfold on the path of becoming ALL that we’ve wanted…. So now without further do, enjoy my love…

  1. Naturalness

Having desires inside of us is not necessarily wrong. In fact, desires are the root of the feminine. It is what activates our feminine hearts. 

However, in this day and age, most ads and posts on social media target this feminine longing for her desires and turn it instead to more desperate, insatiable cravings. We are bombarded with images of people in fancy yachts, champagne celebrations, and million dollar homes with the message that “there could be more you could be having/achieving…”

Thus, rather than moving in a pace that is natural, harmonious, and in tune with your heart, you may begin to impatiently rush your way to your desires. You may overthink when/how you will get to your goals, instead of looking forward to each step of the process. 

And because the cravings make you not listen to your heart, you may then begin to over-logicize your way to your desires. 

For example, in business this looks like “If I post this much, then I will grow this much…”
“If I speak in this way, then I will get the client/business deal”
In relationships this looks like “If I act that way, then he will want more of me” etc.
All of that leads to our hearts being disconnected to our naturalness. 

Instead, you may feel like you need to try to be like someone else, perhaps someone more “successful”… like people living their #livingmybestlife on social media.

It may feel like you need to embody their character traits to have things they have, whether that is to be bolder/ sexier/ more badass— whatever you believe is the secret “code” to having success is.

However, deep down, you will feel an emptiness. You may experience the achievement high but will soon find yourself spinning the pedal again to your next goal. You may feel that despite the flashy titles and possessions you own, it actually is quite an exhausting journey… 

That’s because your soul is actually tired. She is tired of glamorizing other people and mimicking their ways of being/doing to have a life like them. She is tired of you not trusting your heart. She is tired of you following someone else’s “strategy” you think would speed up the process. 

My love, all of that happens because we forget this one thing… that your natural God-given essence is actually what we have been given by the Infinite Creator/God to receive what we want. In fact, no one has the “thing” that is natural to you, like you. 

Such as how, no other entrepreneur can speak in a way, write in a way like how you write naturally. No other person on earth will see the way you see and feel the world, naturally. And it is this naturalness of yours that is rare– and it is what makes your people drawn to you.

Our soul mission is to find out what’s natural to you rather than copying other people’s essence. Only then we can serve others, while also serving ourselves, in a way that actually benefits the planet.

The only question then is, what is natural to you? 

We can’t know this unless we remove what’s unnatural in our life. Hint: that includes things that make you dissatisfied, discontent, compare yourself with others etc.– all the things that do not lead to you radiating your pure, pristine, natural essence. 

Some other ways of how you can deepen into as you uncover this naturalness of your soul essence are: 

-reflecting who you’ve always been deep down (as a child) before you were made to conform to society? 

-reflecting what makes your heart actually light up deep down in the process of your business (instead of only striving for goals)

-dropping the mentality that you need to look/act/express like someone else who’s “ahead” in order to succeed in business

2. Inward abundance

When we focus on our unfulfilled desires, it leads to experiencing “lack” within us because we become disconnected to our own source of abundance. 

However, when you are in your soul essence, you see that you are not the victim of your desires. Although you may not have received them yet, they don’t have power over you.

Because you now see that abundance actually comes from within you. You see everything around you as a form of abundance. And you realize how YOU are able to amplify that abundance even further.... 

For example, in an entrepreneurial journey, this can look like being able to see an abundance of ideas everywhere, instead of simply “consuming content.”

Let’s say you are looking at your facebook feed and you saw a post that triggered you.

Instead of leaving a negative comment or quietly being angry about it, being connected to your inward abundance looks like using those triggers/emotional reactions as a source of creative ideas in your own content to benefit your audience. 

Thus, instead of simply reacting to the world around you, you receive insights from the world and then, turn it to your own form of abundance. You see how even things that feel like scarcity/failures in your life can be turned into ideas/art/abundance, if you just shift your way of seeing them

This is where our inner creator lies. It is the gift from the Infinite Creator, God who can create and transform anything Himself/Herself.

And we are here on this earth to realize this inner creative potential that is the source of all abundance. 

3. Unconditional Love

The final quality of our soul essence, that fills us like nothing else does: is full, unconditional love. 

This is the reason why no matter how much things you have manifested and how much money you have made, it will still feel like something else is missing… 

It is because our hearts long for love. Unconditional love for each other. Unconditional love for ourselves. And unconditional love from God/the Divine. 

However, the world convinces us that all our desires will be met once we have manifested the dream outcomes (the dream marriage, the dream business empire, the dream bank account etc.).

And if you are a feminine being who is aware of the inner yearnings of the heart, deep down you will know that it is not true. Because trying to manifest goals, without actually experiencing holy divine love in the process will feel shallow… 

It feels shallow because a lot of self-development/ spiritual manifestation paradigms come from the energy of “How can I get/acquire the manifestation in favor of MYself?”

Similarly, traditional business tactics are built from “How can I get/acquire the most profit in favor of MY business”.

All of that ME focused thinking feels limiting because we are made to only think of our (personal ego selves) but exclude the love for others.

This is the opposite energy of true, unconditional love: that is “How can I give/ nourish/ serve others?” It is through this love-based thinking that we also replenish more of ourselves. And when we act from love, what we do is deeper, more profound, and more radiant.

In business, this can look like creating content that deeply serves our audience/ potential clients… or going above and beyond in terms of program delivery in ways that move our hearts… through that we experience Divine love filling us.

And of course that doesn’t mean being a martyr who sacrifices oneself for others. Martyr love is conditional because it is derived from needing the approval/validation of others without sourcing it within ourselves. 

But true love, that is sourced from the unconditional love from the divine (from our own hearts) is all-embracing and all-encompassing. It nourishes our own hearts while also serving others in the process. It is our true soul essence. For the purest essence of our soul… is love. 


As you return to your soul essence and bring out these 3 qualities within you, you will begin to experience your business/relationships in a whole new way. 

You will find out that even things that used to bother you– whether that is, the anxiety about how much your business will make in the future or what will happen to your relationships, will not bother you as much. You will be able to rest fully, restore your peace, and receive what you need from the Divine…. In the inward sanctuary of your heart, where your soul becomes wholly renewed…

ChanMyae LinLatt

Hi angel! I’m Chan Myae, intuitive healer & guide for sensitive, purpose-seeking women who desire to find peace in the heaven within.

Having been a perfectionist, high-achiever in the past, I totally understand how it’s like to experience stress, anxiety, and fears where happiness becomes dependent on achieving. But after going through profound spiritual transformation myself, my mission now is to help women realize how unconditional fulfillment is always here… and it’s right in your inner being.

If you’d like to get started, you can browse through a library of articles on this blog. Or to go deeper, you can book a no-pressure free intro 1:1 healing session here.


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